Ewe Toob Free (nothing’s free) Movies featured The Abyss, by Cameron.
Since I’ve never seen this flick from the guy who faked going into the Marianas Trench recently. I suffered through it over 3 days.
I knew from the 1960s that they had a fluoridated liquid that would allow you to breath in deep dives. I didn’t know that Michael Biehn played such a badass and did it well in the movie. That’s the only reason I kept watching.
They made a big thing about the pressure differences causing physiological and psychological derangements in folks at depth.
One day while I was on the toilet I got to thinking about Nitrogen Narcosis.
Now, I often have grand revelations, in different situations in different locations, but it just HAPPENED to happen during a Thomas Crapper Session, so I felt it was a significant part of the narrative.
https://www.healthline.com › health › nitrogen-narcosis
Nitrogen narcosis is a condition that affects deep-sea divers when they breathe compressed air at high pressure. It can cause symptoms like euphoria, disorientation, and hallucinations, and may lead to serious complications like decompression sickness.
National Center for Biotechnology Information
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › books › NBK470304
Nitrogen narcosis is a change in consciousness, neuromuscular function, and behavior brought on by breathing compressed inert gasses. It has also been called depth intoxication, "narks," and rapture of the deep.
I’ve known a few “NARKS” in my time. I posted the last link for the Rapture Of The Deep quote where I can hear Cheech & Chong lost behind smoke in their diving helmets going:
Whoah, Man! Did you see that?
What, Mang? There’s so much smoke in here I can’t see nothin!
Dude. Musta been a hallucination… Where’s Dave?
Dave’s not here, mang.
Did you catch the source of the second quote? National Center for Biotechnology Information? Out of the NIH? Maybe Fouci was never a yiddish grandmother in the first place? Maybe he was a Grandbot?
Or maybe EVERYTHING we’re IMMERSED IN is what the Buddhists called: Illusion; what the Biotechfucks are now calling a SIM. Or could be generally referred to as a hallucination…. ???
I was admonished by Wörterbuch to get back to what mattered: How to escape this terrarrium of tear whore.
Which was the other thought that dropped while I was thinking about Nitrogen Narcosis while on the toilet.
Because if we accept our schooling that the atmosphere is made up of 21% oxygen and 78% NITROGEN and just take that at face value while people are going around like they are fucked out of their minds and like in my last stack they’re selling Trains, Planes, and Automobiles that spontaneously combust and when your house catches on fire, you’re half-naked, and some freakass cop shows up then he damned near kylls you FOR YOUR SAFETY…
Then in all seriousness, at this Depth of Hell, we are FORCED to consider:
What if?
What if under this terrarium dome of liquid hydrogen, helium, and nitrogen under the top levels of the iron-nickel enclosure, the partial pressure of Nitrogen at Flat Earth Level is at HALLUCINATORY thresholds already????
think about it:
Do you know ANYBODY:
Who is normal?
Who isn’t fucked in the head?
Who doesn’t act like they are:
Because from where I sit (too tired to stand) the WHOLE WHIRLED looks EXACTLY like that, so if there are different symptoms when you do something stupid like breath out of a tank in Davy Jone’s Locker, then it’s just a matter of degrees/intensity between depth and surface isn’t it?
I, in all seary assness, am postulating (I have a teflon bib on) that the atmosphere might be what it is because it was measured to be so, but that those measurements convey nothing but numbers and an ACCEPTANCE that they were always that way AND THAT THEY WERE RIGHT! Right as in: Proper balance of gasses that are in the best ratio for the abundant life and health of the organisms including mankind on this planet allowing for unfettered development.
What if?
What if the mix was calibrated to keep us in a semi-functional stupor? The level of nitrogen in the air was fine-tuned by the Terrarium Keepers to insure that the pets under the Dome were sufficiently anesthetized to keep them under control.
