For me, it doesn’t matter if you are Flat Dearth, Crate Her Earth, Hollow Hearth, Concave Bowl, or Dyson’s Fear, just as long as you aren’t about Globe Hell-anything.
Because, it is my contention, before doing an experiment that costs too much money but a test I have already designed two variations of, that IF the world was indeed a ball spinning in three vectors simultaneously at sub-relativistic speeds that the entire surface would have sluiced off before there was any intelligent life to develop.
And here we are… with a relatively intact surface - but no intelligent life.
There’s some pretty dramatic stuff here. I like a whole bunch of them like half of Switzerland disappearing, but you have to admit that a Sand Fall is the height of freakimoniscity.
So consider this an open forum to post ANYTHING in the comments that you want because that I why I started this Stack to have a meat ting of the minds and share them even if we don’t agree. It is still entertaining.
I’m only 80+ pages into a novel that I started on Flat Earth where, since I’m the Meme Meister of: All Of The Above, I put in every legend of every type into the book to explain what we’re all curious about but NO ONE knows for sure.
Call me the Anti-Queen: We are Amused.
Already off to a rousing start.
I get a kick out of back-and-forth on both sides.
Two of y'all mentioned the perfect circle of the sun or bubbles. Even the ancient Egyptians depicted the sun as a perfect disc. But Tyson Chicken said that the EARTH would look like a PEAR from space... citing that under grabbity that bodies tend to assume the buldge of an oblate spheroid.
Leaning into the grabbity is not a force but a sag in the spandex of space, and the whore-bits of the plane-its are relatively in an orbital plane then the sun from its side should look like an M&M. It does not. It is a perfect circle. That is way I was so attracted to that Indian dude who had complex helicies of planets chasing the sun in sinusoidal patterns because that would presume that we were looking at the ASS END of the sun because only then would the M&M look round.
After confronting: Flat Water/Flat Earth did I abandon even the Helical orbit model.
Yeah, I know... water curves around the ball without seeking level because... becau... be...
Thing of it is with that spandex Einschtenian nonsense is that grabbity is a three-d phenomenon but the Physics for Dummies has it graphed out ONLY in two dimentias. Therefore no one EVER explains the oblate spheroid problem in THREE DIMENSIONS since in 'space' there is no up or down so how to you orient planetary rings, moons, and buldge in infinite free fall in all directions?
FYI, I am now blogging at MachiavellianMan 2 @ substack as my original stack is inaccessible by me. I may try and retrieve all the emails from prior subscribers and export them to the new stack. Wayne Lusvardi