Narcissism is a sign of demon possession. The 6 pointed star is a man with a tail. A circumsized monkey. They only operate on 6 chakras, the Godhead isnt present. They break ALL the commandments. They are all on death row for killing the Christ, God's son.

Every jew Ive met is a, narcissist. I pray they slash their wrists.

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Jul 2Liked by Patrick Jordan

Some 30 years ago I have read few passages from the Talmud which shocked me to the core. I was curious and intended to purchase the Talmud in a Cristian bookstore in Boring Oregon. I decided against it. I did not need to spend my hard earnd money on filth.

Every so-called, jew I ever met wanted to jew me out of my money. I have an innate aversion to these monsters.

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Jul 2Liked by Patrick Jordan

Everybody wants to know about narcissism but they cannot see jews as narcissist. Coverts are as bad malignant narcs and do as much damage. I have a high mistrust of people because the trait is so prevalent. I always stay vigilant. Narcissists, sociopath and psychopaths are really all the same with minor differences. Lawyers are worst. But I stand up to them and make them fold.

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Jul 2Liked by Patrick Jordan

Lawyers ARE the worst is right.

Staying vigilant is crucial to survival.

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Protocol 1:5. In the beginnings of the structure of society, they were subjected to brutal and blind force; afterwards - to Law, which is the same force, only disguised. I draw the conclusion that by the law of nature, right lies in force.

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That's the heart of it then, isn't it.

MeMe and I concluded that narcissism is genetic.

Who would be the progenitors of that line?

What did Josephus say?

That when My Three Sons came down from On High after the flood they kylt, subjugated and interbred with everything left on the planet. So as to imply that the 'entire earth' wasn't wiped out according to a recycled Mesopotamian legend.

So the whar rhape alone would create donkeys to mules for offspring of anyone who was tainted.

It is impossible for a co-dependent to see the Narc for what they are since an entire lifetime of gaslighting has the victim believing that the Narcs are the Chosen Ones (who but a Narc would call themselves that?).

So I see only three flavors: Controllers, Slaves, and us Mutants.

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As you can see within the quotes: Just reading the THORAH let alone the Talmud is a Deth Sentence for the Not Them!

Conversely there is the verse that says the Not Them shouldn't have access to the Tall Mud otherwise people would kyll them.

Not likley. The MK and them putting their own genes in vak scenes insures that they are off limits.

Without admitting that I cast eyes on it, if you want a synopsis of Tractate Niddah, then here goes:

They ARE TERRIFIED of menstrual blood because they know the beast that they worship is an insatiable blood thirsty monster so the bargain that they made is if they Oscar Meyer enough cattle and other animals that the Blood Monster will leave them alone...


they have menstrual blood on them (even a SPECK) and then their Demon will kill them on the spot. I guess Starfire sends the Child of Chaos over the edge.

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Jul 2·edited Jul 3Liked by Patrick Jordan


The Bible and fanatical Christianity is no better. My own 'born again' mother told me that my children and I would be cast into Hell for not bowing down and worshipping Christ. Christians have a way of making most of what they say sound more warm and fuzzy, but ultimately they see themselves as the chosen ones too. Christians wholly and completely abide by us and them.

For me, it (religion) is all about trying to feel valued as a life and instead of understanding our value based on the fact that we simply exist, having to have external validation of what that value is. This leads to the attachment of behavioural doctrines as ways of external proof. Because the external value isn't effective, people just keep attaching harder and faster to the doctrines and consuming this crap, like eating themselves to obesity, trying desperately to feel satisfied. They never will...not this way. The seeking after value of self is the essence of narcissism....and pulling whole populations of people into your system of value seeking is the epitome of narcissistic.

My go to for life direction is now...what would a squirrel do (or possum in Australia)?

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ah.... so Mom is a Gnostic.

The idea of the Kristos comes from Gnosticism. "christians" might have a stroke over the very suggestion but it shows that they don't know there never was a "J"esus because there never was a "J" before 1600 AD, so they got the name of their pet god wrong, and then they give a fictitious title to the fictitious name of Christ not once knowing its origins.

I abuse christians all day long for being willing attack dogs of their Talmudic Masters.

Your deconstruction of the situation is brilliant.

As to what to do... My mind always goes to the comedy This Is Spinal Tap where the interviewer says: "What's your philosphy in life?"

