Speaking of Magick & The witchy ways of the whirled.....

WHY does pharmakia/drugs etc. mean ALREADY condemned.......??

Farm/pharm animals are "already condemned from birth." They were born to be sacrificed.


phar·​ma·​kos ˈfärməˌkäs plural pharmakoi -ˌkȯi

: a person often already condemned to death sacrificed in ancient Greece as a means of purification or atonement for a city or community. This was a purification ritual, a form of societal catharsis. [1]

I reckon that this goes back much further than we THINK.

We were doomed before our feets hit the ground by being born into a contaminated Avatar.

Makes sense in MY head. There is a connection here.

I LOVE that you brought in the fact that demon names used in summoning spells ARE disease names!

Add in the spell that is Amerika.......It ties it ALL together!

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Bloody Hell, as the Brit'ish say. I didn't know that. Witches why I have always valued a group format of idea exchange that we used to have before the Toe Tall Eye Tarry On unsocial unmedia started stifling speech. Your insights bring my thoughts into a word that I have since taken to mean something different than what you will find posted on Wicked Peed On Us:


Let me let the writer of the TV series Angel describe it through the character of Illyria before I give my version:

Illyria: Do you know what you were when I was young? You were the muck at our feet! We called you the ooze that eats itself. You were pretty at night, you sparkled and you stank! You still stink of it!

Angel: Will you just shut up for once!

Illyria: What!?

Angel: My God, the speechifying!

What I took Geo Phagy (Earth Eater) to be was the entire construct of this current SIM:

The earth and everything in the micro and macrocosmic ecosystems are in this constant churning of: phytoplankton being eaten by krill that are eaten by whales that are eaten by sharks that die of whatever causes then sink to the bottom where they are consumed by microbes. Or man that is supposedly at the top of the food chain that hunts animals; both of which harbor parasites, fungus, bacteria and viruses that then eat them from the inside out until they finally perish and then all return back to the earth Ea-rth like one big U.N. approved Sustainable Green recyling program like putting granny into an alkaline hydrolysis vat and fertilizing a tree in a park to make Ted Turner and the Georgia Guidestones happy.

Any way you slice it, it is fucking sick but that's coming from a guy who eats a vegan diet that plants vegetables in the soil so that he can eat them and crap fertlizer for the soil to make more plants so that I can save the seeds and make more plants to make more crap to fertilize the soil that will eventually eat me. (just kidding about the human poo fertilizer - but the Yoo Enn isn't.)

That's the thing that I've hated about all religions and legends of Hell: The endless mindless cycles. I just thought I'd share that to bring a robust dark cloud to your day.


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Yeah, we eat death .... technically making us the walking dead, If you subscribe to "You are what you eat." theory.

Geophagy. Well, isn't THAT pleasant! They HAD to make a word for it!

Dark cloud? You can't bum my trip.. I've been thru waaay worse...On a GOOD day!.

In fact, I REALLY dig this format of this like-minded group think :) I think it'll be very good for everybody involved!


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You are what you eat: So when they force through cultured meat and everyone is eating Ellen Degeneres salami will they all turn into short-haired talkshow hosts?

All of the voices in my head agree with you that this group think is a hoot!

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Oh boy, so if they put the degenerate "meat" into the food supply, It will be like a cancer that spreads viciously via demon meat which could be easily incorporated into animal feed. fertilizer & dropped from the sky. for starters.

What is DNA EXACTLY? An operating system? A dude back in the day was looking at DNA under a microscope while on LSD & he said it appeared as holographic.

Hollywood death clauses include verbiage including thru all time, universal timelines & space.

There is something that connects all this eating of the flesh, DNA & spellcasting.

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Oh lordy....

I started typing out a reply and then it vanished like tax money!

I'll try to re-patriate it below.

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OK, Woman. Can I call you: Woman?

We might as well do this here because this is why I set all of this up.

The word Transvection has its roots in Witch Kraft that was then adapted with Transfection and Transformation to be used in genetic engineering and cell culture (Sorcery). The ONLY way that you can get an 'immortalized' cell line like the HeLa Henrietta Lacks abomination is if you START with cancer or you TRANSFORM the progenitor cells INTO CANCER. In the realm of You Are What You Eat then anyone who eats 'CULTURED' meat like Ellen Sausages will be eating cancer into their bodies. None of this should concern anyone because Mel Thornburg taught us that cancer is from spirochetes, so from the syphilis that they embedded in everyone to the lyme that they infected everyone with, we've all had the seeds of cancer in us.

We never had a chance out of the fucking cereal box.

What is DNA? Well... unless you fractured some cells so that you could get at the nucleus, then treated them with rubbing alcohol and pulled out the white goo, looked at it under an electron microscope or an x-ray diffraction machine or did the chromatographic assay on it... then...

who the fuck knows?

