because this is just crazy shit in an insane assylum, I hated the pilot, the series, and the reruns and I'm not tolerating the demonic sense of humor in this eternal go-round in Dante's Circles.
“Hard for farmers to hold onto their land”!!!! Yeah, when the government forces them off with claims of contamination. What the??!!! And no mention of Bill buying up land??
Oh... I read you loud and clear. In martime piracy I don't see a difference between a bill of lading and a Bill of gating. He's just the agent/minion for the Debil. These creatures really aren't at the top of the food chain which makes them all the more pathetic. They are appointed figureheads for the herd to adore or revile never once seeing the true power.
who is at the top of the food chain.. We are that is why they are trying to destroy us at every angle or wait was that angel? weak and controlled fuckers who give it up... This moron bullshit news blaster out her ass. tell us we have to rely on the GOVERN THE MENTE
Spirochetes. Hive Mind. Microbes running host. We have to rely on doctors that gave us the diseases in the first place so we have to rely on government to pretend to chastise china because governmente allowed china to buy it.
I put out a number of stacks in a row and lost track of the comments so when I came here I thought this was a different stack so I refered to the stack where China bought up all of the land when THIS WAS THE STACK WHERE CHINA BOUGHT UP THE LAND.
You do NOT want me doing any accounting or even lawn mowing for you. It will be chaotic.
they study us like flies on shit, no wait like Christians on the BI BULL, no wait, like UMMM. Alien fuckers who want to terra form our Earth, and end all biological life. I mean, not sure who exactly you are talking about... but those who are fucking over all life on earth is who I am talking about.. bill schmill and all.
When you study the organization of Hives you get a clue as to what is going on.
In stinging insects they are all female clones except for males that need to fertilize the queen. The queen keeps the entire hive under a chemical thrall with pheromones so from the time a grub hatches it serves its master wihout question. There are workers and soldiers in the system but they are all cookie-cutter copies of each other.
Therefore if you got rid of a Royal of Engl Land or a Billy Goat there would be another one ready-made to take it's place.
Only Hive matters so if the hive is treatened the entire population will come to attack the 'enemy'. This is exactly what we saw during the plandemic.
I saw over the weekend a replacement showed up on the royal balcony impersonating Kate.. Carmen Sandiego yeah! found her!! on the royal dipshits balcony
China bad....Russia bad.....but in these countries at this point seems ppl have more balls than USAians. Not to mention that home ownership is nearly 100% is said countries. Things that make me go hmmm.......
On prison earth the cells are our countries. In this one pretending to own tour own cell is even harder. Yeah....yeah your handlers might respect more your "human rights".....but thinl of the oxymoron: you have to pay to live here (Health Care + Education and you never quite own a home bwcause you pay local taxes). So frankly I dont see commi China much worse than a lot of other places labeled democracies of my ass.
It would be more fair to do a side to side assessment of benefits that prisoners in each country get instead. Chinese people in a whole do not wish to change their governament. They liked it the way it is.
But lets talk about the US people instead.......the social credit system was gifted as an experiment to China by the US. Funny how people get all worked up about this, considering that the US has a credit score system based on debit & credit.
It is all bullshit of course because as you all know that score is good only to contract an interest rate already capped on the lower end to favor BANKS.
And of course to really call China communist in term of economy is not correct, since China has pursued Communist politics at the social level but very capitalistic policies at the economic level. Indeed the PCC is more concerned about getting people to buy their products than bringing an army down here to invade the territory.
Well, as you mentioned in your post tyey do not have to do that because they can buy land here. Right??
See the laws of commerce ALLOW this crap to happen.
I am all for an inclusive economy....expecially if we have the resources for self support.
But this is never going to happen because it is all about sizing the right to own waterway passages instead to own freely the 7 seas.
It's always been a game of: Let You and Him fight, while the instigator watches from the side. Ferdinand Lundberg in 1968, The Rich and the Super Rich said that the propaganda was to portray the Russian Peasant as some pitiful lower class when compared the the US middle class. Turns out asset for asset they were the same. It took all of my adult life to learn that Peasant means: farmer.
The Chinee have been invading gardens and farm fields to tear up what central control does not want grown. That's terrible. I just posted a couple of Stacks of cunning LAND GRABS by the US corp.
Same Pig - no need for different shade of lipstick.
So the Three Clans have always had the whirled divided up with different flavors so that people would think that they are being raped in different ways allowing them to think that their raping wasn't as bad as the other raping (another Lundberg observation paraphrased).
The Internationals recognize no countries therefore ALL of the land 'belongs' to Them. That can be the case if no one has ever done what it takes to take it from them.
Nothing will ever be right here in hell. That's the other illusion that keeps people hooked on Hopium.
Only solution hubs and I have if you want to stay in your native country is to move off grid to a remote mountain area here. Still going to have issues with emf and pollution, but a lot less. Of everything!
That and the Chinee burning down the surrounding forest with DEW.
I was getting background radiation readings around my land before the fires that allowed me to compare them after the fires. Something of beta and gamma emitters were in that smoke now our baseline is reset.
You can run - but you can't hide, with satellite balloon surveillance.
So, this late in the game it would be best to stand and fyte instead of running.
The entire world lacks the courage and training to do that an every effort in North Hamerica is bent on disharming the civilian.
I always suspected that there was a China man under the Biden mask!
A Chinaman insidah
hangin' like a spidah
Bidin' its time
Biden is crime
He be wearin' he mask
to accomplish he task
Cain't wait til it's ovah
From DC to Dovah
because this is just crazy shit in an insane assylum, I hated the pilot, the series, and the reruns and I'm not tolerating the demonic sense of humor in this eternal go-round in Dante's Circles.
