Absolutely stunnung depiction of the psychosis that is Man.

Females create, males destroy. Since the dawn of time, do you think there is an unconscious envy and jealousy operating in this simulation of "Reality"?

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OR are we simply programmed by the SIM like the geese that fly 8 squared V South for the Winter? You can't be something you're NOT.

Maybe the reason for all the intentionally misgendered people nowadays.

Objects in mirror appear closer than reality.

Breast implants Created Penis Envy ,....?? It's all backwards by design & todays measures.

Sure, Rome had a population of 3 million, BUT...2 million of them were naked Man statues. Illusion? Magick ? Who created THAT? Lots to digest.

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Yes, and many of those statues had big Jewish honkers. That is the alleged "Roman Nose". Everything European is really Phoenician. This is why Jesus instructed his disciples to head towards Greece and that area. He knew who those people really were. They were family.

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I was always confused as a kid because someone somewhere had implied that the Aqualine Nose was STRAIGHT. So as a child I thought the romans had straight noses. Then I saw James Burke's Connection series and he showed the construction of the aquducts and it was as you say: Margaret Hamilton Ash Can Not Seem on steroids. Every thing is a lie heaped on a lie with some lie whipped cream on top.

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Interesting how old skool witches have big Jewy Noses with a hook at the end ! :)

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This is why I view most humans as retarded children. The pointy hat of All Hallowed Eve is PURITAN. Those nutters were definitely from their Witcha marrowline hiding under the guise of being upstanding christians (that is just another cannibal vampyre nzombie cult)

"Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day. For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink." ( John 6:53-55)

With that kind of bitch slap to the nethers I don't know how anyone can have a problem with Satanists? Not that I haven't chased everyone of them and medical doctors (did I just repeat myself) off of my list in 15 years. They just can't stand me. I have self-identifying witches, christians, jews, and probably everyone except those who dress in collie suits but doctors and satanists shun me. Oh, god! Are Satanists Amish as well?

Butt Eye got distracted: the reason why the Family focused the attention of the steerable goy on JUST the raptor nose is so that you don't pay attention to the other 33 family lines that have surrounded you all your life but you lacked the pattern recognition to see you were outnumbered.

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I always had a hard time with that eating of the body & drinking of the blood ritual. Alcohol does not kill all the germs on the chalet.

Oh, god! Are Satanists Amish as well? Are Christians Satanists in opposite whirled? Nobody seems to know whose gods they warship.

33Family lines...1/3 of the Angels that are Fallen?

I think I recall St Micheal having a big nose. Just saying.

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Patrick, absolutely yes, the whole "Puritan" thing was just another Faux-nician thing at the top. My Bennett ancestors were at the apex of this. They were so prominent that just my branch of this family in Sussex County Delaware had a book written about them in the 70's with a all known genealogy at that time included. I ran into this when I got back to the 1680's. I broke through even that wall when I ran into Miles Mathis's research on the Bennett family. Now I have it back to the 1200's in Occitania. Even the Salem Witch Trials were scripted and fake. They were designed to give Christian Fundamentalism a black eye. This is what Mathis calls "black washing". The crown hated the Puritans so they were slowly taken over by people like my ancestors and driven over a cliff. What do people think of first when they think about these people.......... an insane witch hunt. It is synonymous and that was the point.

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Big Jewish Honkers Huh? LOLOLOLOLOL :) I'm sure THAT is not as funny as I am making it out to be, I just can't stop giggling.

Ok serious face. Isn't Pho...like Faux? Faux European?

I can't. I'm busy gasping for AIR. :)

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Jeannette!!!!! Faux-Nician!!!!!!!! That is the best thing I've heard in awhile and PERFECT. That is how your mind works and why you are so great. Love Ya!

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she's my favorite Kachina Doll on the Reservation.

Can't take her out into public... but I love her...

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Oh Stop, your making me blush already!

Yeah, good thing public isn't my thang.

Lovin the Lovefest! ♡ ♡

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Awe, Thank You ET! Every once in a while, something jumps out at me. Oh, Btw, Flattery will get you everywhere!

