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Aug 31, 2023
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See? There's the thing defined - isn't it?

We had Antiquities of the Jews by Josephus since 1973 but it was so boring that I never read it back then, until I got fed up with all of the bullshit wannabe gurus trying to explain stuff that they had no clue what they were studying. I opened it up and started reading as I always do from the very beginning. Boring prefaces, forwards and text for most books. It was a rehash of the openings of the 'bible' = Thorah/Tanakh but with the Josephus Twist. He said with no apparent guile that after the 'Flood' that didn't wipe out all life on the planetae, that the Three Clans came down From On High to slaughter or subjugate EVERYONE and everything (land) that was left. He started naming races and place and said: Jew, Jew, Jew, we changed their names to a Jew name, Jew, Jew, Jew, we exterminated them, Jew, Jew, Jew, we married or war-raped them into hybrids, Jew, Jew, Jew.

It made perfect sense to me around 2011. I started to tell everyone what I had discovered in a book that was called The Antiquities of the Jews but some reinterpreted the title to be The WARS of the Jews written by a guy that I found at least THREE ALIASES for. I was BANNED from alterNOTive media until Clint Richardson picked me up in 2016.

What had shed the lizard scales from my eyes (nictitating membrane) was that of the Three Clans: Ham, Shem, Yaphet - the Yaphetian line had a son called Aphra, who founded AFRICA. IF the OLDEST RELIGIONS IN THE WORLD come from the Dark Continent (black = black magicks) then.... It had to come from the Yahoodim.

nZombie is the religion that we are living (edit: unLiving) whether people want to face the horror or not. It is the literal personification of the horror movies of the undead infection being spread among those who have had their brains rotten out or the real-world legends of being exposed to the chemical sorcery of creating an actual nZombie through mojo.

It has always been: THEM.

It is currently: THEM.

It always will be THEM until my lessons break through the rotten Mud Pellets of those who claim they want to know (and FIX!) what is going on but follow the nZombie masters instead of obvious reason.

rant over - 12 years and counting -

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BARHack Obiama then!

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You have no idea how hard it was for me to not put that in this Stack, because I thought:

My Little Red Hens are Geeny Asses and someone will put that as the first thing in the comments.

You never disappoint, my friend.

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I took the bait lol!!!

Now I understand why u did not mention it!

'obeir' in french, basically it means 'yes' or 'yes is' I guess 'yes we can', not the French yes cancan though ... Now, we get the french can'tcan't

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This topic is an obvious invitation for some language microscopying..

Lets make the fast and short one first.. (the furlog long coming beneath later)

In Norse languages anything "opposit" is implied by placing an "O" in front of it..

In actuality no PhD in llanguages and especially no one of thoses PhD's for Norse languages yet have relevantly displayed that the "O" is as the glyph and the way to form the sound graphically performed with your mouth as a small o-ed circle to utter the clean vowel sound:made has the obvious symbolically paired analog:

It is similarily litterally "encirceling to lock in" what it focused on..

Luck in a litteral Norse way would be said: "O-luck" meaning "the luck is encircled and unreachable*..

The anti-pose projection of making" o-prepositions" in Norse languages" is a generally understood and an honoured concept by all Scandinaves!

(DanishmNotwegian has it as "U" as is sounding near close enough like the Swedish "O")

The "bei" is homophone close enough for "bay" as Pat pointed out..

Let's assume the mere-made (mermaid) sea pirates assumes "channel ilsands" (treasure island hiding loot stolen from genetal land crabs) in a "bay of their safe harbor" they then likely will "treasure it" and thus hold it as a "No-bay" for you and me..

To make a "No-bay" in Norse would be littetated as a (-n) "O-bay"!!!

O boy!

What do you give me for that!!

O-thanks may be?

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I didn't see that one coming. There has to be a master set of symbols/glyphs/numeration that puts all of the post-tower-of-Babel nonsense into one huge cipher. A Rosetta Stone for all of the purposeful She Nanny Gains that they have created by corn fusing the languishing languages.

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Anguishing long wishes could be worse though..

The master template of pure wise intent in minute detail of general parts in most languages equals and are as obvious in as minute detail like endowed into heritage site (the (((they))) try to demolish as many as they can) to managimg and performing ancient heritage sites.. The shere amount of "combined coincidences" layered and laid out in heritage sites ( if minutely observer, mapped, catrographed and measured) if investigated enumerates in the fabolous infinit genius levels..

Petro glyphs, erected stone formatiins etc etc..

My friend got the cöues down on "Gettlinge"* of Öland Sweden


*the Get/goat caprocorn goat-god-head of animal hearders.. Capricorn being the winter solstice "starry sky asterism symbol"..

