There are too many incidences of CENSORSHIP IN REAL TIME where the words coming from the Buy-Oh-Chem Wharf Air Queen were not even transcribed or were rendered inaccurately on the closed captions and the sidebar transcript.
https://www. watch?v=8saNm_k031g
Israel recovers Oct. 7 hostage, polio oral vaccines to Gaza
CBS News; 6.06M subscribers; 11,566 views; Aug 27, 2024
is the parent link. It’s worth watching. You have to assemble the link to make it work.
Here’s the best part of it teased out of the whole mess:
The full exchange starts out with the sychophant posing as a newsman saying that there was a TERRIBLE OUTBREAK when there was only the First Reported Case.
Hmmm… they used that for the Bird Flu in 2009, they used that for ConYid.
Here’s what she Freudian Slipped:
“… no reliable ways to really even catch the disease…
uh… or to catch the spread… I think the first case was just reported… but the U.N. was warning that this was on its way and had been detected in sewage systems starting in July…”
Here’s what the transcript showed:
Here’s what the Closed Captions showed:
“And the only reliable way to even catch the spread — the first case was just reported, the U.N. was reporting that this was on its way.”
I feel like in a 2001: A Space Odd Titty scene where I’m screaming at the HAL 9000 computer to just transcribe without ChatBot HALLUCINATIONS (that’s what they’re called) but the machine just screams back at me: Bugger off, mate!
I mean: what if you were hearing impaired —
wait! fuck! I just described the entire goddamned whirled
—and had to rely on closed skull head-wound captions, or transshits to find out what she was vomiting because you lacked the skills to read lying lips?
But the Template Of Deception was secure during the Polio Scam so in the spirit of:
they have been running the same football play since 1954 and the apes are so pathetically stupid they try to fuck the football every time.
One day Franny asked me: “So what about Polio.” So I looked into it with fresh eyes and exposed shit that NO ONE has talked about at least in the camp that is SUPPOSED to be on ‘our side’. Goddamnedest scam from start to finish with 1:2 Hamericans getting cancer out of the deal.
Imagine WHY they want to poy son the Canaanites?
They fucking turned Gah Zah into a parking lot with EXPENSIVE ordinance; but ask anyone in the Chem Eye Cull and Buy Oh Logical Wharf Air INDUSTRY and they will tell you that the CHEAPEST way to take out any population is with their special treats.
These insane Not Sees are bent on erasing the Canaanites from history. The best way to detect Po’ Leo in the sewage system is to PUT IT THERE! Butt Weight! People are drinking and washing in contaminated SURFACE WATER in a country WITH NO SERVICES so HOW IN THE HOLY FUCK COULD A ‘CASE’ SHOW UP IN THE GODDAMNED SEWAGE SYSTEM IF THERE AREN’T EVEN ANY FLUSH TOILETS?
Nothing about this tracks. But then it wasn’t meant to. The mouthpiece is just a low-level harlot that probably loved thespians (actors, dammit, actors!) in high school because she could learn and deliver scripted lines (not so well with that UN director-level slip: remember when he said it was their goal to kyll kids?), and like I said: the average ape is so brain dead they will probably pull out their checkbooks to get some more wax jobs to those poor Canaanite chilrens.
At the end of the agitprop theater piece she said that their A.I.D.S. workers will need assurances from Jen No Side All maniacs that they can get their softkylls in-country. I thought: What? she doesn’t want any Ra Ket attacks? No free raypes? No buggering with an M-16? (probably American surplus). That doesn’t seem co-sure or equitable.
Protocol 11:8-9.....God(bugs) has granted to us, his Chosen poeple, the gift(plague) of the disperSION, and in this which appears in all eyes to be our weakness, has come forth all our strength, which has now brought us to the threshold of sovereignty over ALL the 81 commentary....Their god is the Bug in their heads. The Bug chose them because they were the most susceptible to infection. They are dispersed not because they lost military engagements and were scattered to the ends of the EArth as a people but because viruses replicate in the host and then like a cold or flu making you sneeze to cause that infection to spread to the entire population this 'gift of disperSION' is actually how these things replicated and subjugated before they started to inoculate those who did not naturally pick up the disease......Quote above from elders of szion, zee BOOK of all books.
To paraphrase Shakespeare, "Something is rotten in the state of the World".