Sometimes I feel that I am stuck in a muddy swamp with the most proficient retards that Hu-Manity can produce. I PROVED during the Planned Day Mik that there was NEVER separation of Church and State by using the Constitutions of each State as a basis for a ‘religious’ DEMAND of rights to not be polluted by Jen No Sidal madmen.
Words have meaning. To ASK for an EXEMPTION is madness.
Asking is a petition to a Higher Power. Exemption means that you are being given a pass by a higher power for something you are EXPECTED to do.
A DEMAND OF RIGHTS snowplows though several yards of crusty bullshit.
So, each state was FOUNDED on a Higher Power. This proves there was never separation of Church and State but a common commie ploy to use circular logic to justify something.
We get out power from God who then ordains the power that we created on paper. Obey us or we will destroy you. In the name of God.
Yup. Works for me.
First I heard of these oaths was that Congress (all Yahoodim Family, including the token Muslim = Yahoodim by definition) was required to swear an oath of loyalty to the Motherland.
Given that dual citizenship is the rule not the exception in the ONLY branch of government left after they gutted everything with the Administrative Procedures Act, then it only seems logical that they would require an oath to their cult leader.
What this highlights is that the reason that they call themselves Internationals is that they do not hold to any country (Goyim means: Of the Nations).
According to Josephus with at least 2 other aliases, after the cataclysm the Three Clans of Noea: Ham, Shem, and Yaphet were FORCED to leave the mountain or be kilt by god itself. What would have the world been like if the Bug in their head didn’t induce them to go down to infect everyone that was left?
Yes, Joe See Fuss said that NOT EVERYTHING WAS DESTROYED IN THE FLOOD. He goes on to describe how these maurading clans either Kilt, or subdued, or intermixed or war-raped everything and everyone what was left, thus claiming the entire planet for themselves.
I didn’t know that Germ Many was a federation of separate states. But the book Hit Leer Founder of Is-Ra-EL made it clear that nearly everyone in his cabinet had Yahoody ancestry and without Adolph’s Meat Tenderizer that the State of Is-Ra-EL could have never been formed. That begs the question if it was an unintended consequence or a Master Plan?
What we are seeing is that the most advanced aggressive millie tarry power: the YewKnighted States of Shumeria, is the satellite state of its mother, and that Germany from its inception and via its rulers was ALWAYS Yahoodim, so this final Oath of Fealty for the Germaines is just a natural extension of WHAT ALWAYS WAS BUT NO ONE WANTED TO ADMIT.
Perception and Reality are always the victims of Spellwork.
A large portion of the ‘royalty’ of England were German. The Romans ‘invaded’ Britain and took over. But Joe See Fuss would have us realize that EVERYONE after the cataclysm were Yahoodim regardless of placename that NEVER defined race. So we come back to my assertion that all of the strife has only been Family on Family violence.
Elizabeth II was a Saxe Gotha. Saxe comes from Issac’s Sons. Direct line to the Abramic origins. Why anyone would ignore or deny this is a testament to the power of Spellwork/Mind Control.
Why have NO Muslim nations risen to the those being Palestined? It’s obvious. They too have become satellite states of the Motherland so they would NEVER fight against that which controls it from the inside.
Ack Muh Dean A Jod is a Mite of Shem. Even if the ‘royal’ family of Saud aren’t from That Noetic Son, they and their wealth are under the control of their cousins so they didn’t even let out a peep while their Hammitic cousins were being turned to grey dust.
The Levant was historically populated by Hammites AND Shemites, something conveniently occulted by those with an agenda, so the dustification of that country is being meted out on the cousins of the ones who claim that it belonged to them before they even got there.
But like the Han Eyeball directive the creatures with the neurosyphilis are able and willing to destroy ‘their own people’ for the sake of…
… well, it doesn’t make sense, does it? Kylling for kyllings sake?
Protocol 2:5 Through the Press we have gained the power to influence while remaining ourselves in the shade; thanks to the Press we have got the GOLD in our hands, notwithstanding that we have had to gather it out of the oceans of blood and tears. But it has paid us, though we have sacrificed many of our people. Each victim on our side is worth in the sight of God a thousand GOYIM.
Protocol 9:2 Nowadays, if any States raise a protest against us it is only PRO FORMA at our discretion and by our direction, for THEIR ANTI-SEMITISM IS INDISPENSABLE TO US FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF OUR LESSER BRETHREN. I will not enter into further explanations, for this matter has formed the subject of repeated discussions amongst us.
It’s fractal self-similarity isn’t it?
The very group that cried it was oppressed by another group uses the exact same techniques of the supposed OTHER group leaving a clear picture that THERE WAS NEVER ANY SEPARATION BETWEEN THE TWO.
All you need to do to be granted the privilege (travel, it seems, and leaving an insanely oppressive cell block is not a right) is to SAY THE WORD.
Just say the word… maybe we’ll let you leave, or live…
I am always amused with the bunk that US was founded as a Christian nation. Many of the 14 presidents of the US before Washington were Freemasons, as was Washington. The US dollar bill has a Masonic symbol on it. And the US Senate has a symbol on its building of the Fasces - a bundle of sticks that signify strength when held together (from Aesop's fable) and is the symbol of Fascism. The founding fathers wanted to be the new Roman and pagan republic of Rome. Of course, all history has been obliterated by the Overseers.
The “bug in their head”…I am wondering if this is caused by hallucenogens in the anointing oil. Could THey all have had a very similar hallucinogenic “cosmic” experience that THey have recreated as god? Now this hallucinogenic god is used to control the Naturals? In this hallucinogenic experience could genitalia be missing thereby creating the castrated or emasculated gods that THey are emulating via TransHumanism which is a religion?