The drummer in a bubble bath with his girlfriend replies; "Have.... a.... good time..... ALL the time. That's my philosophy Marty..."

Then it cuts to another band member answering a question: "Well, there's always sex and drugs and rock & roll. As long as there's sex and drugs - I can do without the rock & roll."


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Jul 3·edited Jul 3Liked by Patrick Jordan


I really don't know what my mother is, except absent...willingly 🤷‍♀️

That's funny, considering the literal name of Jesus is supposed to have significant power if you speak it out loud...especially for casting out the devil 🤪. That is kind of like sending soldiers to war with toy lightsabers or worse, invisible swords...gulp.

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Rumor is that the lightsaber was modeled after Genesis 3:24 So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.

It has been translated rotating flaming scimitar.

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Jul 3Liked by Patrick Jordan

 Gentiles vs Insects

“Our race is the master race. We are the divine Gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects”.

– Menachem Begin, PM of Israel (1977-1983)

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Jul 3Liked by Patrick Jordan

 Rabbi explains the Evil of Jews; charging interest, crashing economies & starting wars for profit; the reasons for the rise and fall of Germany; WWI & WWII, and now—the total destruction of the United States.


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Standard Operating Procedure.

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That things like that were available when it was said as they are now is astounding for the complete MK the idiot apes are under that prevent them from seeing that they are the Bugs in Starship Troopers. The only Good Bug is a Ded Bug.

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Jul 3Liked by Patrick Jordan


* “If a ‘goy’ (Gentile) hits a Jew he must be killed.” (Sanhedrin 58b)

* “If a Jew finds an object lost by a ‘goy’ it does not have to be returned.” (Baba Mezia 24a)

* “If a Jew murders a ‘goy’ there will be no death penalty.” (Sanhedrin 57a)

* What a Jew steals from a ‘goy’ he may keep.” (Sanhedrin 57a)

* “Jews may use subterfuges to circumvent a ‘goy.’” (Baba Kamma 113a)

* “All children of the ‘goyim’ (Gentiles) are animals.” (Yebamoth 98a)

* “Girls born of the ‘goyim’ are in a state of ‘niddah’ (menstrual uncleanness!) from birth.” (Abodah Zarah 36b)


* “The ‘goyim’ are not humans. They are beasts.” (Baba Mezia 114b)

* “If you eat with a ‘goy’ it is the same as eating with a dog.” (Tosapoth, Jebamoth 94b)

* “Even the best of the ‘goyim’ should all be killed.” (Soferim 15)

* “Sexual intercourse between the ‘goyim’ is like intercourse between animals.” (Sanhedrin 74b)

* “When it comes to a Gentile in peace times, one may harm him indirectly, for instance, by removing a ladder after he had fallen into a crevice.” (Shulkan Arukh, Yoreh De ‘ah, 158, Hebrew Edition only)



* “‘Yashu’ (derogatory for ‘Jesus’) is in Hell being boiled in hot excrement.” (Gittin 57a)

[’Yashu’ is an acronym for the Jewish curse, ‘May his (Jesus) name be wiped out forevermore.’]

* Yashu (Jesus) was sexually immoral and worshipped a brick.” (Sanhedrin 107b)

* “Yashu (Jesus) was cut off from the Jewish people for his wickedness and refused to repent.” (Sotah 47a)

* “Miriam the hairdresser had sex with many men.” (Shabbath 104b, Hebrew Edition only)

* “She who was the descendant of princes and governors (the virgin Mary) played the harlot with carpenters.” (Sanhedrin 106a)

* “Christians who reject the Talmud will go to hell and be punished there for all generations.” (Rosh Hashanah 17a)


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Rated G for General Audience. EVERYONE should come to terms with this.

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3

NB: This is a genuine translation by a Russian Jew converted to Christianism in the US.

Brother Nathanael knows the difference between fake Talmud translations and the original texts in Hebrew!

People should take this VERY seriously, if they want to protect themselves. Before the gene therapies mandates, I had come to the conclusion that they were poisoning the Goy using Harmaceuticals and my hypothesis was based on the above verses. I have been vindicated by facts on the ground. There is mass sterilization in countries that mandated Khazarian toxic injections to their people. e.g. South Korea & Japan have already raised the depopulation alarm that I saw coming in 2021.

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