What is stated as"facts" by the wiki page on Gettlingehwhat academia says of its "origin+purpose" is pure farm animal manure..

The level of mathematical/geografical layout of that monument is on par with the Giza pyramid and the Giza pyramids symbolic "sacred geometry" is mirrored "to a T" at the Gettlinge heritage site..

The mimutia of language is in my estimate tens of thousands of years if not hundreds of thousands of years back..

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UNESCO site. Must be important or they would not have protected it.

I had an asterism once, but the doctor used those rubber bands and I think it is gone now...

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The "Swedish* king has his favorit vacation palace on Öland and several" Kongsgård's" are in the island.. a palace

*French-Swiss mere-enchanted families of" Europe"




I will try to research the definition in law of "the Kingdom of Sweden" since most nations legally is bla bla bla bla including (excludes the bla bla bla) some small islands mentioned..

Öland is no little small island though.. Medium size rather..

So it is popular with the mere-made families as a fact.. Rich and famous hang on Öland at summer times..

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Her comes the horse race furlong - eight of a mile (660 feet) long version of my "short" language comment above - also apropos of Wyrdling Patrick's grasping in "search" for a "master key layer" to "general linguistics" and its deeper core aspects..

This is an humongous comment meant to be read for those intrigued of the deeper central themes running through most and every language.. And here goes the furlong length expanded coment on Patrick notice on "obeia"..

In the end I will come to view..

o - encircle, closed choice of options..

be - beingness, ongoing manifest..

i - in, within, inside..

a - physical, manifest..

My teacher and the Karelian-Finn Pentti Kaupala aka "Bengt Hemtun", his Swedish taken name, is referenced with links (furlong) far down as is Dennis Fetcho is also referenced with links way down, Dennis whom with his blog on the English Qaballa vs the Hebrew Kaballa neatly with intelligence ties

layered "wisdom encoded" in words and Letters/glyphs and displays its logic reasonings for "hiding in plain sight"..

Dennis Fetcho and "Bengt Hemtun"* are my two major teachers regarding deeper layers of languages.. Dennis in regards to the general esoteric and "occulted layers" keeping words and leters/glyphs to a higher order where a "general truth map of self evident eternal wisdom" is detectable yet in its usage it comes out of "two compeeting teams" whom are using the same said general eternal truths but using them for different ends; with the one team using it in the service of "building up" for the general better support of uplifting man, the other team utilises it in order to deceive through turning "the truths" 180 degrees in usage to manifest its oppisit thrpugh covert pilage and destructive "work"..

Bengt taught me there are layers of great antiquity visible inside languages in general and in his studying multiple topics even wider then the scope of languages yet he arrived at the threads combining into traces of our historic and present trails of use of language penetrates beyond "the (((family's))) use of language to confuse (think" legalese/seducing mermaid Syrens)".. In even our present day variant languages and dialects every and most of them lends themselves to internal great tellsbthat shows and "teaches us" its own inner "wyrd/past/history/internal truths..

If you know how Sumer has influenced" the old world" and if you are "summoned" into court and onwards the "summa sumarum" means "all in all" or just plain "sum of the sums" but as you surely know you can "sue" someone but if I type "su" you will hardly "read it" even though it is clearly equal to the pronounciation of the lettering "sue"..

Su and Ku are in general that "of law and such relating to law - or - of order of orders"..

Did you ever figured out why "we" call oiselves "us"..?

Well.. Social cohesion will come out of sociallly mutual structures to "settle" and a settlement ain't exclusive "to a court room" but in general terms also the go to word for social gstherings of homes congregating to coopetate in order to survive out of the abundance from mother nature resources.

Let's settle a score? No! Lets score social cohesion and order in our village, rural or urban settlements.

Urban is stupid if you ask me.. .. but I've spoken on that in other comments around here..

As a "mirror": 'su - vs - us' is a tight knit logic pairing reflecting the internals vs externals; overall structures agreed upon vs the social bonds of sharing an ordered structure and:

su="out of law comes order with an issues solving guide for a group"

us="a grouping gets cohesion and bonds mirroring internal order creates bonds of social structure"..

Much more elagantly in short "said" as "su" mirrors "us"..

As Dennis Fetcho is keen on to have as key focus: Order with cause and effect via logical reasoning is the way to "make sense" of "universe".. vs "the decievers (they that the" other" team) " motto is: "universe relies on mysterious grounds but we can tell it to you so you can be led to how it is: Trust (in) us"..

Mind you the word/wyrd "universe" itself is a meta package" of meaning and "layered wisdom" but lets put tgat aside for a different time..