You still manage to make me <smile> here in the pits of hell :)
As I said before, Patrick's humor makes this hell little bit more bearable. Thank you Patrick.
“Hard for farmers to hold onto their land”!!!! Yeah, when the government forces them off with claims of contamination. What the??!!! And no mention of Bill buying up land??
did you see my earlier stack where China owns land in 29 states?
They'll be sent The Bill.
Yep, I did...but my reference to Bill was Bill Gates.
Oh... I read you loud and clear. In martime piracy I don't see a difference between a bill of lading and a Bill of gating. He's just the agent/minion for the Debil. These creatures really aren't at the top of the food chain which makes them all the more pathetic. They are appointed figureheads for the herd to adore or revile never once seeing the true power.
who is at the top of the food chain.. We are that is why they are trying to destroy us at every angle or wait was that angel? weak and controlled fuckers who give it up... This moron bullshit news blaster out her ass. tell us we have to rely on the GOVERN THE MENTE
Spirochetes. Hive Mind. Microbes running host. We have to rely on doctors that gave us the diseases in the first place so we have to rely on government to pretend to chastise china because governmente allowed china to buy it.
..and so it goes round and round..."the spinning don't stop when you leave the cradle"
Yes exactly because as I said in my post we favor others over our own citizens.
Hey! I'm funny.
I put out a number of stacks in a row and lost track of the comments so when I came here I thought this was a different stack so I refered to the stack where China bought up all of the land when THIS WAS THE STACK WHERE CHINA BOUGHT UP THE LAND.
You do NOT want me doing any accounting or even lawn mowing for you. It will be chaotic.
🤣 👍
...and the reason they can be manipulated to be the figurehead is because they don't understand people, relationships and personal power.
they study us like flies on shit, no wait like Christians on the BI BULL, no wait, like UMMM. Alien fuckers who want to terra form our Earth, and end all biological life. I mean, not sure who exactly you are talking about... but those who are fucking over all life on earth is who I am talking about.. bill schmill and all.
I was referring to Bill Gates being manipulated to be the figurehead for those in control...whoever 'they' are...I don't know
When you study the organization of Hives you get a clue as to what is going on.
In stinging insects they are all female clones except for males that need to fertilize the queen. The queen keeps the entire hive under a chemical thrall with pheromones so from the time a grub hatches it serves its master wihout question. There are workers and soldiers in the system but they are all cookie-cutter copies of each other.
Therefore if you got rid of a Royal of Engl Land or a Billy Goat there would be another one ready-made to take it's place.
Only Hive matters so if the hive is treatened the entire population will come to attack the 'enemy'. This is exactly what we saw during the plandemic.
I saw over the weekend a replacement showed up on the royal balcony impersonating Kate.. Carmen Sandiego yeah! found her!! on the royal dipshits balcony
China bad....Russia bad.....but in these countries at this point seems ppl have more balls than USAians. Not to mention that home ownership is nearly 100% is said countries. Things that make me go hmmm.......
On prison earth the cells are our countries. In this one pretending to own tour own cell is even harder. Yeah....yeah your handlers might respect more your "human rights".....but thinl of the oxymoron: you have to pay to live here (Health Care + Education and you never quite own a home bwcause you pay local taxes). So frankly I dont see commi China much worse than a lot of other places labeled democracies of my ass.
It would be more fair to do a side to side assessment of benefits that prisoners in each country get instead. Chinese people in a whole do not wish to change their governament. They liked it the way it is.
But lets talk about the US people instead.......the social credit system was gifted as an experiment to China by the US. Funny how people get all worked up about this, considering that the US has a credit score system based on debit & credit.
It is all bullshit of course because as you all know that score is good only to contract an interest rate already capped on the lower end to favor BANKS.
And of course to really call China communist in term of economy is not correct, since China has pursued Communist politics at the social level but very capitalistic policies at the economic level. Indeed the PCC is more concerned about getting people to buy their products than bringing an army down here to invade the territory.
Well, as you mentioned in your post tyey do not have to do that because they can buy land here. Right??
See the laws of commerce ALLOW this crap to happen.
I am all for an inclusive economy....expecially if we have the resources for self support.
But this is never going to happen because it is all about sizing the right to own waterway passages instead to own freely the 7 seas.
The yahoody all fly British flag.....of course.
It's always been a game of: Let You and Him fight, while the instigator watches from the side. Ferdinand Lundberg in 1968, The Rich and the Super Rich said that the propaganda was to portray the Russian Peasant as some pitiful lower class when compared the the US middle class. Turns out asset for asset they were the same. It took all of my adult life to learn that Peasant means: farmer.
The Chinee have been invading gardens and farm fields to tear up what central control does not want grown. That's terrible. I just posted a couple of Stacks of cunning LAND GRABS by the US corp.
Same Pig - no need for different shade of lipstick.
So the Three Clans have always had the whirled divided up with different flavors so that people would think that they are being raped in different ways allowing them to think that their raping wasn't as bad as the other raping (another Lundberg observation paraphrased).
The Internationals recognize no countries therefore ALL of the land 'belongs' to Them. That can be the case if no one has ever done what it takes to take it from them.
Nothing will ever be right here in hell. That's the other illusion that keeps people hooked on Hopium.
Only solution hubs and I have if you want to stay in your native country is to move off grid to a remote mountain area here. Still going to have issues with emf and pollution, but a lot less. Of everything!
That and the Chinee burning down the surrounding forest with DEW.
I was getting background radiation readings around my land before the fires that allowed me to compare them after the fires. Something of beta and gamma emitters were in that smoke now our baseline is reset.
You can run - but you can't hide, with satellite balloon surveillance.
So, this late in the game it would be best to stand and fyte instead of running.
The entire world lacks the courage and training to do that an every effort in North Hamerica is bent on disharming the civilian.