😢....sigh (I don't think there is an emoji for that)

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I guess my surprise is that in 5784 years no one has ever come up with an emoji for a baybe kyller kult.

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🔱👶🔱👹 👺

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I was actually looking for an emoji for my sigh

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I'm Old School. I still know what 4-letter words mean.


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I have always been about the words…then emojis came along…then Bitmojis!!! I can’t use Bitmojis in Substack though, which is so sad for everyone … or should I say … 🤣

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WHY is it soo important to Jab these kids....THEN commence warfare? Does it have anything to do with the so-called zombie apocalypse? The raise the dead thing?

After all. We seen bluetoothed IP addresses coming out of the dead buried after 2020. Coincidence?

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Putting an UNKNOWN substance into people has SO MANY possibilities that your musings elicit the All Of The Above response.

I have to self-edit when I want to refer to it as a shat because it is the oral drops = LIVE VY RUSS, witch is why Billy Goat's gift got away from him (not really - they intended it) becasue it is a LYVE VERE-US.

Did you ever follow Clint Richarson's work?

He discovered the meaning of the word: Peace.

That time of whar when COMMERCE COMMENSES.

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Whar is Peace

Ignorance is Strength.

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LIVE VY RUSS = InnoCULLations ... which is WHY this makes NO sense. The cull BEFORE the cull ?? Twisted.

Of course I followed Clints work..... YOU were My favorite guest/Co-host! :)

I didn't factor in the COMMERCE part of the stage play. Innocullations=buco bucks!

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You're right because I get so caught up in trying to use their own material against them that the obvious is seen by my wing-girl before the Kah Muh Kazee shoots me down.

THEY claim that the drops (delivered to Canaan) are a 'live' 'attentuated' virus.

This of course is total bullshit. It's a live virus.

Conversely THEY claim that the shat is made of a KILT virus. Cooking it in formaldehyde at near freezing duddn't kyll noffin.

So, in my mind I was emphasing that the drops according to even them have the active payload. Butt they claim that the shats do not.

You are, however, right that it's a total fabrication so IF and ONLY IF there is the Po'Leo in those vile vials then they are both equally active.

Pardon my Al's Hammer's memory. I'm having a hard time finding my fluorescent green tape measure these days.

In No Cull Lay Shuns are indeed a win/win situation for all of the bastards and bastardesses involved.

They steal tox money to fund them. They pollute people with them where - if they survive - they are now patients for life. If they don't survive, then that is considered a suck cess too and then there's money in disposal of the bodies.

I just got a chilling thought.

Of all of the carnage and sewage that is currently the former Gah Zah, the infectious agents present will not go away. It's amazing how many bugs chlorine does not touch. So, while these vampyres are pretending to lounge on their newly captured land that pathogens and the ghosts of who they kilt will be perpetually there to haunt them.

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This is ALL Your brainstorming. You got this & it's ALL good!

I've always wondered if THAT is the reason that they use coffins.

Remnants of vaccines & disease would totally leach into the dirt.... Cherry tree planted atop it would be viral loaded......

Thats probably WHY burning of bodies is desirable.

Bloodied land of sacrifice is thought to be fertile land. for farmers. OR was this just a ruse from the gitty up to spread the ICK?

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I thought live virus inoculatiin is the worse with countless paralysis and deaths in Pakistan.

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It's a win/win situation. None but the most masochistic like shats. So if your ORAL DROPS with a LIVE Vire Ass can deliver the thing that you are pretending to take away then you can claim there is an OUTBREAK as an excuse to GIVE MORE! This is why I say that Evil Builds On Evil just like the self-assembly of a crystal.

The Shat is good too, because it has it's own set of Evils like giving everyone cancer that is a plausible deniable because cancer has nothing to do with flaccid paralysis. Stats are that 1:2 in El Norte now have cancer.

Mission Accomplished!

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I was with a Syrian high class woman long time ago.. She was ready to admitt the west where she lived just ran a bunch of lies about her country and she could even admitt to not trusting media and much more into quite astute details..

