What a stupid title to the video.
The ruling SHOULD bring down the ENTIRETY of the Yew Knighted States of Shumeria.
I haven’t had time to follow up on what Wayne of Machevellian Man said about the 1947 Administrative Procedures Act being repealed.
It is obvious that the Administrative State is well-embedded
with one of the Tells being that the Administrative Court system has supplanted what used to be the intial paths to grieve against the Govern Mente.
So, it’s not just the Cheeseheads that would crumble. THE ENTIRE SYSTEM IS BASED ON IT. Effectively it would NULLIFY EVERY ASPECT OF Govern Mente SINCE 1947.
Roswell ain’t gots noffin’ on dis alien invaszion.
0:12 The Supreme Court just heard the case last week and it turns out there is nothing in the Constitution that gives bureaucrats the authority to write rules and regulations.
for those of you who have followed my deconstructions:
Code = USELESS. Doesn’t prevent any Govern Mente officer, Agent, or thug from putting people in steel cages or just deleting their programs.
Statutes = USELESS
Ordinances = USELESS
Rules & Regulations IN THEIR SYSTEM are the ONLY things that have force and effect of law, but it seems that the fox licking it’s feathered lips in the henhouse has been making the Law inside the henhouse all this time.
It’s hard to stomach the SMUGNESS of this git:
Maybe what we have here is a a sort of Gentleman's Agreement about how we're going to operate with government right we're go we're you know we're going to
It was a Gentled Man’s agreement that ended the civil war. Handshake between cousins and the slaughter of the dumbfuck ‘citizens’ fighting for a cunt tree that wasn’t even theirs went: Byegones!
No piece treaty. No formal anything.
Fuckers have been doing the handshake even to this day in the Diamond District where NO CONTRACTS ARE MADE, it is just the word of the double-dealers.
maybe it's not what the contract says but maybe it's not what the Constitution says but hey we're this is how we've been operating for a long time.
Sounds like Peel Lousy: We have to pass it to know what is in it. Business as unusual.
This is Camel’s Nose In Tent bullshit.
This is: Oy! Granfather us in because the Goi didn’t complain when we first broke our own rules! Mess Sugar Numb.
furthermore Justice Bradley believes that the legislature doesn't have the authority to give bureaucrats that Authority
Lettuce brake down this TREASON. It’s treason within Their system instigated by Them. I don’t care if a band of criminals are fucking over a band of other criminals while they’re fucking over the Little Goy.
The Administrative Procedures Act at the federal level was the premier Fabian takeover from the inside out. Suddenly: POOF! the ENTIRE EXECUTIVE BRANCH was turned into AGENCIES and the institutions (for the criminally insane) within the Jew Dish All branch were sluiced from the established Departments into the newly-formed Pod People Replacements of the Administrative Courts, etc.
The only thing that wasn’t Body Snatched was Congress who pulled the entire tablecloth-out-from-under-dinner trick.
So, too, at the State level, and you know that ALL of the states are in lockstep in this charade, you have the substitution of the ‘law makers’ for the ‘law breakers’ bureau craps with a wink and a nod BECAUSE THEY ARE ALL IN ON IT.
It’s offensive to read this bullshit, “the legislature doesn't have the authority to give bureaucrats that Authority”. That is the same bullshit of the Christian nonsense of saying God Created the Universe and created the Devil but ALLOWS the Devil to Rule This World - because…
What was it? A Wink & Nod? A Gentleman’s agreement between a Deity and its Schizophrenic persona in the form of a renegade Cherubim?
Silence is consent.
The legislators can’t not know about it.
I have as I'm sure you have studied the Wisconsin Constitution extensively with the division of powers that the people
The People. Always The People. That excludes You and Me, Dear Reader because We ain’t Them.
authorized and gave to different branches of government but nowhere do I see that the people ever consented
When the Tall Mud is clear that those considered Goyim are LOWER THAN ANIMALS then The People are offended by the very notion that you thought you were part of the consent-givers. This is why cops A Sassy Nate people all the time. You are vermin to the system.
to being governed
Archon means: Governor.
an administrative State
Witches where I hope someone has some spare time to investigate Wayne’s observation that the Administrative Procedures Act was taken down by the feds a year after it went up. This clearly states that the States had the model of the Administrative State for ??? years. Unchallenged until today. Makes me wonder if Swamp Cleaner Jones in the Govern Yours office had been reading my work?
instead of their elected representatives in the legislature.
Elected? By secret ballot?
Raise Lysander Spooner from the dead! He’s gonna roll over in his grave that the fuckers are still jacking that lie.
Representatives? Buy a copy of the Protocols to see WHY they invented the PROXY system to control you.
Legislature? That was the ONLY holdout of the Federal Administrative State. The only thing NOT changed so that they could, as Ralph Epperson showed: maintain the tyranny that they wrested from the Crown of England to use for themselves.
And now…
for more whiplash…
It’s hard to discern if people like this are informed, well-meaning, or just shills to make the informed and well-meaning Con Stitch You Ants THINK that govern mente is doing something right? Doing something for Them?
It tends to suggest that States are moving in the right die wreck shun. But given both of these videos were in my feed simultaneously at the same time, I then air (err) on the side of Sigh Ops.
Until there is an arrest warrant and that rat-faced fuck is being eaten by rats in the oubliette, then I won’t waste another second with this kind of political masturbation.
The AG cain’t do noffin’.
Y’alls gunn hafta do it at the County level.
What’s this YOU shit baldy?
Is government like a Terminator where it can’t self-terminate?
Butt the Counties are subsets of the ADDMENSTRUATION STATE AT THE STATE AND FEDERAL LEVEL, so this is the equivalent of a fractal jerkoff where there is always the verge of E. Jack You Lay Shun but it never gets there because the endpoint swoops back around to the revolving door.
So, I’m just highlighting this bullshit to show that either real humans (if you want to be generous) are FINALLY touching on topics I’ve been railing about since 2000, or if these creatures in this SIM aren’t real, then the A.I. is feeding me some echo chamber of HOPE that maybe the most corrupt evil system ever conceived from the bowels of hell will miraculously give itself an enema.
Homey don’t play: Hope.
ELon tweeted ... "America is a nation of builders .... Soon you will be free to build"
THIS is very telling! Trump is Masonic 47th President.
Who are the builders?? The Free Masons... THEY will be FREE to build their Novus Ordo Seclorum.
They plan on bringing the Chaos to burn it to the ground....because we are a nation of "builders"
This is the plan & they are definitely saying it out loud. They plan on trashing the place just to rebuild the prison.
Faucci is still talking with Trump about making MRNA aids, polio, & selective cancer innocullations. There are no plans to throw the rat under the jail & taking away his security isn't gonna do shit. There's a bigger plan at play in the background.
Dost thou have contempt for husks which sign up for Fauci's security guard or Buy dan's 87,000 armed IRS agent. If thy thoughts maketh it come to pass as the pillow sitting guru's sayeth might we behold 87,000 penned schwein violently rip through the barbed wire pen mit bloody fleisch, cloud of dust trails behind en route to steep cliff for a twin tower jumper concrete splatter.