Gorillas Are Shocked That Chimpanzees Started Killing Them; WATOP; 2.95M subscribers
Now… I have to admit that I can’t stand this guy’s voice and it is Jason Christoff who said that ANYONE who promotes coffee in images and The Slurp (the CHOSEN INTRO TO ALL OF THIS DUDE’S VIDEOS) is either under MK or is an MK Agent triggering people with that MK drug association.
So, this is just a topical review not a promotion of his channel that he obviously wants you to see only in his channel. DECADES ago it was observed IN THE CONGO that chimps were going on hunting parties to pull apart monkies and eat their raw flesh. Given that we were given to believe that Chimps were passive predominantly herbivore/insectivores this was quite a shocking Rev Eye Lay Shun.
To spoil the video for you I find it MKish that this video was set in Gabon not too far from Congo but it painted the Congo (war-torn uranium coltan pit) in a positive light with Gorillas and Chimps living in harmony like Yahoods and Arabs in Spain during the Mid-Hell Ages.
All of the Red Flags and the Red Asses of Mandrils went up on that old Switcheroo.
I published my idea years ago in my Rise and Fall series that perhaps the Chimps of WAR TORN CONGO were poisoned with gunpowder that made them aggressive. The notion being that most starter chemicals for Ex-plow-Sieves come from Bat Guano from South Hamerica that might be tainted with Rabies Virus.
I can’t remember which book has the bulk of my Rabies stuff so buy them both. Baby needs new shoes…
These days I can subscribe to my old Gunpowder/Rabies idea or simply a DARPA project that has been going on for decades where they are trying to RECREATE
La Planète des Singes is a 1963 novel by Pierre Boulle and the basis for the Planet of the Apes motion pictures.
Could it be that they did their first crop in the Congo to turn them into murr durr Us maraudering apes for proof of concept, then put in the Delgado chip to make them passive for a Mission Accomplish of NATO’s Biology of Aggression?
And now, Phase 2 of the clinical trials is moving up from monkey meat to kicking the ass of gorillas who seem to be rather passive compared to Da Chimps in Da Hood?
Give da hairy bros some bling and hoadin’ their fyrecrackas at an angle and we’s gots da making of some schreet gangs, yo?
Think I’m kidding, G? As in:
Rumor is that the human street gangs were all set up by the pyramid cult.
We have no idea, only the speculum of speculation to consider that these poor primates may have been juiced with something developed at Burning Man then tried in the rainforest; or implants; or goofer dust for ghuns, or… or… or…
These days it is IMPOSSBILE to know if anything or any creature is acting ‘normally’. Just because behavior hasn’t been seen/documented/reported before doesn’t mean that it didn’t exist, however, since I always err on the side of Evil, I simply presume (and I’m willing to take that risk) that this is NOT normal or natural to primates including man.
In fact it was Jose Delgado himself who complained about the chimps on his private island that when given a chance during confrontation they would always run away rather than fight.
Yon Chimps pummel each other too aggressively, methinks
Will Helm Shakes Spear
You might find the ‘spear’ reference ‘amusing’ if you watch the video.