Claimer of Dis
eeewwww…. sounds like something that Dante would have said. Dis was the pet-name of Satan in the 1300s.
I have been using Visions cookware since my chinese herbalist made me aware of them well over 20 years ago.
Having a background in Organic Chemistry and worked in industry, I know that metal creates a reactive surface for chemicals especially under the influence of heat. So cooking of food or boiling of herbs in stainless will subject them to the chromium and nickel and iron in the stainless steel. Anyone who has cooked tomatoes or even tomatos in aluminum might be aware of what the acid does to the oxide coating - unless, of course, the dementia has already kicked in then they won’t be aware of much of anything. Aluminum as a element was used to drive many organic chemical reactions in the lab.
[side note: Why is the plural of tomato = tomatoes when the plural of potato is potatos and that got a vice president in trouble for not knowing? As if those cousins even matter… but, for me, it is beyond not knowing… I really just don’t giveashit, but the
in-corn-sis-tan-sees aggravate a mind like mine. Or a Mine-like Mind.]
any whey…
Ceramic pans are metal coated with glass. They are OK unless the glass is chipped then you are back to square -666.
So, the Visions glass cookware is what I use even in favor of seasoned iron skillets.
See: My thing is: I read EVERYTHING. If there is printing on the package of toilet paper you can be assured that I even know what the number of the stamp of the inspector was (just kidding but it is that bad). So when I ordered some more Visions stovetop-certified pans (some Corning wear is ONLY oven-safe!!!), I read the back of the box:
That’s cool. I’m chill. It was a couple of years before I did what proved man was NEVER in space, but since I have a mind like a steel trap (with a ceramic coating on it so that the metal doesn’t leach) I REMEMBERED THIS PROPAGANDA BULLSHIT HOAX on the back of the box.
Keeping in mind: That I use and endorse these products, however, I can’t abide wholesale lying for the promotion of a goddamned fairy tale.
The back of the box assured me in THREE LANGUAGES that these materials were safe for:
Lettuce begin:
When I worked in a grocery store the produce guy told me that the secret to long-lasting produce is to keep the refrigerator as close to freezing without freezing your food. 34F is the target. I’ve done that since the 1990s.
I had some leftovers (I’m a bachelor, I don’t think I’ve ever seen the Original Meal…) in the refrigerator that has never been below 34F since the 1990s. I wanted to heat the leftovers up in the pan to finish that Simulation that had become a Simulacra. So I put the NASA GLASS PAN directly from the refrigerator (See Diagram Above) on the stove on high (I’m a bachelor - I don’t have time to fool around) and
CRACK! right down the middle!
Because I have that ceramic-coated steel-trap mind my first thought - other than: I’m glad it was thick goo and not liquid! - was: Where’s that damned box?
Lettuce not take my ramblings at face-value (at least not without a 5th of some really strong spirits - Are They Friendly Spirits, Bullwinkle?) but straight from the back of the box:
”In 1958, [far damned cry from the year 2000-whatever] Dr. Donald Duck, a Sign Ant Tisk with Cornish Hens incorporated discovered a revolutionary new glass-ceramic material that Corning branded Pyromania. One of its first uses was in the nose cone of a space craft because it can withstand extreme temperature changes
- a necessity for re-entering the Ea-rths At Most Fear.”
My Nose Cone broke up as quick as the space shuttle (pictured on their box back) going from 34F to whatever my small coil on my electric stove could produce.
Now, I have an IR thermometer on my EXTECH EX830 amp and voltage meter. The IR is fairly accurate but it can read only from -4 to 518 F. The reason why I got the meter was for the K-type probe rated at -4 to 14-hundredfuckingdegrees Fair In Height, but until I got it I didn’t know that the bastards put in a thermalcouple circuit board contact tester that is only good from -4 to 4hundredeightytwofuckingdegress!
1400 was the advertised sales pitch, but 482 is what they put in the package.
I was told that I would have to buy the REAL K-style probe SEPARATELY for an amount that I’m still too angry til today to remember. The whole point of this was to measure flame temperature of the furnace (remember that King of Fah fiasco?) to insure that the BTUs were being delivered.
ALL THAT BACKGROUND just to say that I DON’T KNOW HOW HOT THE SMALL BURNER GETS because both probes read: Over-limit.
Well, of course they would. When we consult The Oracle it says:
When a small coil on an electric stove is on the highest setting, it can get as hot as 932°F to 1112°F (500°C to 600°C). A large coil, on the highest setting, can reach 1472°F to 1652°F (800°C to 900°C). Aluminum melts at 1221°F (660°C) and iron's melting poins is around 2800°F (1538°C).
Geez. I’m glad I had space glass !
No wonder I got an Over-Limit reading.