That brings up the OTHER thought that I had on the Toity-hole (yeah, it was a long session, and yeah, that is way too much information, butt… it is damned funny isn’t it? ADMIT IT, you can’t find adult potty humor anywhere else on the internet as high-brow as this!) wait… where was I?
Oh yeah:
In your best Monty Python voice: And What Else causes anaesthetization?
Hammers! Hammers!
But what ELSE causes Anna Seize She Yuh?
Oh! Why Soitenly! Laughing Gass — Nitrous Oxide! (mixing Stooges with Python. What do you get? A constriction of the brain cells!).
https://www.webmd.com › a-to-z-guides › what-to-know-about-laughing-gas
Laughing Gas (Nitrous Oxide): Uses, Side Effects, and Safety - WebMD
Nitrous oxide is a colorless, non-flammable gas that's used as a sedative in medical and dental procedures. It can also be inhaled as a recreational drug, but it has risks and side effects that you should know.
Did y’all know that N2O is a thing on the schtreet? Sctraight up! Yo. Folks be huffin’ and puff-daddyin’ and blowin’ deys brains out. Mos’ folk know it destroy yo B12, dig? But theys' doan care cuz they’s chasin’ da dragon, bro.
Witches to say that if you got laughing gas as part of ANY medical proceedure then you are probably on your way to a nice case of pernicious anemia.
But for the sake of our toilet-talk the topic is:
What to Know About Laughing Gas (Nitrous Oxide)
Medically Reviewed by Shruthi N, MD on July 18, 2024; Written by Kathryn Whitbourne
What Is Laughing Gas?
Nitrous oxide, commonly known as laughing gas or happy gas, is a colorless, non-flammable gas, with a sweetish odor. It's used in medical and dental procedures as a sedative, relieving anxiety and allowing you to relax before any work is done.
Nitrous oxide was first used as an anesthetic in the 1800s. Nowadays, it's usually combined with oxygen for sedation purposes and
is the most-used gas anesthetic in the world.
Outside of medicine, nitrous gas is used for aerosol whipped cream and cooking spray;
in automobile racing to make engines to go faster;
and as a recreational drug.
Despite the name, laughing gas isn't guaranteed to make you laugh. But it might make you giggle.
Benefits of Nitrous Oxide
There are several reasons doctors and dentists still use nitrous oxide for minor procedures.
Helps relieve anxiety. It calms the patient down and enhances cooperation.
Lettuce RE-construct this in the realm of the Controllers:
”It is not a sign of good mental health to be well-adjusted in a profoundly sick society.”
I know people’s anxiety is off the scale, but given the state of the world IT SHOULD BE. The problem is that NO ONE IS REACTING TO THAT DEFCON LEVEL OF DEFECATION! So, it belies the fact that despite the Quiet Suffering, the motherfuckers are acting like their
Go with me on this. A FAKE Pan Day Mick was called like an announcement on a high school intercom and EVERYONE showed up to the gym to play a role in the fuckshitshow.
I’ll give you traumatic mind control. I’ll give you electronic mind control. I’ll give you peer pressure and fluoridated water in your lungs so that you can breathe in it like a mouse.
[if you can get past her annoying presentation style, the horrific musak, and the fact that she discounts that anything has advanced since the 1960s to cover up that these freaks are OBSESSED with somehow getting to the bottom of the ocean… then she does present all of the talking points that are relevant]
But none are as elegant as just turning up the Nitrogen knob on the Dome to dope the Dopes in the terrarium to keep them under control….
Easy to administer. No needles needed. You're simply given a mask to cover your nose (or nose and mouth) and told to breathe.
Whoah, man… din’t I just say that? It’s like Vuja De all over again.
Kicks in fast. It starts working in 3-5 minutes.
Short-acting. It's gone 5-10 minutes after your health care provider turns off the gas flow.
What Does Laughing Gas Do?
Laughing gas helps you remain calm while your doctor or dentist does their work.
Re-construction. Under the Dome the Classical Gass will knock you on your ass so that the Illuminati can rape you without any lubrication and do it over and over and over again but you will remain calm because you’re doped outta your mind with what you were TOLD was ‘NORMAL’ atmosphere.