I could even admtt her own countries media were a lot more expedient in sharing truths and raising up their people..

Syria and her people are cruely assulted by the jester-bankers and their near-hell ney boar Bism a real..

It is said (I couldn't source it though) that Bashar al-Assad* even paid a mocking advertisment in as a full page stint asking the Swedes to send some Crusers to Beirut Lebanon and he would get all the (trash) foreigners Sweden would like serviced on his tab..

Something to that affect..

Voila - comes the news from national Syeian media:

Next week we celebrate and honor the national vaccination day yada yada..

Did I say tribe of Judah.. .. oups - that's for the asterix..

*(Assad means Lion/tribe of Juda/the "clan of the King-rulers)

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Is it possible that this is ALL a media charade?

Are there ANY real journalists allowed anywhere ? THIS is why it's so good to speak to REAL people in other countries... such as your Syrian friend.

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It is all staged like a movie script ...the news are narrative manipulation of 2 words from the real world.

What is "real"?

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I'm having another thought. Media. Internet. ... Once they publish whatever it is, out into the eather.... It's like casting a spell. THEY put it above .. so it can transpire below.

Just a thought.

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A single word can be a spell cast.

Po' Leo and all of a sudden dizzy mothers who are afraid of something that they cannot see, do not know, but have generational fear of will make them run into the arms of the thing that will eat them and their children.

THAT'S spellwork.

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What? Is Real?

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Is Rael..

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Jeannette. Protocol 12:

15. Methods of organization like these, imperceptible to the public eye but absolutely sure, are the best calculated to succeed in bringing the attention and the confidence of the public to the side of our government. Thanks to such methods we shall be in a position as from time to time may be required, to excite or to tranquillize the public mind on political questions, to persuade or to confuse, printing now truth, now lies, facts or their contradictions, according as they may be well or ill received, always very cautiously feeling our ground before stepping upon it .... WE SHALL HAVE A SURE TRIUMPH OVER OUR OPPONENTS SINCE THEY WILL NOT HAVE AT THEIR DISPOSITION ORGANS OF THE PRESS IN WHICH THEY CAN GIVE FULL AND FINAL EXPRESSION TO THEIR VIEWS owing to the aforesaid methods of dealing with the press. We shall not even need to refute them except very superficially.

16. Trial shots like these, fired by us in the third rank of our press, in case of need, will be energetically refuted by us in our semi-official organs.

17. Even nowadays, already, to take only the French press, there are forms which reveal masonic solidarity in acting on the watchword: all organs of the press are bound together by professional secrecy; like the augurs of old, not one of their numbers will give away the secret of his sources of information unless it be resolved to make announcement of them. Not one journalist will venture to betray this secret, for not one of them is ever admitted to practice literature unless his whole past has some disgraceful sore or other .... These sores would be immediately revealed. So long as they remain the secret of a few the prestige of the journalist attacks the majority of the country - the mob follow after him with enthusiasm.

18. Our calculations are especially extended to the provinces. It is indispensable for us to inflame there those hopes and impulses with which we could at any moment fall upon the capital, and we shall represent to the capitals that these expressions are the independent hopes and impulses of the provinces. Naturally, the source of them will be always one and the same - ours. WHAT WE NEED IS THAT, UNTIL SUCH TIME AS WE ARE IN THE PLENITUDE POWER, THE CAPITALS SHOULD FIND THEMSELVES STIFLED BY THE PROVINCIAL OPINION OF THE NATIONS, I.E., OF A MAJORITY ARRANGED BY OUR AGENTUR. What we need is that at the psychological moment the capitals should not be in a position to discuss an accomplished fact for the simple reason, if for no other, that it has been accepted by the public opinion of a majority in the provinces.


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These fukkers certainly cover ALL their bases.

The REAL kicker is that they tell us first! The publish it, write it in stone, cast it to the Aether ...& as you said...It only takes ONE word...But they string them together for greater sorcery!

