I considered starting a new Section with the name being the same as this title, but what’s the point? Everyone in Hell is completely insane so, as they say: It goes with the Territory…
This was the last video in the feed that I harvested to get the trend of the Madness from 6 videos without the aid of some fancy computer Al Gore Rhythm. You merely watch the video - or like me: just parts of it until you can’t stand it - and then say: Yup, motherfuckers are crazier than shit-house rats!
What is happening in Western Northern Carolina is Lahina Revisted. In place of DEW and Fire, they are using HAARP and Water. That is why the Officials won’t let anyone ‘help’ just like they shut the roads to escape in Maui. The First Responders are a Criminal Cartel. Now the threat of arrest in a real world would have been solved with a throw it paunch but they already had the Dogs of War staged to enforce their insane (that’s theme of this Stack) … what? order? agenda? Jen No Side?
That’s what it is. Don’t quibble over words. It doesn’t matter if it was DEW/Fire or HAARP/Water or tox doll ears that bought the best Oar Din Ants that Is Ra EL didn’t need to buy - the RESULT was They Lied - Peeple Dyed.
WHERE WERE THE FUCKING Mel Lish Shuh? I’m sure they’re hunkered in their bunkers with dry pow durr and a full pantry.
Nearly one billion Harry Potter Magick Wands in the cold ded hands of every man woman and baby in Harmerica yet the pilot was sent away under threat.
Seems like that black guy in the ‘comedy’ (?) video bailing water while the river rushed by.
In the They Lied - Peepholes Dyed category, it’s Good Ole ShemClan, Inc. BUSINESS that invoked the That Was Then - This Is Now, naaah, naaah, you have no Standing to charge me!
And what judge wouldn’t support the taunt of a criminal against the victims? THEY WERE SET UP TO DO THAT FROM THE START!
Say it like it is - then there is no debate.
Patrick Jordan
This time the cabal used just good old fashioned: Turn off the button to the gas supply then turn on the button for SNOWSTORM skit.
Nothing another well-placed Throw-it pun she wouldn’t cure except the Hive Swarm would definitely sting you to deth.
The Tech’s Ass one is kinda like the guy closing the door to the waterfall in the ceiling in the ‘comedy’ video. Nothing to see here… move along. Squishy carpet? What Squishy carpet?
The A.I. is into diversity so it sent me a video on how to use vinegar to get the rainbow stains out of a $450 titanium/stainless steel skillet.
Titanium is a DNA scissors. So why would you cook with it?
Chromium used to make Stainless is toxic as well, and the Nickel in stainless steel as a metal ion is the way they induce breast cancer in mice in the lab because it works every time. Needless to say in the NIH’s Virus Cancer Program publication there is no such thing as Organ-Specific Cancer - except for breast cancer that they ADAPTED TO MICE…
See why I’m always about Continuum? You can go around Hell in a circle forever.
This wasn’t in the feed. I just like this clip from the Stephen King movie: Cell.
So getting the stains off of the expensive pans sold to asshats that have too much disposable income reminds me of the backhoe operator sweeping the ground with shop broom in the ‘comedy’ video.
Just so you know and so that you dont’ feel like you are cheating when you skip videos and just read my version of drooling on myself without a bib: THIS IS THE KIND OF VIDEO THAT I SKIP. One: because you get everything you need to know from the title. Two: because it DOESN’T MATTER WHAT THE DETAILS ARE! Three: because that is why there is Jury Nullification. So the Criminal First Responders are the hardware for the Yew Dish All system that vomits the software to keep the plebes under control. Just because it is a Law doesn’t mean that is… well… anything - except control. But, see the video on the ants and then you will know why those being ordered around do the Curly shuffle when the phone rings or the gavel hits three times (an MK trigger). THEN imagine that if you were not an ant or not part of the Hive then those same Kabba-Circling Formicans would put the bite or the sting on you for not going Down And To the Left (taken from both Dante’s Inferno and Midnight Express).
Where are those Damned Mal Ish shuh’s? I know: They’re WAITING for things to Get Bad…
This video gives the impression of the guy with the welder’s helmet that was there to protect him but the visor KEPT FALLING DOWN ON THE JOB SO HE JUST THREW IT ACROSS THE ROOM. Pretty fitting, eh? The analogy, not the Hell Met.
Most of y’all know that my life was defined by chemicull allergy so this is close to me even though I only read the title and never cracked open the video. Another hearty Throw it Poncho would be in order here with instruction to the recipients that such a love-tap is “unlikely to cause harm”.
I’ve been saying for years that EPA, FDA, USDA, FAA (recently), FCC (recently - did you see they gave a WAIVER TO SOROS? *) are all a PsyOp to MAKE YOU THINK THEY ARE THERE TO WORK FOR YOU AND PROTECT YOU when we are in FULL-ON OPPOSITE DAY IN AN INSANE ASSYLUM IN HELL!
So, on the face of it: Of COURSE THE GODDAMNED MOTHERFUCKING COCKSUCKING JEN NO SIDE ALL MANIACS WOULD SAY THAT, because it takes us from the realm of DEW/FIRE; HAARP/WATER; BAD GAS/SNOW; into TOSS MATCH/CHEMICAL ARMAGEDDON. Is anyone getting the impression that these population wipes are decreasing in complexity and therefore expense to something that is done economically? Economical Jen Oh Cide.
This is similar to the guy on the rollaround cart headed right into the hole in the floor in the ‘comedy’ video that has lost its patina of humor because the real world is competing with the insanity of what were also REAL LIFE SITUATIONS merely PRESENTED for us to laugh at.
The Soros video was from yesterday but it is relevant to the Stack.
Again, I didn’t watch/listen to the entire thing because this is a LOCKSTEP agenda of getting rid of who might be considered compassionate and competent to replace them by proxies. Not that I would defend ANYONE in the healthkyll INDUSTRY. Just sayin’ that if you are dumping the majority for the minority then that is anti-democracy by definition. As if Mob Rule was a thing. Just sayin’ that if these people actually wanted to help sick folk then they wouldn’t be in the INDUSTRY anyway so here is their Oprah Nudity to start a parallel business since they are still licensed; unless that is the next thing to go when they say that they don’t want to be in a changing room with someone who has a full package.
How can women have rights if you can’t define who/what a Woman is?
So that sweet little video is like the ‘comedy’ sketch where the kid with the saber saw is hacking away manually (maybe his name is Manuel?) on the yucca? agave? until his patron gives him a battery, then he struggles to put the battery in, then goes back to sawing on the leaves by hand. Yeah… just like that…
ALL of this nonsense that I made you suffer through with me - misery loves company - demonstrates that the SIM is having FILES or entire FOLDERS deleted (humans and swaths of land) and then the harddrive is being defragged. Soon, due to the next generations who have about as much long term memory as a gnat, there will be no recollection of what once was, what crimes were committed, and what is happening right now… right now… right now… right now…
…I’ll comment on the rest but first the helicopter pilot being threatened to be arrested for SAVING people’s lives…
I’d fly and told the judge “I claim the law of necessity!” If you commit a “crime” in this case in order to save someone’s life you are NOT to be charged with the “crime”!!!
Comment on the trans rights......it was always a man's world. It is a man's world. I cannot understand why the feminazi do not see this.