We know what THEY told us but although I worked around electron microscopes (wouldn't really be much help) and would never be around an x-ray diffraction disaster, plus it's all geometry and math and those two things are against my religion, then the only thing left is chemical analysis and electrophoresis and a host of other things that cost money, time and stinky chemicals, so ... well...


Butt seary assly: If the dude was on morning glory seeds then EVERYTHING would look holographic.

Not quite sure what you are refering to with the Wholly Weird Death Clauses but even the Nicean Creed has: "World Without End - Amon Ra." in it which has been creeping me out due to the threat of re-incarnation because I think the present Incarnation sucks some really juicy ass.

You would do well to listen to the telephone conversations that Glenn Kealey had with some fan of his work. When evaluating myths, legends, religions and other cockamamie notions I look beyond the harmonization and homogenization of the family of Terah (Fashioner of Gods) and the Black Magi Abram who would sell you any god you wanted just as long as it was Black (magicks). Unique in all of these urban ghost stories is Kealey's work. Problem is with most of them there is NO WAY TO VERIFY THEM, but his work was so novel as to capture my attention and say: this is outside of the Abramic narratives if Yslam, Yudaism, Christianity and Hinduism.

Kealy proposes that the earth itself is a computer that is exploring the universe by creating self-aware entities like us to report back to it when they get subsumed back into the goo. Didn't we just talk about Geophagy? So ALL of the beauty and maleveolence that surrounds us is some bored machine trying to get off on infinite variations of fucking with shit. He went on to say that DNA is what people CALL The Soul and that it cannot be destroyed and that it gets recycled, therefore the reincarnation.

I don't endorse his work but it was so captivating as to warrant deep investigation.

I mean: think about it: if a cockroach ate a dead person and the DNA got incorporated into the roach and its progeny then that is the definition of reincarnation into something else in the next life. Could this be why cremation and now alkaline hydrolysis were invented to attempt to break the cycle? but then what of the dandruff that the dust mite ate that had your DNA from your dresser or hairbrush?

Top satanists and witches will shave their hair and eyebrows (oh my dog! is Whoopy a .... ???) to prevent anything shed from them being used in a Voudon doll. Anything you DNA will be held against you.

One of the reasons why I give Kealey's work the benefit of investigating is that if we can believe the genetic liars (check out our Little Red Hen's blog Liars World: https://liarsworld.substack.com/p/genetic-liars?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=1290094&post_id=105040173&isFreemail=true) then the mud of Mad Eye Gas Car preserved tens of millions of years old Tyranno Sore Ass Rex bones that still had gooey marrow in them that can allow Your Ass Sick Park to be a reality in this SIM. They're always 'discovering' something that goes against previously held Bee Leafs in Sigh Ants. I don't know what to think because I didn't dig up the bones, I didn't reconstitute the marrow, I didn't do the gene sequencing, I would NEVER make a GMO reptile.

Butt then, that highlights the position we are in (over a barrel over the falls) that we really don't know Jack Shit.

Jack said to say: "Hi".

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Thanks Pat, For the shit ton of homework! :) Fer Reals.

Not so much a fan of the dust mite eating my DNA. If that's a form of reincarnation, I want nothing to do with it. Your point is well taken & Scary AF.

Lots to digest here.

SIM "reality" changing daily. Science will never keep up, nor will it want to. It needs to sell the mainstream folks a bill of goods in order to keep the parasitical players in the game... so to speak. Evil genius at work.

No REAL whirled would work like THIS!

I appreciate you.

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There you go again! Provoking me to do a post on the Dead Mouse proof that we are in a SIM.

Just now, I just tried to buy a product that offered free shipping for a limited time.

I got to checkout went to get my payment and when I came back the shipping was now populated into the order.

Don't knock dust mites. If you're really disguntled with humanity you can come back as one and give them Hashimotos. First I think you have to be gruntled before you can be disgrutled but you will have to see your Reincarnation Specialist or Computer Code expert for details.

Some restrictions apply.

Order before midnight tonite or... hell... they'll just charge you priorty shipping into the After-Life anywhey.

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So DO IT ALREADY! You've been threatening to do a SIM post for what seems like 4ever....

I'm NOT coming back as NOTHING, .... I won't be returning to this hell pit. I'm Done.

THIS is WHY we must figure out the TRAP.

The OS can just delete my 1's & 0's & 💋 my (_x_) on the way out da door.

The SIM is telling you to reveal what you know.... or NO Priority shipping for YOU!

NO restrictions apply. :)

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Sep 19, 2023
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I'll check it out, Thanx :)

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