Let me introduce you to Veronica.
There are a LARGE number of very well-done analyses on Corporate Hell by that channel. Bureaucractic Hell.
The reason why I’m posting this certified insanity is that I had a conversation about 6 months ago (the video aired 5 months ago) with someone in Corporate Hell that had THE EXACT SAME SITUATION AND OUR Post-Game Wrap-up WAS THE EXACT SAME AS VERONICA’S.
There is ONLY ONE REASON FOR THIS TO BE HAPPENING AROUND THE WORLD: The Controllers Scripted it. ALL business is part of the Mysteries Cabal so they all moved in LOCKSTEP because… well…. fuck… that’s what they do!
Now if this has happened to you and you are incensed; or if it hasn’t happened to you, so you are meditating like the buddha with incense; but either way you are saying, “This doesn’t make any sense…” then take it from Buddha and me (having dealt with corporations and the govern mente - did I just repeat myself? ):
Face it: ONLY a Yahoody would say that there is a scale from 1-5 but you can never make a 5. Then ONLY a Yahoody would design that system for the EXPRESS PURPOPSE OF DEFRAUDING YOU OF MONEY.
It is the buddhist tradition to avoid trying to make sense of a senseless situation. Therein lies madness. In the language of the Masons: It is - what it is.
Protocol 1:11. The political has nothing in common with the moral. The ruler who is governed by the moral is not a skilled politician, and is therefore unstable on his throne.
He who wishes to rule must have recourse both to cunning and to make-believe.
Make believe that a scale of one to five where five is unobtainable is a thing.
Great national qualities, like frankness and honesty, are vices in politics, for they bring down rulers from their thrones more effectively and more certainly than the most powerful enemy. Such qualities must be the attributes of the kingdoms of the GOYIM, but we must in no wise be guided by them.
So at Station HELL broadcasting at a katillion watts, where it’s: “All Hell… All the Time!”
This shit makes ‘sense’ as it is part of the SCRIPT.
Here’s the rub. If everyone everywhere is getting a right rayping, then they feel a sense of fairness that EVERYONE is being rayped - not just them. Equal Oprah Nudity. It plays into the primate mind. It also plays into what the NATO Biology of Aggression book higlighted: If you are FAMILIAR with something you are less likely to fight against it.
I will rely on:
Torches, forks, tar, feathers
to be the baseline to keep craven low-life, middle-management, matriarchal intercoursers from ever THINKING of saying the words let alone implementing something that their fellow Mysteries cult members claim is the way things are going to be.
Given that they are Jen Oh Siding the population in front of you, letting migrant replacements come in and get Social Security for free, AND NO ONE IS STOPPING THEM, then this minor penile-pull in the work-place (work is a 4-letter word) is low on the list.
I’m using it to show that the one thing that the ‘awake and aware’ don’t have: Solidarity. Because they are so naive or just goddamned stupid to see that they will ALWAYS be infiltrated by agents provocateurs who will cause division to disband or control them. The Yahoodim literally hate themselves and each other, but regardless (unless you’re an engineer and then it’s: irregardless) THEY STICK TOGETHER.
That then brings up the problem of: Working for THEM was just feeding their industry and their coffers. Where is the parallel industry to take their place? No one had a plan. No one had any solidarity to start their own industry and economic system independent of their masters and draw all of that commerce and revenue away from the life-sucking beast.
On a scale of 1 to 5, I rate the Hu-Man race a -666.
They have something to look up to…
Even if someone had a plan, FEAR instills complacency. One person cannot change a thing in Hell.
I have always thought that the attack must be targeted, one corporation at a time. But for that to be successful those that attack must be a large enough group to actually make a difference.
The attack must be prolonged until the corporation falls. But that is just a pipe dream when your dealing with just one head of the multi headed beast and each head is reported to be worth billions.
The new upcoming financial system will be no better for the plebs than the current fiat system.
The language and the symbols tell you it’s the same pigs running the show. No offense to the actual four legged genus sus. A new system provided by THem simply uses more TEchnology used against us. I would love to see the technology dismantled as it only ever enslaves us to a greater degree. I could easily ditch the cell phone but THey are making that impossible when you are forced to use an authenticator to obtain entry into your accounts or programs. Isn’t it interesting that the crypto selling platforms are so unreliable that your invisible coins, ya can’t see them, ya can’t touch them, and yet they can easily be stolen.
Born in hell, live in hell, die in hell. I’m still looking for the escape hatch. I imagine that if there is an escape hatch, it must be in Antarctica, guarded by Hell’s military. Although I was looking at that Kabala Tree of Life. All the other trees of life are depicted as the tree and it’s reflection.
So why no reflection on the Hebrew one? I found one with a man standing in the middle and made two copies and put one above and one below. When you do this, you can see the infinity symbol shape. I was thinking of the word MEMORY as I think those have been wiped upon entry into Hell. MEM means WATER and ORY means GOLDEN. I thought Golden Blood but too few possess it from what I read. Then I changed ORY to a phonetic AURA which can split to AU=GOLD and RA (there’s the Ra god) but my mind went to GOLDEN RATIO. The infinity symbol can be viewed as a sine wave and wave is a word used with water so I wondered if there is such a thing as a Golden Sine Wave. I asked the AI and it said yes, based on the Golden Ratio. The AI provided a diagram and my mind went to the Yellow Brick Road from the Wizard of OZ. Seems like some kind of puzzle that has me puzzled.
Great write-up Pat. I am experiencing exactly what you described; being kept down bynot receiving the compensation I was promised when I hired on. I was told I am the highest paid in my role at the company. I could give two-shits. I am being shortchanged $100 a week presently. If I stay two more months, it will be $250 a week of being ripped off.