Now: su vs us..

View the "question": S the U, or U the S? This ought to make you curios as into investigating those details regardimg its sound bits and its functional parts of a language and communication (even aspects of symbolism and more for that matter)..

The who, what, where and when is to start with.. Then on to the how and finally process the why - these "three layers" are key for finding ordrr and I will tell you that a "S" is a "who".. you just did not figure that one out yet.. Be calm, I believe you will come close to such surprising realisation, but first:

This article on "obeia" by Patric is interestimg for many reasons..

Once Bengt Hemtun explained to me the astonishing internal traits of sounds and "script glyphs" of certain words. I found myself enamered with tons of questions and it amazed me how he could "squeze" out such meanings of the internal parts of the words..

The history of a word came to light and when researching the traces to follow a word historically reveals a lot of important clues and also lends you "an ear" to invite some healthy self questioning since guess work and similarities however tempting can lead to just "mubo jumbo"..

Let us delve deeper into some more investigative language trekking!..

In viewing the phrase "To do" a linguist will addmitt that this short phrase has two words with both words contain each a single morpheme - thus surmising the phrase the honour of being assigning meaning for the two "words" themselve as also down to the two words sole single morphemes thus also is "carrying a meaning/conveys a message-communication".

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(continued part 2)

"To do" is by no means a complete full sentence and as such would a court agree - because they are mere linguist monguers!

Reverse the "to do" as "ot od" and a linguist will suddenly deny both it to be either (English) morpheme neither words and they will just assigne it "morpheme charachter" of plain "babbel (as far as in the Ebglish language dress goes)" without "internal meaning"..

It would be analogous to say and suggest that in physics/applied technology a jumbo jet has an absolut array of order to its macro level but when in approaching a specific smaller and smaller defined sixe of a sub sets of the jumbojet the physecist instead suddenly would toss aside all aspiration for order and logic to instead asign a certain size and "leave it up to random chance with no interest in admitting lesser parts to obey any structural order yet still be accepted as bit (of chaos) building up a full macro level jumbo jet and expect it to predictably fly..

In physics/material engineering greater macro level order are mirrored in an ever more minute micro level. Both are structurally ordered in logic fashion and will encapsule order of sorts inbetween micro to macro levels and thus will carry a predictable model to use for designing a jumbojet that actually will do the task to fly successfully otherwise it would be quite "a happen chance business" since anything in parts smaller than a particular "morpheme" in the jumbo jet could have "any mans guess as to how and what it is build by or even for what it is built for" but hey "some morphemes just is" but "has no meaning/logic"..

Grest job linguists.. Lo

Well.. They are well trained gate keepers trained in how to never admitt when their brains reson less elequent then a goralla and alas! Sums up the summa summarum of linguist for me at least!!

In real the "to" vs "ot" should in its minute part be viewed as order of sequence..

"t the o" vs "o the t"..

In Englisg "to" has an intended useage in "t the o" and is honoured ("understood") as a motion of action as in "towards" something - with an applied direction of an action..

The "logic space/motion/action" and its direction of this "to" involves the parties of who the word/sound "to" is presented. The sender-reciever communication perspective will favor what inner logic view of direction it is but for short lets say the "to" will have motion and direction..

"ot" will have in one of its "meanings" a similar direction but likely "reversed" in charachter such as meaning to "reflect" its mirror sound "to" as a binary set of similarities..

"ot" thus is some form of motion and direction "as a mirror" to "to".

The parts of "to" is binary itself.. A "t" (an emphatic add on sound (dental/dntl are the dentals)) and "o" (a clear base sound - a vowe)..

The vowels are variations of resonances of "clear sounds" the variations of consonats are ways of articulating "emphasis" to add on to the clear/clean sounds - in so building up variables of sound-uttered structures in order to "build jumbojets" from them..

To 'T the O' vs to 'O the T' then has internal binaries and external order values as a "sub atomic levels" to its model..

Any language has the role of creating messages and or communication and an actual logical order in the words inner minute parts - seen "beyond" what regularily is accepted by the linguists - is way more obvious, especially if sorted through between a vast larger array of languages.. But even more so Bengt Hemtun devised years of pondering and finding trails building his theory where he got strengthened greatly from his examining of the earliest studied syllabry script. More then any other script aiding him; the Cretan syllabry script displayed an internal structured logic symbolic fashion with handy logical "grip pionts" to help establish meta structures traceable in its symbolic construction of the glyphs..

A sample of Bengts clear view into his path venturing interpreting scripts and glyphs/rock art..


(auther Pentti Kaupala aka "Bengt Hemtun")

Ancient syllable script.