I'm Lovin the Love! xoxo

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You made me BLAD Bark Like A Dog at your

Objects in mirror appear closer than reality

They did the math to figure out how those stunning flocks of birds or school of fish move so that they could model it in CGI. Turns out that its a DAMNED simple equation that is based on the entire mass FOLLOWING THE LEADER.

Breast implants creating penis envy? That explains why male body builders get silicone in their chests.

Rome had 3 million and i790 hid one thousand years of history. I just don't believe anything that I can't confirm and I can't even confirm that any of this shit is real. Is Real.

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Good! You BLAD & I'll Squeal like a Seal...Wait, They bark too.

So, Like Sheep Follow the shepherd? I'd call THAT a DAMNED equation myself.

Ever wonder WHY they pushed for finding lumps in breasts? So they could start going heavy duty on the breast augmentation & push silicon implants (M&F) & reCONstructive surgery. Now Penises are being destroyed left, right & center.

So Yeah, Fer sure. Breast implants create Penis Envy. IMHO

Yep, Rome is Sketchy. Lotsa folks say Rome NEVER FELL....Living the DREAM.

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They retracted on ductal insitu carcinoma to say that it wasn't even cancer. I wonder how many body parts were sacrificed for that mia culpa?


Rome never fell just like the Standard Oil monopoly was never broken. I mean: my gawd you'd have to be a brain dead zombie with rebar through the skull to fall for that one. Con Gress 'broke' them up into separate companies.

If you study industrial organization (I know I have no fucking life) then you find quickly that there is a certain point where ALL businesses plateau. Then they decline. At the plateau if they are split up into diversified smaller entities then the parasite suck that brought them to their current bloat can start all over again.

Standard oil STILL OWNS all of the spinoffs. Same Monopoly Pig - Different Lipstick.

This is what happens when you let Yahoods trick you into RE-PRESENTING you in Mind Control.

So a fellow with a feather duster for a moustache (I've seen convincing evidence that at least one of the FOUR was a woman) was Epsteined and the Third Reign of the Roman Empire was ended. Bull Fucking Shit! Project Paperclip says that they just relocated to the New Yeru Salem (City of Peace - my ass!) and kept going just like Standard Fucking Oil.

I mean; My gawk, how stupid do you have to be to miss the same pattern repeating for 5783 years?

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So they DID retract on the carcinoma thing? Interesting! Were they then protected from lawsuits?

So when THEY say "Rome wasn't built in a day" they must mean RE-BUILT.

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You're forcing me to go all ET on you:

A day to the Lord is a like a thousand years, and a thousand years is like a day.

Was that code for the Romans didn't even build Rome that it was there like the rest of the mudflood buildings and a bunch of sandal wearing be-togaed laurel wreath waring wraiths just squatted there?

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I don't have Eve's ILL in front of me but I included a quote from the 1980s where some Yahood had written, "The woman being small and stupid and therefore evil can be replaced with an artificial womb at 37C and then man will be emancipated..." or some such shit like that. Glen Kealey said that the Zoroastrians that created the World Wide Web actually meant the initials to mean: World Without Women. So, yeah, I think there is a tad of Anna Mossity going on.

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Yes, they call it "creative destruction" in Kabbalah. The thing is, THEY are the masters of destroying everything but create nothing that's worth anything. Left to their own instincts they will eventually be destroyed by a combination of their own arrogance and their own evil principals.

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No doubt in my mind that Ram E-Manual was a Qaballist: "Never let a good disaster go to waste."

The way that you say things spurs side-thoughts like: No wonder the fuckers are promoting AUTO-PHAGY as a 'good' thing....

Destroying your own cells and attempting to eat them. Yup sounds like something they would promote.

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They have far worse things than what is in that first vid and have had them a long time. All of this is going to be turned loose on any group of people opposing them.


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That's the one sad thing that folks have to realize when such a thing is released to the public. By the time they make a press release on THE MOST ADVANCED... anything, they already have the next gen out there that makes what they are promoting look like a toy.


