It used to be a defensive/offensive action of the colonizers of North Harmerica to put their land-schooners (damn! sounds like inland piracy maritime talk) so that they could fend off the people who’s land they were invading who were trying to fend them off…
I feel like I’m in a fractal sewer drain.
I wrote “ENcircle” the wagons because that is what the fenders would do to the offenders. It’s hard to hit a moving target.
There are Osage bands here in ILL Annoyed. So I was pleased/amused to see the tribe put it to The Man for not obeying ‘their own rules’.
The turbine companies that put up 94 of the pumpers out here funded the Luftwaffe during WW2. I guess to Yahoods selling their bullshit green scheme it doesn’t matter who you were (probably Family anyway) as long as the money is green…
Wind turbines are a joke.
So: good for the Osage.
A side-consideration is: Who is going to pay for the monetary damages and who’s going to pay for the teardown?
The company here in the Grain Ghetto got an insane tax break to set them up. Haven’t seen the price of power do anything but go up. The units have a 30-year service life and are so enormous and full of difficult materials to construct let alone deconstruct that they are left in place instead of being recycled.
See Church of The Mechanic for rules on Recycling.
In nearly all cases it is the Tax Payer who pays the bill for the criminal cabal to set up their money lawn durring operations and then the Tax Payer who pays the bill to demolish the operation and clean up the mess afterwards.
It’s unfair, but then that level of unfairness should have led to torches, pitchforks, and tar & feathers - but it never does. So at some point you have to shrug and say that Jack & Jill tax payer deserve to suck the green donkey dicks of their masters because they had it coming to them.
[ewww. that sounds bad. I might have rephrased it - if it waddn’t true.]