Some of my Peeples’ been spreading the weird about this Substack so I’ve gotten a ‘nice’ May Sonic number of 333 subscribers so far, witches an in scent ive to get more people sign up to make that creepy number go away.
So, this
was my first Substack until Google decided that I was a Nigerian Spammer and knocked me out of my email so that I couldn’t get into this Stack.
Then I started:
until for some damned reason I was not allowed to have access to both Stacks open at the same time so I lost control over what I call VaccineFraud 2 and had to start posting on VaccineFraud 1 again.
It’s worse than an episode of I Love Lucy in Hell. Hell Lucy Nation.
Both of these are my later attempts at blog/public forum since when I lost access to Geez Mail, I also lost access to my Ewe Toob.
Vaccine Fraud:
and my other channel: Lakota Allies:
of which the best upload for those interested in the internal workings of the infernal govern mente raping all of mankind, not just the Native Americans, would be this one:
The analysis is undeniable and of a level to be found nowhere else, however no one is on-board with the conclusions so that it is just a legacy of how entire civilizations have been erased by Evil creatures that to this day go unchecked.
UnCzeched, UnPoled, UnFinnished, etc.
Vaccine Fraud!
Where you can try to catch up with all of my books:
and finally (thanks god!) I tried to make all of the RBN shows that Clint Richardson had me on and we spent a goodly amount of time assembling all of the links and I posted them on one of these Stacks (can’t remember which, I haven’t slept since then) only to hear that the links are broken.
Sew as you can Sea I have been too busy for too long so I don’t have the time, patients, patience, or stomach lining to play-whack-a-mole with the A.I. that is just a petulant toddler.
I might upload at least the Yogurt Show the most excellent exchange in all of broadcast history, but my connection is 100 times faster than dialup and 100 times slower than high speed so don’t hold your breath, unless blue is your color and/or you are auditioning for a part in the next Avatar movie.
I’ll continue to post as it amuses me but everything that needed to be said had already been done by 1889, so unless we hear that rhythmical musical tink of hammer against nail building Gal Oh’s for the Perps then it’s just going to be S.O.S.D.D.
Same Old Shit Different Day.
I shared the Lakota Nation link a while ago. That was an incredible amount of research work you did Patrick.
I just found out I had been unsubscribed to you! how weird.. remember this happened before.