Butt, still, be still my Butt! what is the temperature of
The average temperature of outer space near Earth is 283.32 kelvins (10.17degrees Celsius or 50.3 degrees Fahrenheit). In empty, interstellar space, the temperature is just 3 kelvins, not much above absolute zero, which is the coldest anything can ever get.
Now, why the fuck would they do that?
Did Angela Libal {check the name…} accidentally drop her probe in the swimming pools at the Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory ( NBL) {National Boolshit League} in Houston?
Because if you suffer through the document (remember how I said that I READ EVERYTHING?) then we find the other religious deflection that
The average temperature of outer space around the Earth
is a balmy 283.32 kelvins(10.17 degrees Celsius or
50.3 degrees Fahrenheit).
This is obviously a far cry from more distant space's 3 kelvins above absolute zero. But this relatively mild average masks unbelievably extreme temperature swings. Just past Earth's upper atmosphere, the number of gas molecules drops precipitously to nearly zero, as does pressure. This means there is almost no matter to transfer energy - but also no matter to buffer direct radiation streaming from the sun. This solar radiation heats the space near Earth to 393.15 kelvins (120 degrees Celsius or
248 degrees Fahrenheit)
or higher, while shaded objects plummet to temperatures lower than173.5 kelvins (minus 100 degrees Celsius or
minus 148 degrees Fahrenheit).
Figures never lie, but liars sure can figure.
If our target for the ‘temperature of space near earth’ is 50-fucking degrees, but you take (+)248 and ADD (-)148 you get: 100, divide by 2 for the average and get 50…
Butt, motherfuckers… there is a |248| PLUS |148| = |396| F absolute value temperature SWING AS THEY NOTE FROM SUNNY SIDE TO SHADOW SIDE THAT CHANGES MINUTE BY MINUTE !
I think we need to redefine what this temperature bullshit is about.
[side note: this is my OTHER vaccinefraud substack that I got locked out of when I got locked out of my gmail (substack’s signin procedures sucks donkey dicks) that stayed open until SOMETHING HAPPENED and now I can only post on THIS #1 Stack because I can’t figure out how to get back into the #2 Stack.]
Because three months ago I observed that the fuckers were saying that the sun really wasn’t hot.
But all I really wanted to know is WHAT IS THE TEMPERATURE OF RE-ENTRY?
The Space Shuttle (remember that picture on the back of the NASA Glass box?) supposedly needs to withstand 3000F as it surfs the atmosphere back to a landing at Brandenburg’s Con Cher Toe.
If we (because, after all, WE went to the moon….) went from the AVERAGE of 50F in ‘space’ to 3000F then they’ve got my stove burner beat by almost a factor of 2.
If wee (because I feel a bit of warmth in my adult diapers) went from NEGATIVE 148F to 3000F then
I’m sorry, kids. If you can’t deliver on a 19-fucking-58 promise - I’m not going into SPACE witcha all.
Homey’s stayin’ in da hood.
Homey ceased putting DAMNED EXPENSIVE pans directly from the refrigerator of space onto the crucible of resistive coils (I now heat them slowly on LOW, then ramp them up); but I am forever marred by the notion that we will never get to Mars let alone out of Low Earth Orbit, let alone re-enter the Atmos Fire without burning up, because Corning Ain’t Got Game!
Pee Ess: I have since wondered after all of this afterglow what would happen if a space capsule finally ditched in the sea while it was still hot? Urban legend is that you CANNOT put cold water directly into a heated glass pan unless you want to be voodoo dolled with flechettes that may not show up on x-ray….
I am totally amazed that the O-Rings on the ISS Cupola, (cup holder?) have held up with temperature changes 16 times a day from -250 to + 250 F for over 20 years... In my industrial experience dealing with vacuum O-Ring seals, never had anything come close to that kind of longevity... Sadly, no one has ever solved Newton's 3-Body Problem so it is difficult to get one's head around how the ISS avoids a face plant 16 times a day when it is in front of the imaginary solar orbit of the ball... I mean, it would only take the ball 14 seconds to reach the ISS when it ventures in front of the rapidly moving ball and in that time the ISS can only manage 70 miles distance in 14 seconds which is way short of the ball's girth of 12,000 miles.
Still, it is fortunate that the space glass holds up... My guess is that you got a defective pan and NASA most likely did special QC tests to insure the underwater, I mean space module glass would hold up. Perhaps there is a warranty?
so I just have to ask, if we can't get it up, out into space, how are the aliens getting in? Are they living on the other side of the Ice wall in unknown lands? Is the moon really reflecting these other lands? There's a book out that is making the rounds. I've been listening to it on scribd (now called Everand) It's called The Last Harvest... and it is scary AF. Crack pots are the least of our worries... if this book is true. Or Maybe those who N-ever A S-traight A-nswer do they give, are playing a trick on us, about space, and travel, and SIZE!!
OH OH OH, how could I forget this... or is ALL of it being Simulated, by Holographic technology?