From Ms. MaGoo:

Terrified friends burned to death in Tesla as electronic doors wouldn't open after crash - World News - Mirror Online


I don't know what they are making the 'glass' in these cars with.

I don't know if the occupants were paraplegic.

I don't know if they didn't know to KICK THE FUCKING WINDOWS OUT.

I don't know why this madness didn't stop at the first cremation ceremony - except, other than we are in Hell and folks aren't even TRYING to ESCAPE THE FLAMES.

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The Iblis fire phones the goy slaves carry and stare at is everywhere. The thing to find out is what the yahood control freaks use for phones.

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Top level analysis.

Bush Baby claimed to never use email or social media while Barry Akenaten was all over it like stink on shit.

Hard to gauge if they are acting rogue or if it is just another layer of corn fusion.

There could just be special batries.

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Spot on, non combustible power source for the control freaks. Fire phones exploding in Hamerica daily, ponder how many are going off in Sino. China man loveth yahoodi tech. Barry AkenATON image search proves Obama's great incestor is AkenATON!

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It is prbly both because at this point maybe.....just maybe they have become confused too.....

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This is very perplexing, it's almost as if these evildoers are trying to take down the matrix .... one soft metal at a time. By fire & flood... The more floods we have the more lithium batteries go boom. Where there's lingering toxic smoke, there's fire.

Also thinking that ELon's robots may have lithium battery packs .... Danger Danger Will Robinson!

I wonder how many garages become a blazing inferno due to leaf blowers with lithium batteries?

Or work vans with drills laying in the back that cook in the Arizona sun?

I had to look & make sure that this post was filed under "Proof we're in HELL!"

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Sometimes, gurlfren, you astound me with your surgical view.

Since everything is going to plan: From Chaos - Order; then we have to presume that everything has been scripted that their infrastructure is being built on lithium balms but theirs (like Dictionary questioned) must be different than what they give to the Georgia Guidestone Culls.

I was not going to bring up the bots, butt... they must have a Plan B for them too.

Mein Gott Himmel ! the batry drills in the back of handyman vans!

EVERYONE and everywhere has just went to threat level red.

I have a sorting criteria for the Sections that this shit goes into so when it involves smoke and fire it is definitely going to Hell.

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Well thank You Pat!

It occurred to me ... all the places robots should NOT work ... Like places with sprinkler heads connected to fire detectors..... THAT covers, kitchens, hotels, hospitals....around potholes .. etc. Maybe not even around potheads! Lol

These inventions are SUPPOSED to take over our jobs?


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yeah... you're corn vincing me that the whole Lithium in your Will Smith I-Robot is just for the plebes because there is no way to have them perform under globe hell warming conditions. The real slaw turd bots must have over-unity energy packs.

Now... when you say: Biting Dog... are you referring to those 4-legged millie tarry pack a tack animals?

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Aren't the REAL slaw turd bots surrounded by liquid ... In our body? & Salts? Their tech is not as we've been lead to believe ..obliviosly.

Doggies in all forms will probably turn on us.... I don't think it ONLY humanity that they will drive to enjoy insane levels of killing sprees.

I had the sweetest Miliscary Rottweiler ... retired... 4 brain surgeries to make her a super dog .. It's those patrol bot-dogs I worry about!

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You're always keepin it real.

The aerial drones are to rein in the ones that are resistant to the nanobot rework inside the husks.

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Like I always say....

Loose dogs will bite .... watch out for low flying aircraft & aerial drones!

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What did TSM say about lithium? I recall they said that the lithium was a part of the 20th century's atomic bomb/missile manufacturing process (I don't recall the exact claim) .

Also: I have to wonder what happens to us when while using the batteries they are flooded with the energy from, say, a coronal mass ejection like a long duration X100; but, then again, maybe at that event point exploding batteries might be the least of one's problems.

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Very perceptive on your part.

Given that I maintain that nooks are a hoax, we will just go with the narrative to address the point you are making:

In order to "LENS" the new trons to a focal point they used Hi ! egg plow sieves to supposedly crush a layer cake of many different elements together in the sphere to achieve critter cull mass. Butt... when you factor in that Lie Thee Yum has a thermal point just around water boiling then it takes it out of the realm of having any lensing properties and more into the hushy-boum arena. The best way to fake Trinity was to let off a fyre cracker then sprinkle some Your Anium or just put it in the fye her crack her.

As noted: Worrying about getting your outer skin burnt by cell phone flambe ignores the fact that cosmic rays can pass through the entire planet like a knife through hot butter.

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I have a video somewhere in my stash of a lecturer who had worked as a nuclear engineer. The man seems credible. He said that under most situations that nuclear power was safe. He testified that he used to swim in the cooling pools. He said that under particular plans that they could be used as bombs, but, again, it had to be very specific conditions. According to the lecturer, the fact of the matter was that the nuclear waste psychological operation to commit fraud in price controls.

Since Anthony Sutton provided evidence that bankers funded both sides of the Cold War I think the threat was genuine, but it was substantial mostly in the sense that, like a couple two or three mob families fighting over a neighborhood, it would be better to scare the butcher, the baker, and the local bank half to death while taxing them for a generation -- levying them all for the privilege of not having their children's eyes poked out by a sun-bright flash over coffee & bagel. Perpetual fear and erosion of will to resist. The subjects then as now pay for their own enslavement.