Interpreting symbolism


Comments to Syllables - Ancient syllable scripts


Nordic Syllable Tablets (/hyper interesting!!/)


Commens to tabells


Ancient symbols of Dal (Dalsland county of Sweden)


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(.. continued part 3)

All jumbojets will fly and transport as a unit within an array system playing a part of a "drama/theatre/act/venue" designed to harmonize with a purpose of an ovetall function and utility..

Equally so for all languages.. Al the way out to the uberintetesting "click languages" or older "sing-songy-tongues" as sometimes dercribed as of "primitive" cultures..

Languages as jumbojets, even ever how much different, shares a **lluvalo* more in a **lluvalo* lot more ways dispite the great array of variants in languages: Liken it with the equally great variations of jumbojets - and - as with experiencing a closeup around all the trees in the forest it is a good service to back up a bit or climb a mountain to grasp the structure of the whole of a forset before it caneasier appear.

An O is a variant of the vowels: a e i o u y and sometimes w v h j and ng are being "clear resonance sound vibrations".

The "voiced" or "bussing" semi vowel-consonamtes variants in the English language are dressed among the; sh ch th dh sch etc. Among the consonants or "consorts/follower" (actually constructed as 'added sound' in Latin) is a vowel glued to it and as a natural sound flow of com/with sonant/sound.

Some glyphs/letters clearly hide an assigned "syllabry" and are more logically viewed ad actual binaries: for instance in the c and an s that simultaneously are actual reverse variant of each other - apperent if "spelled as its sounds" in s="ess" and c="see"..

The kicker comes in another corner of the minute - in where most will never consider it possible that there is a reverse for an a;

Yet "a" is normally said with and abyssmally small stopper alikened an "h" and do say "ah" vs "ha" as sounds, and you might then even appreciate that an "e" has its reverse as an "eh" and equally valid for variants of other vowels..

The obia/obea has three sound parts: o-bi-a/o-be-a..

Lets go with obey as in English..

bey and bay in English will be closely as homophones as they come (same or similarily sounding)

The word Obey shall be viewed as O+bay.... the way we utter the word clues us in to exclude a "possible" ob + ey

In the minute 'bay' will be split in ba + y.. For the most 'part y' as a sound is a double vowel or as the French has it as an "i of the greeks way to say it/igrek".. I generally lean toward 'yv is being a dual vowel set as of e+u.. That is "the Norse" leaning.. Ba+eu has a specific base binary - I will cut that short, and for curious minds just dig into the links for Bengt Hemtun in the above comment.... varninf: His material is vast but keenly interesting, thus it takes time to get into how he works his material..

"bay" as in "the bay area" has a meta layer honoured as "coastal intrusion of a wind shielded or otherways protected coastal area between sea and land..

As the" pirates" of mere-maid/made merchants/commers wants to parasitize all the world for its own needs one will say an intention of a word is on one hand in the eye of beholder but intention as a means for tools of creating messages or communication as the parts of a language must open (not secret/occulted) in order (ha! order!) to being a tool of use - so in reality words has to have a general order/meaning and can not remain only in the eye of the holders or else it will be utter confusion or a secret following a man to his grave and there being utterd-as-not and forgotten..

So bay has a general context but different groupings, as lets say mere-enchanters (commercial sea parasitical piracy), will be fond of their own "treasure islands" to hide loot in - so a "bay" for them and their loot (from you) and "no-bay" for you. (period!)..

A side example: One could "invent" word magick like "nazi" for "those not of the decendants of C/Cain/the-C/the sea/"sea pirates".. Since "nazi" and "not see/not C/not sea (pirate)" is word play in its extreme "they" like it even the more just because so..

To tell the answer-come-back for anyone accusing you of being a "nazi" as: - What do you mean I can not see - I see fine/clear! is a daring but quite "pulling the pants down on fraudsters" come back since they hide their intent to harm plus they do wish you to "shut down your inner clear sight" in casting the "spell" saying "not see" to you..

A "not-bay" can be said "the Norse way" where we take the sound of "O" wich incidentally is made from you forming your lips to a round small o-opening uttering the sound..

Symbollically as a glyph the "O" encircles and closes off an area..

Thus "the tale of the ring" is a metaphore for the glyph O as well as a "ring" in jewellry or as a circle in plain ordinary material constructions..

Bad luck in Swedish would be said "O-luck" meaning "the luck is encircled out of reach" - can't get that one bcs it is "locked up".. The luck "meet its Lord of its ring" (freemason or whatever order of secrecy is out there)..

So: no (treassure) bay on a treasure island for you the Norse way is: O-bay!

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