0:38 min “The creature that you sacrifice must lie quietly - accepting the sacrifice.”
Ted Turner at his best.
The gas is not meant to put you fully to sleep. It doesn't completely stop pain, but it does raise the threshold at which you feel pain. For procedures that might cause a lot of pain, you might need a stronger or extra anesthetic.
Nitrous oxide is a depressant, so it slows your body down.
Lawdy. Doan dat describes mo’s ever-buddy y’all knows?
Once it kicks in, you may feel:
Mild euphoria
Uhhh… HUH! Das right. Mo’s folks all dat. An y’all thought it be dat dey was hysterically blind to chemtrails and jenoside in Canaan and boyinin’ cars and shit. Ow… Hale NO! They jus high on the Nitro, chile!
Nitrous oxide gets the name “laughing gas” because of these effects.
Some people have mild hallucinations while under its influence.
Before your procedure, your health care provider will ask for your consent to use nitrous oxide. After that, they place a plastic mask will over your nose or mouth and nose. The laughing gas flows through the mask, and you breathe it in.
The legend of the notification before the fuckification.
Children may get laughing gas through a nasal hood, which covers their nose but not their mouth. Sometimes, a familiar scent will be added to help them get used to having the mask or nasal hood on.
You’ll start to feel the effects of the laughing gas within a few minutes. As it doesn’t put you fully to sleep, you’ll still hear what’s going on around you. You should be able to respond to questions that your provider asks you and follow their instructions.
Physically, you might feel like your arms and legs are heavy. You may also have a tingling sensation in your limbs.
Once your procedure is over, your provider will remove the mask that’s providing the nitrous oxide. The effects of laughing gas typically wear off within a few minutes. Children might be given 100% oxygen after the nitrous oxide mask is removed. The oxygen helps them to fully recover within minutes.
Nitrous Oxide Side Effects
Nitrous oxide is safe to use when given by a health care professional.
the Spell is in the words - isn’t it? Hellth CARE professional. If ya’ll been livin’ the horror stories that I’ve been hearing, then Autismworld full of smiling Idiot Savants happily KYLLING PEOPLE is the new: Safe and Effective.
Some people may have side effects either during or after use.
The most common side effects are headaches and nausea. Children may feel agitated or vomit after the laughing gas is removed. The good news is that only about 5% of patients have these side effects.
I’ll bet the illuminutty are all over those 5% outliers studying their genes for why they don’t react like the rest of the pacified herd.
There are no long-term side effects when nitrous oxide is used now and then.
But if you need many procedures that require laughing gas, your might have to take a B12 supplement.
Realfucking-eee? Because I heard the MOMENT that you are hit with La Gasse de la Humor it is destroying your B12 instantly…
Nitrous oxide can inactivate an important enzyme needed to process vitamins B12 and B9 (folate), which could lead to anemia. B12 is also needed for protecting nerves in the brain and spinal cord.
Hmmm…. Nitrogen… brain destruction…
Who Shouldn't Get Nitrous Oxide?
Nitrous oxide isn't for everyone. The following people may need to avoid it:
Very ill patients. In healthy people, the chance of nitrous oxide causing anemia is low, but with critically ill patients, there's a greater risk.
Um… uh… Bitchy-Doodle? Yeah, like I knows y’all wrote this and it be Med Eye Cully re-viewed by a man dat i cain’t pronounce he name wit out spitting my dentures crost the room and such… but DAMN, GURL! I DON’T KNOWS NO HELFY PEEPLES! EBBERBUDDY I KNOWS BE VURRY ILL, AND SHIT.
People with heart conditions. Breathing nitrous oxide can cause an amino acid in your blood called homocysteine to rise. High levels of homocysteine have been linked to heart problems, though not for certain. Still, if you have severe heart disease, it's probably wise to not get laughing gas.