Donny George Youkhanna, Ph.D. (former Director General of the Iraq National Museum and Research Director of the Iraqi State Board of Antiquities and Heritage; Visiting Professor in the Department of Anthropology at the State University of New York in Stony Brook)

Contested Cultural Heritage: Religion and Nationalism in a Global World

April 25, 2008



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Another thing about the Iraqi Museum looting is that it apparently was used as cover for THEM to remove key Sumerian tablets and artifacts ahead of time and blame it on this activity. The author of Evil Archeology makes a very good case for this. I did a piece a few weeks ago about the Double Eagle and it's original Sumerian origins. I don't know if you read it. At the end of that piece I postulated that the people running the world now must consider themselves descendents of Sumer and the Annunaki and signal this by using the same family crest the rulers of Sumer did. Cut to a few days ago and I found a "straight out of the horses mouth" admission by a Jew that they DO consider themselves direct descendents of the Annunaki. Will be putting this up for next Sunday. This is why the Iraqi Museum got "looted".

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If that link works you will find that the general museum was destroyed but only INSIDERS knew of secret rooms where the spell-casting cylinder seals and other objects were held and those were taken too. Interesting how you and I who have never met before, have different backgrounds, totally different factual resources came to the same corn clusions.

I've got their gods hangin'....

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Yes, that is what the author of Evil Archeology said. Basement storage areas were raided and just very specific artifacts taken. Much flashier and more valuable stuff left behind. I have known for a long time that I am guided to see exactly what I need to see and meet who I need to meet. You can rest assured of that. We are here together for a reason.

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How would we even KNOW who's dead or alive in Rwanda or elsewhere? They just replace people with facebook accounts & Voice mockery.

This is gonna get REAL INNERESTING!

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I want to be the most bored motherfucker in the world...

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You would loose your marbles. You & boredom don't exactly get along? WHEN is the last time you had a bordom vacation? You don't even do SLEEP very well.

You couldn't relax & watch the show if MY life depended on it. When internet runs out, You'll sprint to your books. OR write a book.

Careful whatcha wish for.

There's PLENTY of time for boredom when we are all DEAD. :)

Unless, THIS is Dead ...& we're in Limbo? Nevermind.

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You crack me up.

No... really, I've developed hairline fractures...

stop revealing my secrets.

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I just read all 64 comments and they are genius and inspiring!! It is what should be taught to all survivors(if any) AFTER we take to the streets with pitchforks to rid the world of the fuckers. In truth I am a pacifist and abhor violence, hell I don't even own a gun and I believe massive peaceful protests could pause their role for a short time to figure out our next move. I am trying to remember that classic Mel Gibson movie where all he did was type his thoughts and saved the world.....oh wait.....there isn't one because he smashed their fucking heads and slashed their fucking throats!! Again....I have zero desire for violence and am not promoting it but the fuckers started this fight and the fuckers ARE violent. They have countless generations of inside knowledge and that is one sweet advantage. We have numbers.....we just have no perspective and no courage. 7 to 8 billion VS lettus say a million truly calling the shots. Close to a billion privately owned firearms and the fuckers freely play golf out in the open everyday. How badass does that make you feel super typers??

I start everyday with this perspective.....no one that has ever been biologically born(or created in a sim) made that choice themselves. We ALL got here the same way....equal. Yes, they squirted out into insider trading knowledge of control but no more powerful in creation......and MASSIVELY FEWER numbers. NUMBERS NUMBERS NUMBERS!!! One day Larkin Rose will roll over in his grave because the greatest 6min video of all time using only dots didn't take.....we were all too busy stroking each others cyber schlong (looking down sad face emoji).

Go outside......hold up signs.....try to inspire and educate those that do not get it yet. It is hard, hardly fruitful at all and I am hated for it. But I can not take the chance that I wont find Neo one day. He has to be out there because he is certainly not on these forums doing nothing but chatting. Everyone and I mean EVERYONE is just protecting their own brands. Doers should all be in the same campground by now face to face figuring something out. Make sure to wave at each other as you are swirling down the drain before you go under. Scold me, lecture me, take me or leave me....I do not give a fuckity fuck. This is my anthem and it is all I say on every site......where are you Neo.....I am to old to hold signs up much longer.

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That's what I thought typers......

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Here's a Zen Koan:

What if YOU are Neo and you've been waiting on Yourself?

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