NO permission. I do NOT consent! Consider it PUBLISHED!

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Nothing says: I'm tired of Magi bullshit

more than a throat-punch.

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The names, words, sign, sigils are always out there from the Lion and Unicorn of the British coats of harms to the Lioness of Judah substack that had good material but banned me for bringing the dark side of her religion into the picture.

I had no idea that Assad meant that but it all makes perfect sense and it is all accessable to anyone whether or not they have sunglasses to see the skullheads.


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A supe rabid christian podcaster made a stint on the Assad clan - educated and raised in LONDON!!!

Way back in the day the Swedish Finace minister Annagreta Lejon ("Lejon=Lion) is as crypto it gets..

Swedish political parties on all stripes are soaked in Jewish reps and to top it off as your Sweden-Mali gaff on-splayed Swedish/Norse are administered under the Crusaders Cross and the Danes (Denmark) are actually held to be of the tribe of Benjamin (the one of the 2 Jewish tribes of "The Ten Lost Tribes..

Metro Goldwyn Meir's Lion roar is just for good measures thrown in here since" Rulin the Zodiak constellation of the Lion" (5784 years ago the eon asterism if I recall!!!) is only par for the course..

The Lion is one of many - yet high up there among all their ruling symbol - one of the favorit "Ruler/King/Khan/Chan/Cohen symbols..

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for MILLENNIA the Tribe of Judah and Ben Yah Meen were slaughtering each other over prime trade-route real-estate is-real-estate? land in the dessert.

The idea of the LOST TRIBES is some kind of psyop that I haven;t uncovered the hidden motive for since they all went up into 'captivity' in Assyria but the Ass Seary Annes were their FUCKING COUSINS to how do you get lost when you're STILL AMONG FAMILY.

That's why people don't get any of this shit and deride me for going to the source material.

Place is not race.

Place name is not race.

So they read the Great Grimoire of the bible and the spell is cast that somehow the ASSYRIANS came down and took the TRIBES away when it was no different then a faction of your cousins coming for the family reunion carting away most of the party-goers in a bus because they wanted cheep labor.

What I need more clarity on is that from Joe Smith of the Morons to other people I respect they call the North American Natives the Lost Tribes. Dan McCarthy said that Navahos were one such tribe and another Listerine said that the reason no one could break the navaho code talker language is because it was a secret priest code.

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Alan Buttle radio show btw..

I'll get the link to the Assad dissection he did - quite interesting actually: He nailed them down as crem de la creme "bankters/jew-lovers" if I recall..

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A link+dl-hotlink via my friend "zap" at "mami's shit"..

Zap usually puts his tagline on skype as "Playing golf with Trump"!



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It is total cognitive dissonance. If there was any disease it is obviously for the lack of sanitation. But the fear factor seems to work there ....even better.

You would think if one lives under bombs and missles they be bad asses fearless ....but no....they are afraid of the paralyzing polio....

That is of course what they are telling us. This polio news CURIOSLY seems to be made for the USA market.

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I'm starting to think it's ALL a media charade. What do we REALLY know?

None of it makes sense. Confusion, Fear & redirects are the name of the game.

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I can't check the timestamps on everything that is offered to me but the A.I. thought I should see that there was a ceasefire supposedly planned so that the wax jobs could be delivered and then all of a sudden six host ages were nixxed and now the cease fire is off, so it seems that whether those people were snuffed or not that the mere mention of it destroyed the Seize Fire that was supposed to allow for the Buy Oh We Upon deployment, so perhaps Allah is looking out for the confused masses?

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They're just toying with their energetic loosh food.

Allah may just be looking for BBQ that hasn't been poisoned first?

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But wait!!......it is a shit show in IsRahell cuz the citizens hate Bibi and in 100k are on the streets demanding him to step down.....of course we know Bibi is a mafioso zionist Khazarian so that is why he does not care about any of the hostages kidnapped by Hamas posers aka (fake mercenaries special units like ISIS created to distabilize governaments).

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Vladislav Surkov kremlin propagandist.....the underlying aim said Surkov is not to win the war, but use the conflict to create a constant state of destabilized perception, in order to manage and control.(goy herds)

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That is exactly what narcissistic sociopaths do to control people. Keep them confused. We, however, are discussing narcissistic PSYCHOPATHS.

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rolo slavskiy calls it the slavic civil war(schneersons liquidation) says Yutin and Yulensky both puppets of lubavitch .Does not Assyria sound alot like Rassia, swap r and a. Maybe Fomenko knows.

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What about Fomenko's nose?

I'm just a dumb farm boy looking for patterns.

I was really pleased that I was able to put the picture of settlements happening at meteorite impact centers and then subsidiary settlements peppering the displacement ridges just like Fomey did.

parallel development but he didn't invoke the meteorites.

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It's all in the name: Enterovirus. Po' Leo is a SHIT VIRUS. So of COURSE it comes from the sewers being destroyed as the pretended to get the underground and above ground and ground into dust everything that US ordinance could destroy.

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As always, you make a very convincing case that we are in hell.


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Always glad to help.

We're working on an escape plan.

Not leaving - just taking over.

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Another babylonian name change....#1 prime time political discussion Russian tv show called Live with Vladimir Solovyev bnc Shapiro, a cabbalistic yahood, whose gay son lives in London and seen at gay bars.Shapiro even appeared on infowars with cousin yahood Jones. Rolo Slavsky at slavland chronicles has a photo of Shapiro in pisraEL with a black cube strapped to forehead, maybe that bug knows when the cube is put on the forehead, then maybe sniff and lick some gold dust and the yahood's slaughter everything that breatheth.

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I don't recall if I put in Assaulted that the dot on the forehead of the Hindus was typically a small bit of meterorite back in the day. We've got Betyl-heads and Borg Cube heads. What's inside the box?

One of the techniques used to guide drugs and bugs in the human body was MAGNETITE bonded to things like B vitamins and then they would literally pull the things along with magnets outside of the host.

Scratch and Sniff must have arising from Sniff and Lick.

What you're doing right now with words is what the movie They Live was doing with images. Once you have the glasses then EVERYWHERE you look there are skullheads.

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Outnumbered by yahood's is reality, and only taught here. Another one is russian political philosopher Alexander Dugin who says.....Cabbalism is the greatest achievement of man. This one praises A. Crowley father of Bush sr wife, all yahood's and bug possessed.

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It's at such a drastic scale that I'm claiming that the masses have hysterical blindness for the obvious. They think that only Seinfeld is the only yahood they invite into their livingrooms and that kissenger was from a former time when they are everywhere in everything from politics, to sports, to arts, to millie tarry, to news, to...make a list of where they aren't - it would be empty.

So that is just the ones that people SEE EVERY DAY. Once you go out into the masses, then you see them in daily life and that's when it hits you that you are a minority that was hypnotized to think that you outnumber them.

Wouldn't that just be the best psyop? To get your Mark to convince themselves that they are powerful in numbers and IF they just got their shit together that they could win.

The connections of everyone evil with the same family line is also undeniable and stifling because IF IT IS TRUE THAT WE ARE OUTNUMBERED BY EVIL then people go into shut down mode = fetal position in hell.

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No wonder Barabara had buggy eyes like she was possessed

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There is also a Swedish branch of the Shapiro clandynastistan having one of'em in the leading of the conopted panopticon "trith scene" as a "major truther"..

Per Shapiro - son of an american jew scientist going to the country of the third (con-) rail/path..

He works hard yo be "the top pf the heap" of Swedish dissodents..

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Here's my question for the controlled opposition that everyone should see but are bumping into walls like flatworms:

What has he accomplished other than getting people arrested or led on unproductive 'protests'?

MILLIONS of Yap Dogs in Europe 'took to the streets' and barked at the elephant then went home for ConYid and for Canaan.

Led by Fools and Tools.

What could be done with a MILLION PEOPLE?

There's not enought Pikes on London Bridge for these Judas Goats.

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Lol .....this comment is precious. Ha ha ha

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Ya know anytime someone is running around with covered faces it smells like rotten fishy.....Hamas=Mossad ....imo two faces of the same head.

Zionists mercenaries.

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and foreign mercs to do the dirty work that their own boys don't want to get ritually impure over.

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It is an old trick and work like a charm. EVERYTIME!!

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Page 284 in thy Assaulted......I saw a banner at the University of Illinois law library hanging down with the letters printed vertically.....I read it as SION ILLI. That was a creepy remimder that the demongods and goddesses of Babylon lay claim to this entire shitheap.

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That was a long time ago.

I remember it as if it were yesterday.

INTERNATIONALS know no boundaries. They are the jackals who have pissed on everything and claim it for their territory so if you 'infringe' the entire pack will tear you apart.

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Hell yes most banned one, thou art that honey badger surrounded by hyeena's, holding thy ground, yet if ye fall in battle, the internationalists shall mount thee on their wall as enemy #1 of the super-government. Yet, from the wall ye shall ventriliquist them with abuse, giving them no moments of rest, driving them to suicide. So mote it be.

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As the New York Cabbie once said:

You gots your Vitamin Fuckin'-A, Fuckin'-B, Fuckin'-C.....

That is an excellent audio-visual.

I LOVE that honeybadgers always snap at the balls!

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Support the control freaks for more of the same.

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Page 412 in thy Assaulted.....jewwatch.com reveals that there isn't a personage in history, current events, politics, entertainment, business, information, education or any other aspect of society that does not have a member of the 13 tribes at the controls.......you meant 39 tribes of swindler list I assume, new info since Assaulted was penned? Page 411 on Solzhenityn was a "jew" who dissented and was punished by Yusef Jugoshvilli, Josef Jewison, Stalin....Legend says Stalin was poisoned.....I see Patterns, Eichmann spoke hebrew, yet captured by Mossad in Argentina and executed in pisraEL.

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Wasn't that a GoodKnight Shamalamb movie? I see Patterns. They're everywhere.

I was just at the start of developing my Three Clans theory in the days of Assaulted, so yes it would have been all 39, however, it seems to me and it would help if more folks were working on this that ShemClan Inc. predominates the world stage. As it does now. There are 'Arab Nations' that surround a tiny desert shithole yet only two have made token attempts to defend their own kind? Even the PopeClan Inc. hasn't done anything and he's got the SMOM behind him.

I never paid attention to how Stalin went down. The legend of FDR is that the gubment wanted an open casket but the undertaker said that no one had the skill to cover up a boulette hollette that big. Stalin wanted to see FDR since they were buddies (cousins) but he was pissed even with the dogfaced wife because she wouldn't arrange it.

I've also never followed all of the big names in the cabinet of Meat Tenderizer except Mengele in passing, so it would be instructive to know if Ick Man was the same clan as the Moo Sad, and if so what clan they belonged to. That would be them punishing their own for going off the reservation. But if not, then it was just the typical powerplay between My Three Sons where they off each other for sport.

HOWEVER, I wasn't there.


1. that he was captured

2. that he was extradicted.

3. that he was sent home to his demon god?

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Clan of shem predominate now, no doubt, Eichmann hanged according to court historians, but could have secreted away. Your right, we weren't there.Don't forget the big publishing houses plublished Solzhenitsyn's works so he's clan, he even met Putin. Finished reading Assaulted, a classic that the big print houses wouldn't touch, as said in the protocol 12:7....And should be any found who are desirous of writing against us, they will not find any eager to print their productions....a yandex search on Stalin poisoned turns out many articles, was not there but pattern in history.Why Napoleon exiled to elba and helena? Why not kill him, maybe he be clan, I reckon so.

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Hanging and the guillotine were the height of stage magic for generations. Stage shows had people convinced that the events were real. That calls into question the entire history of 'elites' going for the chop.

Can't fake an axe.

Urban legend is that the top Not Sees that were charged out of Numbing Berg were spirited away for Project Paperclip and proxies were put in their place for the stage show.

Iddn't it grand that you can't be bullshitted once you catch a wiff of it?

Alexander would NEVER have been allow to tell his harrowing story unless it portrayed the system as being untouchable by anyone, especially the little people who could just write about it. It's the Yap Dog Protocol. They get to bark - but that's it.

They dug up Napkin Lion to find that he and his tiny peepee hadn't rotted. Legend is that they dosed him with Arsenic - a cumulative poison - over many years so that it finally built up and got him and his little peepee.

I wouldn't know this because i follow politics but because I got poisoned by Arsine in the semiconductor industry and started looking into arsenic.

Beware your wallpaper and contact paper on your cupboard shelves!

True story:

All I ever wanted to do was play music, make art, and write scifi.

Turns out I found that Life was stranger than ANYTHING that I could pull out of my ass to make up. It was the Gold is Bug-Shit revelation that solified that (if you'll excuse the expression). You just can't top that. I did write that into my Scifi series a microbes that could change the surface of entire planets.

None of my fiction could ever get the attention of the Yahoodim Family Publishers. They no doubt harvest all submissions and give ideas to their stable of writers to steal. There are hacks that do nothing but review everything that is submitted for copyright and put in depository libraries across the world for ideas to steal.

If you didn't know that they took your idea and made a million dollar movie on it, then you couldn't sue, if you did know and tried to sue you'd be up against a billion dollar industry.

With all of that and FINALLY the rise of self-publishing/Print On Demand, I said fuckit to trying to hawk my wares since the mid 1980s and became my own tree pulp harvesting machine.

25+ books with a pile of unfinished manuscripts. I'd keep going but humans are so demoralized that there is no point.

I'm not a savior. I refuse to do this alone, but without help the entire genus of man will end. If there is no survival instinct left, then good riddance.

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I've always had a problem with him recommenting housepaint remover (TSP) for teeth, I was always curious about his claim of silicon dioxide being an added poison to supplements. The chemtrail image FINALLY showed that someone had the sense to put thorium and uranium in the ingredient list - something that NO ONE TALKS ABOUT, including the What In The World Are They Spraying movie makers.

A lot of what was on the list of chemtrails in the image could be just from the chemical toilets emptying during flight, but I have no doubt that they've adsorbed the list of foulness to the metal particles.

The image on zeolite was also very sardonically amusing. Zeolite has been pushed like used cars. I never fell into that volcanic rock scam, mainly because I never had a sample to put in front of my geiger counter. Now it seems that my warnings that AlterNOTive medisin has always been a double-agent are accurate.

Ginger is fine if you can tolerate it. They've been fucking us up so bad that there were several YEARS where I couldn't consume cloves. I'm back to using them, but I had reactions to ginger so I quit. I used to take it regularly.

It could be that it achieved its usefulness and the body was saying no more. It could be that they damaged our pathways that can utilize it. It could be that since it is a cytokine manipulator that we don't need those chemicals manipulated at this time.

He kept leading up to checking out the DNA but I went through the entire article to see what is is that should be checked out.

Here's the problem.

Where is the ORIGINAL CODE of each individual to gauge mutations?

Ever wonder how they can say that the MTHFR gene has a single basepair substitution at postion whatthefuckever? Where did they get the original gene sequence from to say that was the baseline?

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Thanks for your response! I suspected you may of heard of Tony, he’s been discussing nano poisoning publicly for the last 15 years or so (been in the health game for about 40 years).

He states that the injected have been inserted with a gene editing operating system, therefore anyone who has taken these shots is fukked. It’s irreversible. Especially if you had the P and/or M, which use an MRNA delivery system. You may have more time with A, given it uses a viral vector. Does this sound feasible to you?

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