The bomb, its 20th century overhead threat, and today in One Health pandemics, is a kind of barbed wire and tower around the love and will of men to persist and resist. It's an open air prison where security is everywhere idolized, and locked in or down.

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I think nukes are a hoax too the way they have been told us.....not saying tyere is not some nuke.....but hey Chernobyl radiations escape 800 years off land.....Hiroshima & Nagasaki atomic bombing rebuilt in 10 years.

Something aint right here.

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Nice. I don't recall anyone making the connection between... UKRAINE !!! and Nippon. That's very practical.

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Off topic but I can't help it...lastest radio show from baptist 7th day adventist calvinist preacher buyer of Tel Aviv diamonds, "white american freeman", tax evader, no ss#, author of vatican assassins book, from Newmanstown PA, Eric Jon Phelps. 5 minutes in of a 1 hour radio show, immigrant invaSION the topic, Phelps rails at Jesuit controlled white house for flooding Ohio with "black savages from Haiti". Then rails again at the church of rome for flooding America with "roman catholic savages" from Mexico, Central and South America with the intent to destroy "Protestant America". Says hollywood is all "jews" yet they are put there by the jesuits who really run it. Blasts Drumpf as a agent of the church of rome, who attented "jesuit Fordham" and will complete the destruction of "protestant America".....Anyone not convinced on the bug controlled mind theory, Phelps will seal the deal for you. During the radio show Phelps will speak soft and calm, then explode in rage with "black savages from Haiti" 3 times in 15 seconds, then calm down, before blasting George Widger for his mic cutting out! I've listened to quite a few of the radio shows with Widger, the same thing every one, soft and calm speak, then bursts of anger. Thy theory on what controls the infected mind, that bug controls Phelps mind.

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First time I saw Phelps in print I thought you were referring to Mission Impossible.

But it was clear that you were outing a Gatekeeper Yahood.


"James "Jim" Phelps was the Director of the Impossible Missions Force and the "captain" of its most reliable "mission team" for several years. As the IMF Director and mission-team captain, it was his job to plan out the missions that his team would accomplish, considering all known, suspected, or possible angles. If anything failed to go according to plan during the mission, Phelps was quick enough to improvise so that the objective could still be obtained."


But that was the Old School. By the time the Chrippled Scientist Tom Cruise Miss Aisle franchised it, Phelps turned.

"James "Jim" Phelps was the main antagonist in the 1996 film Mission Impossible and its 1998 accompanying video game. He was the rogue director of the Impossible Mission Force who tries to orchestrate a conspiracy. "

Ethan Hunt : [realizes Jim is the mole] Why Jim? Why?

Jim Phelps : [covering for himself] Well, you think about it Ethan, it was inevitable. No more cold war. No more secrets you keep from yourself. Answer to no one but yourself. Then, you wake up one morning and find out the President is running the country without your permission. The son of a bitch, how dare he. Then you realize, it's over. You are an obsolete peice of hardware, not worth upgrading, you got a lousy marriage, and 62 grand a year.


What are the key points here?

PHELPS is a Tray Tore.

He works for the IMF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He's selling you out becasue he thinks he is god.

now... am I talking about a fictional character or some slobbering Yahood that adopted the same name with the same gameplan?


It is tedious to me that these freaks have gotten the sheep to BELIEVE in a BNC.

House of Shem spawned:

Isaac's Sons = Saxons = Brits which is why it has 100% been behind Is Ra EL.

Brits founded the U.S. Corp which is why it has been 100% FUNDING the entire Slaw Tur.

So they are all Yudaists

House of Doveed turned into Jesus = Catholics = JESUits.

Esau's line of Herods = "Herod I or Herod the Great (c. 72 BCE - c. 4 BCE) was a Roman Jewish client king of the Herodian Kingdom of Judea."

So they've got the PAGANS covered.

All from ShemCorp LTD. Yudaism, Catholicism, Paganism. What's Haime Diamond complaining about? It's ALL IN THE FAMILY.

After years on RBN listening to their bullshit, it was clear that Judas Goats like this ass are set out there and left alone so that they can get others to stop paying tribute to the occupying millie tarry force to be put in a for-profit prison. These creatures serve no other purpose than to decieve and people fall for it all day long.

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hell yes O great one, Phelps is yahood, gatekeeper, he says the jesuits (shem) let the yahoodi (shem) run hollywood on account of their "BRAIN POWER"

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Clint Richarson and I did word analysis all day long.

They never said WHO'S Brain....

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Think of this.....when one flies in commercial airliners everyone has a cell phone with lithium battery. AND....so funny how we all go through TSA bullshit ....but we all carry EXPLOSIVE.

And...there is always an announcement that ...."in the case your phone battery gets hot...you shall immediatly tell a crew member....."

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at 1000F in one second I don't think it will be a matter of notifying somebody.

This world is a fucking shitshow of retarded kindergarteners pushing lawnmowers with all of the guards removed in a world of barefoot people.

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