Say it like it is - Then there is no debate
It can’t be negligence.
It can’t be dereliction of duty.
It can’t be temporary lapse of Sanity.
It can’t be poor judgment.
It can only be the other Jordan phrase from 2008:
That’s what Demons Do.
It can’t be an ‘isolated incident’.
It can’t be one bad individual (NOT WHEN THERE’S FUCKING TWELVE!)
It can’t be lack of training.
It can’t be
It cannot be anything other than, as always, you were lied to about everything. So, whereas Dante had BLACK demons in hell that were that color because they were charred from the fires of Eternity sporting tails, wings, pitchforks, knives, hooks and other playtoys; and sports teams like to stylize RED Devils - for what reason I could never figure out. It is ONLY because these monsters that LOOK like humans ARE Demons and you were TRAINED NOT TO SEE THEM.
Hysterical Blindness?
Dr. WHO perception filter imposed by intergalactic aliens?
That’s what Demons Do.
They camouflage like chameleons.
They Hide In Plain Sight.
They hunt your children and they
And you’re not supposed to cry out.
You’re not supposed to oppose them.
They are given full pre-pardon for what they do.
See how simple that is?
What IS the job of a demon?
To torture the Damned Souls in Hell.
To physically and mentally abuse and torment them for Eternity.
To sacrifice them to the Ruler of the Dark Realm.
There are ways of dealing with A Demon. Jesus ain’t part of that. Jesus wasn’t even In The Building if you were paying attention.
But Demons are Hive. They are Legion for they are Many.
They are Principalities, Powers, and Archons in High Places (allowing the underling Demons to be exhonorated and HONORED for the ‘job’ that they did). Therefore, the Hive will come out if the Benevolent Order is disturbed.
There are zipcodes in Hell. Some are worse neighborhoods than others.
The post below was taken down within minutes of sharing it. That is why it is called: INSTAslam.
Add this equation with the one below with no other characters
It said that the New York Times did an 18-page story on what is going on in one particular neighborhood in Hell but saved until page 16 just a minor mention that Prisoners (seeing a theme?) who were being held with no charges and no access to due process (seeing a theme?) were STRIPPED NAKED (SEEING A THEME?), brutalized (seeing a theme?) and had hot metal rods shoved in their anuses.
This is happening in Life?
This is happening on the Glorious Planet Earth? a Gift From God? A Beautiful vacation spa in a place that USED to be called: The Land of Milk And Honey?
Was that just a cover for Hell that apparently the callouses on everyone’s eyes are too thick to see?
Impossible for me to say if that link is the image of a lifeless child whose legs were obliterated by Yew Ess tox doll ears. But if you have never seen death close up. If you have never faced what the Millie Tarry Occupation has been stealing your money to do, then it is a strong, undeniable, bitch slap towards both of those goals.
Welcome to Station WHEL
Where it’s All Hell
All the Time
Stay tune for more Demon Patrol Reports!
They are Endless because so are We!
Here's why they're fucking insane. It was a quote at the beginning of the Horror Movie The Night Crew. Leave it to Hollywood to tell you the truth and the NEWS to lie to you.
Hebrews 9:22 And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission.
1994 | 160 Nations Agreed to Reduce the World Population to 800 Million by 2030 (6minutes)