See how cuntalicious tried to stroke the organ of your brain to calm you like Abram before your throat was slit? “But if you need many procedures that require laughing gas, your might have to take a B12 supplement.” The Deflection, the Red Herring, the Pickled Herring was that it took MANY pro-seed-jures to kick your ass. But here she says that the homo (not THAT kind of Homo!) Siss Teen can rise from jus breathin’ it. If’n a heart pashunt cain’t breathe it no way no how, den dat mean it woikin’ EEEmediately! None this: If ya’ll gots to get gass mo’ offen fo’ it bad.
Women in their first trimester. During the first 3 months of pregnancy, you shouldn't get laughing gas because it will cause B12 and B9 to not be processed, and both vitamins are essential for your baby's development. But many women use laughing gas during labor to cope with pains.
Opposite Day meets Stupid Fuckery head on
Women (who or whateverthehell THOSE are…) acting as birthing purse sons shuddn’t get gassed. But Women (who or whateverthehell THOSE are) be gassin theys seff for da pains of doin dey day-job. Tain’t what dat sayin’? Uh mean: She a medicull writer an such, and she work reviewed by ah professnal.
She say womens “use laughing gas durnt labah.” Uh… huhhhh… said it right der in BLACK & white. Sound to me like they dopin’ theyseff aftah dey got some tank in da hood. Thin… she say “tah cope wit labah pains.”
Uh… HUH!
Lissen: Y’all doan like yo job - QUIT YO JOB! I doan wanna hear bout womens dopin’ theyseff cuz dey don’t… what? you say it because dey boifing a babay?
oh… well… dat’s diffrent.
Whad da HELL dey messin with dat Dentul Whiff? Leroy out on da schreet connah gots evah thang you need to get through boifing dat babay! Better’n getting shot in yo spine with sumpin’ making you and yo chillin’ junkies afta they born and shit.
People having surgeries in closed-air spaces. This includes treatment for pneumothorax (collapsed lung) and small bowel obstruction, middle ear surgery, and retinal (eye) surgeries. Nitrous oxide can rapidly increase gas volume and pressure in these closed spaces to a dangerous level, so it should be avoided for these types of procedures.
Having written (is that what they call this shit?) for 25 years straight I am an expert at knowing bad writing. The author might have known what SHE was talking about, but no amount of re-reading that statement without amplification and explanation can make sense of that chunky-style vomit. I left it in to highlight that unless you are credentialed so that you DON’T have to have your work medically reviewed then at least have the sense godgaveafarmboy to know when you’ve written a shit sentence or three and get it the hell outta there or rewrite it so that WE know what you were thinking. And where was her reviewer? Huffin’ Nitro?
People with serious psychiatric disorders. Because nitrous oxide can cause hallucinations, it shouldn't be given to people already having these types of visions.
DEPRESSION. Did the author forget or did she just cut&paste shit from Wicked Peed On Us and then forgot what she pasted? Depression AND hell lucy nations. But see? Even getting involved in the dialectic: B12 kyller is good for some people/but not others is just a fuckshit waste of time (except for comic effect) that it should not even be talked about.
Children under 3. There's no data showing that laughing gas is unsafe for children.
Has it ever been STUDIED in children?
No, human trials are immoral. There are no studies, therefore there is no data.
IT IS SAFE AND EFFECTIVE. Ahhh ha ha ha…. Ahhh ha ha ha…. Ahhh ha ha ha…. Ahhh ha ha ha…. Ahhh ha ha ha…. Ahhh ha ha ha…. Ahhh ha ha ha…. Ahhh ha ha ha…. Ahhh ha ha ha…. Ahhh ha ha ha…. Ahhh ha ha ha…. Ahhh ha ha ha…. Ahhh ha ha ha….
Still, the FDA released a safety alert on the risk of potential harm from repeated use of anesthetic drugs (including nitrous oxide) for children under the age of 3.
