TOO many threads in this shredded tapestry to keep a hold on.
The High Purity Quartz was one of the first things admitted to under the Hills of Western Northern Carolina, after the hills were washed away like pressure hoses mining the hillsides in New Guinea. But it was spun by the media that the poor corporations will be hindered in their production so it will affect how many computer chips they can make.
Due to the presence of special quartz and the shoving of it under our noses as if it mattered more than murr durred people, I will cover the history of North Carolina and the natural history of gold associated with schwartzen quartzen deposits.
Later the officious offal officials made the admission of greed for Lithium deposits to make battery balms to put in the hands of any citizens that might be left after the weather wharf air is done - and I mean: Carolina was OPENING CEREMONIES! so if they continue at this rate then there will only be well-armed illegal immigrants left holding phones and pagers ready to light up.
Here’s a comment under the Truth Stream Media video:
@BelakorVenator; 2 hours ago
So far this year
$25 Billion to Ukraine
$11 Billion to Israel
$2 Billion to Ethiopia
$1.5 Billion to Jordan
$1.5 Billion to Egypt
$1 Billion to Somalia
$1 Billion to Yemen
$1 Billion to Congo
$1 Billion to Syria
$700 Million to support illegals in US
$9000 to each illegal alien… $750 to each of these affected, tax-paying citizens
Our government is not incompetent. They know exactly what they’re doing, and we are simply in the way of their plans.
Since I try to stay out of geo-politics as much as I can and use a pressure hose after I have to step in it with my boots, then I can give only a partial breakdown of that cash flow of stolen tox doll ears.
$25 Billion to Ukraine. Other than it being a haven of the New Turd Ryche, and the Buy Oh Wharf Air labs, I can’t imagine how You Crane surpassed the Mother Country of Is Ra El that has always held the #1 position of the most foreign AIDS. The ONLY thing that Rush Limbaugh said that I agreed with in the 1990s was that Hamerica needed to go full-metal Isolationism. Why give AIDS to foreigners? The answer is obvious: Family steals money from the Goy to give to Family. Foreign Nation is just a deflection and you’re stupid as hell if you bought that transparent Spell Work.
$11 Billion to Israel. Not to worry for #2 status and less money; the Satellite State (USI = United States of Ysrael) has been SELLING Harms to their parent. ANOTHER reason to bitch-slap yourselves back into Reality if you think that the Parent of the Planetary Millie Tarry Occupation is actually PAYING MONEY for things that the Slaves funded with their labor to make We Upons of Whore already paid for by their fellow slaves’ Tox Doll Ears to make it seem like the Harmerican economy was productive for Harmericans as the whirled’s premiere harms dealers. So, in Con Gress you’ve got your dual citizens, you’ve got the oath to the Homeland for ITS security, so it is no wonder why your stolen money is being vomited on what has shown its true nature to be the demons that the Teutons were blamed to be… however… if you study my work and that of His Story you will find that wherever a race or place is blamed for attrocities you will find Family has either founded or infiltrated.
A minor segue into the comments sections of my Stacks to find astounding revelations posted almost casually by some of our top-minds.
Linda O replied to your comment on Ms. MaGoo & Me on Northern Carolina.
The House of Saud was a British creation - They are Wahhabists (extreme Sunnis) used specifically for Divide and Conquer. It seems they might not even be Muslim....but Crypto J's.... "King Faisal (1906-1975), who ruled the Kingdom between 1964-75, confirmed Jewish ancestry of Saudi Royals. In an interview to Washington post on September 17, 1969, King Faisal is reported to have said “We, the Saudi family are cousins of the Jews." "It is claimed that the roots of Saudi ruling family have also been described in detail in a book written in 1810 by a researcher Ibn Rushed (not the Muslim philosopher Ibn Rushd of Cardoba, Spain who lived during 1126-1198). He mentioned about an individual Murdakhai Bin Abraham Bin Moshe Al Dounami, also known as Merkhan, a trader from Basra, Iraq and how he had claimed that he is from Arabian Peninsula but his father had fled earlier to Basra and changed his name for security reasons. He married a bedouin woman and had children. One of his sons name was Saud. Mohammed Ibn Saud (the son of this Saud) later became the founder of Saud dynasty in Arabia. ..."There is an official Saudi account of the ancestor of al-Saud Clan. Saudis claim the ancestor of current Saudi Royals was Mani Ibn Rabiah al-Muraydi who had settled in Diriya. The ancestry of Mani Ibn Rabia is not known; except that he was the descendant of Aniza (Anza) tribe. Mani was invited by a relative named Ibn Dir. Ibn Dir was the ruler of many villages that make up modern-day Riyadh. Ibn Dir gifted Mani two small villages where he settled and renamed these villages as al-Diriya. The researchers have found out the ancestor of al-Saud to be Murdakhai Bin Abraham Bin Moshe, a Jew from Anza tribe who lived in Basra, Iraq and moved to Najd and settled in Diriya. The official account of al-Sauds claims their ancestor to be Mani Ibn Rabia al-Muaydi, from Aniza (Anza) tribe who settled in Diriya. Probably both these accounts are referring to the same person who is the ancestor of Saudi Royals."
My response:
The legends I heard was that the house of Saud were arabs but since they were dumb sand-farmers that din't no noffin bout oil, that their 'cousins' came in to run the oil fields for them. Seems that cousins were already in the woodpile. Not really cousins when Bin = Ben = son of.
Son of Ibramhim !?
Son of Moses !?
You don't get any more Dye Nasty than that!
Our friend Dictionary came up with BNC = abbreviation for my Babylonian Name Change. You don't get any more BNC than Bablyonia itself = Iraq and the name leger domaine of this half-assed pay no attention to the yahoody behind the headdress.
Then our friend Dictionary weighs in:
wörterbuch replied to your comment on Ms. MaGoo & Me on Northern Carolina.
Page 26 in thy commentary on the Elders....
Russian Revolution orchestrated by Yahoodim:
[I thought that Dictionary = Wörterbuch made up the abbreviation BNC for Babylonian Name Change. Turns out, I did it but didn’t even remember doing it. I was praising Dictionary for such a handy shortcut! Yes, I was dropped on my head multiple times during my youth.]
Marx bnc Mordecai Levy from a long line of rabbis,
Lenin bnc Vladimir Ilyich Ulynov;
Trotsky bnc: Leon Bronstein;Plus Musk's grandfather's name JOSHUA Haldeman with one n same as Bob Haldeman.
Those posts emphasize that if the Yahoodim didn’t START ALL of the variations of Madness that folks ignorantly accept as being organic constructions of Accidental History, then the the Yahoodim overtly or covertly invaded and took them over because Family outnumbers us at least 10 to 1.
$2 Billion to Ethiopia. Is Ra Elis have as much tolerance, and diversity in their Homeland as a serpent does for anything that crawls into its lair. They REALLY hate Blacks. To the exclusion of them ‘repatriating’ to the Promised Land. Which is kinda odd given that King Schlomo liked to have a varied Hareem made up of all samples. › library › article_cdo › aid › 6348692 › jewish › 11-Facts-You-Should-Know-About-the-Queen-of-Sheba.htm
11 Facts You Should Know About the Queen of Sheba
There Were Three Shebas.
Noah's son Ham had a descendant named Sheba,
as did Ham's brother Shem.
Abraham, too, had a grandson Sheba from his wife Keturah.
It is unclear which Sheba was the progenitor of the nation ruled by King Solomon's visitor.. › Queen-of-Sheba.html
The Queen of Sheba, according to the biblical narrative, was a woman of great wealth, beauty, and power. Sheba, believed to be either in Ethiopia or Yemen by most biblical scholars, was a well-established city, and, although there is little evidence outside the Bible as to the nature of the
So the material that I was exposed to decades ago had the Queen of Sheba being an Ethiop and Black as Black can be black.
QUESTION: I have a question about Solomon, I have read in several places that Solomon married the queen of Sheba but in the bible I can only find where she came to him to see if his fabled wisdom was true. Once she found out it was true the last I read of the queen of Sheba is that she returned to her land (1 kings 10:13). Am I missing something? Did Solomon marry the queen of Sheba? And where can I find that in the bible?
ANSWER: Both 1 Kings 10:13 and 2 Chronicles 9:12 say that “King Solomon gave the queen of Sheba all she desired and asked for.” 2 Chronicles 9:12 adds that he gave her more than she had brought to him.
There’s a tradition among the Jews of Ethiopia (called Falasha) that when the Bible says Solomon gave the Queen of Sheba (modern Ethiopia) all she desired and asked for, it’s referring to a son they had together, and this is how she returned with more than she had brought.
They believe the son, named Menelik and also called Ebna la-Hakim, or “Son of the Wise”, stayed in Jerusalem with his father until he was 18 and then went home to be the King in his mother’s place. This tradition also states that Solomon gave him a replica of the Ark of the Covenant to take with him. Some believe that priests who foresaw Israel descending into paganism switched the replica for the real thing and therefore the real Ark went to Ethiopia. Whether it’s the real one or not no one knows, but by many accounts there is an Ark in Ethiopia today.
Since inheritance, wealth, and land is transferred via the maternal line in the Yahoody traditions that is why Sarai told Abraham to kick Princess Hagar and her son into the desert to die because the progenitor of the ARABS was the First Born Son of Abram.
I’ve said that countless times but I really don’t think it’s getting through the lignum vitae heads of people I talk to: YOU DON’T FORGET WHEN YOUR RACE WAS SLATED FOR EXTERMINATION BY A VISCIOUS WITCH (literal - not figurative) HALF-SISTER OF YOUR PATRIARCH.
THIS IS THE ‘FORGOTTEN’ OR COVERED UP REASON WHY THE HATFIELDS AND McCOYS WERE FEUDIN’. They may PRETEND to not remember why the Arabs and the “J”ews have been going at it for millennia but it is as obvious as the 6 pointed star of the tine test for TB, or as Ms. MaGoo said in our talk the 6 pointed star on the chest of a cop.
They’ve been fighting for well over 4010 years since the Get Ye Hence to the Desert To Die, Bitch! … and your little boy too! episode. I stopped counting.
So technically the Queen of Sheba gave birth to Schlomo’s son so the gene line melds there, but modern Yahoodis harkening back to the Curse of Canaan via Noea to justify heaping hate on blacks and ANYONE who didn’t come from the Sarai Witch Line.
Black Ethiopians trying to get a piece of the Promised Land claimed that they were descendents of the LEVITES - THE PRIEST CLASS, and some sources like the one above cite that they are currently the holders of the Ark of the Covenant NOT INDIANA JONES!
But! as a consolation prize we can award you the stolen tox doll ears of a slave race in North Harmerica, because…. well, frankly I don’t know why the U.S. would steal money from us to give to Ethiopia for just Family reasons… › africa › 1948044 › us-company-targets-ethiopias-fledgling-oil-industry-with-scheme
US company targets Ethiopia's fledgling oil industry with scheme - Quartz
For decades, Ethiopia has sought to exploit its abundance of hydrocarbon resources, estimated to be as much as 8 trillion cubic liters in crude oil reserves, largely located in the country's east. › Energy › Crude-Oil › Ethiopia-A-Potentially-Golden-Block-on-East-Africas-Tertiary-Rift.html
Ethiopia: A Potentially Golden Block on East Africa's Tertiary Rift
Three of those wells will be in Ethiopia. Ethiopia also has an estimated 3.89 billion tons of oil shale (enough to produce about one trillion barrels of oil, roughly) in Tigray State, on the ...
A Billion Here - A Trillion There. After a while you start talking about Real Oil!
Yeah, I would say that might warrant some Fore End AIDS. Of course the oil boom there and in other African countries didn’t do jack shit for the people who live there.
$1.5 Billion to Jordan. Yeah, my last name; probably because my Emerald Isle ancestors went to the UnHoly Land to Kick Ass and Take Names. Where else would you get a middle eastern name in the Land of Ire unless it was imported? But even the cunt tree Jordan is just playing at being Arab because you wouldn’t have the Satellite State of Is Ra El vomiting money on you unless you had toed (towed?) the line in order to get tribute from the slaves in the Land of Oprah Nudity. You’ll notice that Egypt and Jordan didn’t want any of the Canaanites crossing their borders and that the Occupiers had the borders closed anyway, so it was a MUTUAL deal to trap their targets before they started shooting them like fish in a barrel. I just heard on the radio that there have been 10,000 balmings of just the West Bank. At least Jordan was taking that to The Bank.
$1.5 Billion to Egypt. So low on the Totem Pole up the ass? They USED to be #2 after the Homeland! Going back to the time of Nimrod, that apparently crossed over with the extended life of Shem who staged a Fabian take-over of Egypt, we see that the Nation/Culture started by Hammites (of which Nimrod was one) was now under control of ShemClan, Inc. Nimrod was on the run out of Baby Lon so Shemmy put out a hit that if Nimmy showed up anywhere in Egypt he was suppose to be terminated with extreme prejudice. When I see a demotion of free money from North Harmerican Slaves to the once proud Shemite Hostile Takeover of Pyramidville, from #2 to #5, I always wonder: Who did they piss off to warrant that?
$1 Billion to Somalia. Can’t speak to that. Don’t know enough about it.
$1 Billion to Yemen. Can’t speak to that. Don’t know enough about it.
$1 Billion to Congo. Special corn cider ration. Blood Coltan without which modern electronics like cell phones CANNOT be made. Cobalt Tantalum like Uranium are in large supply in Congo. Back when Arny Schicklegruber was doing his Turd Ryche impersonations, the US and Europe OFFERED Congo to him thinking that he would jump at the chance to have all of that Yellow Kake if he just left Your Rope alone. He turned it down.
$1 Billion to Syria. I think that translates to God’s Country. I have no clue why it is getting aid when Homeland has wanted to take it over for millennia. But then like I have been trying to weave into the tapestry of your minds: IF ShemClan, Inc. has been either founding or infiltrating nations, cultures, regions, then the NAMES of the racial/religious affiliations attached to them are inconsequential. Syria is part of the Levant = greater Canaan. The Israelis WANT THE ENTIRE THING.
How in the HELL did we get here?
Oh, yeah. It started with ShemClan, Inc. excoriating the southern states with weather we upons, a post by someone highlighting how all of the Friends of Israel get money projectile vomited into their throats while the ones being BIOCIDED are offered $50 more than Lahina a year later. A promise to connect the quartz with the gold…
That’s it! this post was supposed to be about Gold.
Protocol 1:7. In our day the power which has replaced that of the rulers who were liberal is the power of Gold.
Since I operate in the chaotic frenzy of Continuum allow me one short spin cycle and then we’ll put our shovels in the placer.
What struck me was the right hand scroll during my searches for what was going on in North Carolina that had a mention of Catawba.
I had known of that NOOKEAR POWER PLANT when I was working with Rebecca Carley and she said back then that the State was offering potassium iodide pills due to something wonky at the plant.
Now, KI in my book is a government poison.
But it is concerning to live downstream or downwind of a farting nook.
I was waiting for breaking news of radioactive contamination due to the power plant being compromised by the flooding. Given the treason-level coverup we might STILL hear something about that, then they would use THAT as a cover for why they were arresting and turning away rescuers. It would be spun that it was for THEIR safety. I’m just playing WWSD? What Would Satan Do? and I’m rarely off target.
Seeing that reference to Catawba’s dam/reservoir and looking at the concentration of places that I have known through stories by Ms. MaGoo and Rebecca Carley (Hickory) and Patricia Jordan (Camp Lejune) it brought me back to the tales of Rebecca saying that where she lived and NC in general you can put a shovel in the ground and come out with some kind of quartz.
I knew that quartz is often an indication of gold deposits. › magazine › article › gold-in-quartz-3404
February 2016 by Chris Ralph. Most prospectors, when they think of hard rock gold deposits, think of quartz containing particles of gold. While gold deposits can be things besides quartz veins, gold is certainly found in the quartz of veins cutting through various types of rocks.
This next one freaked the fuck out of me and that’s hard to do: › planet-earth › geology › earthquakes-can-trigger-quart…
Sep 2, 2024 · This means that in quartz veins, gold solidifies into clusters that grow bigger with each earthquake. The largest orogenic gold nuggets found to date weigh around 130 pounds (60 kilograms), Voisey ...
Why this is even significant OUTSIDE OF THE GEOLOGIC CHEMISTRY is that the first Angels Don’t Play This HAARP movie that I can’t seem to find on Ewe Toob had the fellow that developed the system say that by beaming 1 Hertz at the ground you can levitate it, then when you turn the pulse off it slaps back and creates…
Because Rebecca had spoken of the absolute littering of the ground in North Carolina with quartz, back in 2008 I started looking for Gold In Them Thar Hills! just like Ms. MaGoo had reminded me in our recorded talk in the last Stack.
The abbreviation featured in my book Assaulted stands for: Gold, Oil, Diamonds, Salt.
While wayward English migrants worked to build the new American colonies, mother England
A Division of ShemClan, Inc.
experienced the greatest turmoil in her history in the middle of the 1600s. The Stuart King, Charles I, was beheaded as the result of a civil war in 1649.
Oh, Lawdy ken we bring back da behuddin’ ?
A dictatorship led by Oliver Cromwell ruled England until 1660.
Yahoodim if ever there was a Yahoodim!
Richard Potatoe = Dick Tater.
This represented the only break in the hereditary line dating from 1066 until the present day. Cromwell was a brutal leader, so the return of the English monarchy was well received by the public.
Cromwell BROKE the Family transfer of power. These are just Noetic Clans vying for power against their RELATIONS! Brutal. Because the reason why you aren’t allowed to compare a certain Jen No Sidal nation with the Not Sees that they were supposedly oppressed by is because those same cousins WERE/ARE THE NOT SEES!
See? Do you See It?
This disruption caused a temporary distraction from colonizing the New World. When Charles II assumed the throne, it was business as usual. The colonies that were created under his rule were known as Restoration colonies. It was in this environment that the Carolinas were created.
The southern part of Carolina served first as support for the British West Indies. Soon the slave economy of the sugar islands reached the shores of Carolina. The cultivation of rice in the plantation system quickly became profitable, and planters in the hundreds and slaves in the tens of thousands soon inhabited Carolina. At the heart of the colony was the merchant port of Charles Town, later to be known as Charleston.
So the way that the States got their name was an honorific in the same way that Charleston = Charles Town. They name shit after themselves.
The lands south of Virginia were also colonized under royal grants to great proprietors. Under Charles II
a group of eight men obtained a grant of all North America between the 31st and 36th parallels.
Two segments of this great domain were developed in very different ways. Sir John Colleton and Anthony Ashley Cooper, who later became Lord Shaftesbury, founded Charleston, South Carolina, in 1670 with settlers from England and overcrowded Barbados.
Ashley Cooper Babylonian Name Change to EL Shaft Bury. The patterns repeat endlessly.
What land? Among them: the Carolinas NAMED AFTER…
The Carolinas were known as the Province of Carolina during America's early colonial period, from 1663 to 1712. Prior to that, the land was considered part of the Colony and Dominion of Virginia, from 1609 to 1663.
The province was named Carolina to honor King Charles I of England.
Carolina is taken from the Latin word for "Charles", Carolus.
What you have to - HAVE TO keep in the forefront or the fivefront of your mind is that The King (a perpetual fiction) lays claim to the land, what is beneath it and the sky above it. So, lettuce say that there is high purity quartz - IT BELONGS TO THE KING. