Adagio for Strings -Samuel Barber


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Looks like we go to the same Barber...

I have a collection of tunes that fit into this category but I haven't come up with a catchy title for the Stack that then sets the direction of the blather for them yet.

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One of my favorite pieces of music is Les Prelude by Franz Liszt


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Beautiful and emotionally melancholic.

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I think context has a bit of play here. The first time I heard Barber's Addagio was when Lucille Ball died. By association it became imprinted as a somber piece, but I know in my mud pellet that had I heard it in a neutral context that it would be part of the type of music that I will feature that one in where the polyphony transcends a set mood so that it can resonate in any aether assigned to it by the listener. Stay tuned.

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This came up after I posted. Talk about having a tune be universal to all instruments.

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I could almost like Claire de Lune, on that instrument.

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now we're getting somewhere.

Start saving your popsickle sticks.

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or my jigsaw blades.. the fine toothed ones perhaps

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You might pioneer a new style: The Ooooo! Ouch! genra of music.

Primal Screaming like Yoko Ono might be in order as well.

THEN you can have a musical revolution where you decide after years of agony to put the point side of the blades facing DOWN.

it will be a new era.

A boost to sales as well.

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well see, I was thinking that by using the instruments of my art... wood working, I might contribute, but well, maybe its just me "playing with" my instrument rather than "in spite" of it.. or do I have that backwards?

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Tell us more about the jigsaw puzzles that you make.

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I doth protest that was an unfair music competition! A scantily clad garter belted nephilim or offspring of a nephilim, video taped moving rose petals across it’s lips in a seductive manner, playing the piano competing with a still photo of a natural animal, the swan?

All your selections were beautifully played. Each artist playing the same piece and the listener able to hear the delicate and subtle differences. My favorites of your selections were the harp and the male acoustic guitar player. Crazy how the female held (more literally embraced) her guitar as she played the instrument. When I saw the vid of the electric guitar, my eyebrows furled a bit and I thought, really? But the eyebrows unfurled because it was a great rendition.

I’ll be listening to these again and again! Thanks.

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I will concede. I pulled up a picture of Kun Woo Paik and have to say that if he were prancing around in some Victoria's Secrets and some wings I would be less inclined to watch/listen. But I did listen to his version again. The Subtlty is this: He's playing purposely "hesitatingly" which is an artistic choice. but what it FEELS like to me is a skater that is unsure and carving up too much of the ice, vs. Little Miss Nephilim with wings gliding across the ice with just a tiny bit of powder under her skates.

And... Whew! I'm glad that it wasn't just me who noticed the rose-petal lip-thing...

I too was quite surprised by the quality of the harp rendition. I sit on the edge of the couch going: Please play it right! please play it right! And she did.

Tariq played like a machine, technically perfect, without attempting to be 'expressive' which is an artistic choice and he pulled it off excellently. Our French Girl was indeed hugging the sound into her so in a sense the instrument was an extension of her.

A ratty old telecaster pulling off a complex piece was indeed impressive. I'm glad you liked it. May your eyebrows fly unfurled.

More to come from suggestions that I've written down.

The Darkness of the world can wait On Hold.

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It is the purposeful hesitation displayed by Paik that keeps drawing me back. Ms. Nephilim plays beautifully but her rendition lacked the depths of emotion that Paik pulls from the listener. Life is a journey and for most of us we do not fly above the ice leaving snow dust that immediately melts leaving no trace. For most it is a rugged trail where we must occasionally be light footed and in other places we must carve our blade down deep. We leave a trail of ice behind us and hopefully the trail that we forged will help someone else along their journey. Of course the person behind us has to make a decision as to whether we knew what the hell we were doing. Ultimately, the trail is still a risk. Paik took successful risks with his rendition and that is exactly what keeps me coming back to listen again.

It is so nice to put The Darkness on hold intermittently!

To The Darkness, We’ll Be Back. That’s a promise.


To The Darkness, Here's one for you. I love the original rendition of this song but this rendition is for you.


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Yeah... I'm the one that comes onto the hockey rink, after the gamboni's have had at it and crunch all over it with my crampons.

At some point you just have to have fun in the 9th Circle.

OK, I see where you're going with this: remakes. It's not even a 'cover' tune at that point when something is rendered in your own style.

New idea for a Stack and once again: it's all your fault!

here's the one that punches me in my gut:


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I am privileged to take full responsibility! However, I apologize for making you do more work than you already do.

Such a beautiful song and note that it alludes directly to what I call the reincarnation soul trap. We all have to work so hard just to get by in this place, and yet I know that the things that we do to help others are the only things that truly matter. That being said, every little thing counts. It could be as simple as a smile and hello to someone on the street.

Johnny sings of the regret experienced in his life. Funny the word regret has an anagram of "greet". These words never fail to be a hidden signifier of the esoteric.

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WORK, my dear Dee is a Four-Letter-Word.

We do not allow such things when we are having FUN.

A Three-Letter-Word.

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Agreed. Luckily even when having fun one can learn something new.

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What a lovely thing to wake up to. Enjoyed all of them, probably the harp version best. Thank you!

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I was really impressed by the dynamic range of the Harp (clear highs, deep lows) and the sustain of the notes that allowed for the pauses between phrases. For what one pays for a harp that is the level of quality I would expect but each instrument is differnt.

Pianos area hammered strings, guitar, harpsichord and harp are plucked strings. It might be a bias but I like plucked strings.

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It turns out I don't care for Claire de Lune, and I much prefer guitar (acoustic) solos much more than piano, so my vote goes to Tariq Harb, and second Roxane Elfasci...

As for your description, on the Victoria's Angel playing of Claire de Lune, I got a good laugh!

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OK, so this is a talking-point.

Can you say why you don't favor the piece?

I HATED Moonlight Snotta opening movement because it was ruined by post-humous snobs playing it wrong. Ended up blaming Beethoven for something he had no control over.

Whole tone music might take some getting used to, so is it the composition? or the drunks that were rendering it?

I know you have a flexible mind to be able to appreciate musicianship even if you don't like the music, but I would really like to know why De-Buss-Sea's tune is more rank than ranked.

With Lola's viewcount, there's no doubt she's laughing all the way to the bank...

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seriously, in the first 3 seconds it was that second note.. that sounded like a shriek, that turned me off.. but I listened again, and I hear a flatness to it.. The thing is I do not like piano solos over all. I love string instruments best, so the Guitar versions sounded better, but I just don't care for the composition.. there are plenty of flat notes, I hear it as discordant, rather than harmonic, and I don't like that.

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Tariq obviously has my vote too, for two reasons! 🥰

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And those 2 reasons are?

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Canaduh, and guitar🎸🎵🎶🇨🇦

Although these days, cheering for a country is rather .. uh .. stupid.

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Woweeeee! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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I have a friend who is one of the top musical composers in the world. He told me musicians consider Tom Jones' song Delilah is considered a perfect piece of music. It definitely is not "impressionism" but at the link below Pavarotti and Jones both alternate singing it:


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