How very Odd. I was under the impression that the FDA was a psychological wharf air operation there to give the illusion that they were protecting harmericans while insuring that the drug companies harmed americans… it’s just so disconcerting to be confronted with an anachronistic action like the FDA pretending to be altruistic. Mainly because there HAS to be some sinister ulterior motive behind it.
Also, kids this young may not be able to handle breathing through a mask.
[Side note: As my closest people can see: I don’t give a goddamned flying trapeeze fuck about anything anymore. I just spread words like explosive diarrhea and let them stick (or ooze) where they may. It is really just me being a conduit for kakling insanity from what passes for what is left of my brain to my fingers that then send a signal back to Central Control that something really goddamned funny hit the screen.
Coronan The Barbarian. I’m tellin you, kids, I didn’t know that I had it in me. It escaped like a Genii out of a bottle full of laughing gas (did it again!) and so I have to take this brief (not male underwear) station brake to acknowledge that at least *I* thought it was funny.]
Recreational Use of Nitrous Oxide
Some people misuse nitrous oxide as a recreational drug.
BAD! Bad People! you should be hooked on pharmceutical drugs that lock you into this painscape instead of trying to escape the scape.
It's easy to get hold of because you can buy it legally; for instance, for food purposes.
Back to the FDA, but I think I stumbled onto the answer to the conundrum that I brought up earlier. You shouldn’t eat conundrums before typing because they have a way of crawling up your throat.
Poison is in the dose. I’m sure there is a crew of Illuminati Witches skilled in potion craft who know that Junior and Junette are getting way too much B12 kyller in their whipped cream so they put a restriction on the dental application of laughing jet fuel so that their operation of PUTTING IT IN DOOF won’t get exposed.
Drug users usually dispense the gas into another object, like a bag or balloon to inhale, or directly into their mouths. Because of this, nitrous oxide is classified as an inhalant. The drug is nicknamed "whippits" or "whippets" because it's often inhaled from the silver chargers used to make whipped cream.
Laughing gas makes users feel euphoric. But since the effect only lasts a few minutes, they have to inhale over and over to keep the high going.
That’s OK… it’s LEGAL.
Risks of nitrous oxide
Several risks come with using laughing gas as a recreational drug, including:
Lowering of blood pressure
Heart attack
Hypoxia, or the fatal loss of oxygen
Not enough B12 and anemia
Nerve damage due to the tingling sensation
Long-term misuse of nitrous oxide has negative side effects, like:
Memory loss
Psychological dependence on the inhalant
Loss of contact with reality
Weak immune system
Numbness in your hands and feet
Limb spasms
Ringing in your ears
Vitamin B12 depletion
Possible birth defects (if used during pregnancy)
I’m thinking that I have panned Kathryn Whitbourne from WebMD before due to shit propaganda.
Take a look at the list of shit that I enlarged the font on. Those alarming conditions are associated with its use as a drug. Re-Creation-All drug. But a drug is a drug. If it kicks your ass (brain actually - but I repeat myself) so that someone can put poison mercury in your mouth, but is spun to have a very small list of downplayed “side-effects” yet when you want to politically spin it to discourage the use of an escape gass from the Hellscape then all of a sudden that very small list blossoms into a whollyfuckgetmethehellouttahere kinda list. But how is that any different than what would happen to that Very Ill, Pregnant, Three-Year-Old, with the Psychiatric Disorder, and a Heart Condition?
I think I’ve made my point. The atmosphere of this pancake is 78% of something that I now hold under great suspicion. This entire post is the fault of Wörterbuch so blame them. (and thank you very much). And I can picture Otto laughing his ass off at my ravings, to the point where he might finally see it as a weight-loss program and change careers to leading people to better health by laughing their asses off too.
And with big hugs to Sandwich Lady who fills my inbox with Memes.
I was reading in a perfectly controlled state of interested neutrality until, "Coronan The Barbarian".
Then I lost it, only to keep losing with the memes.....
I've not seen it, but 'I suffered through it over 3 days' really made me laugh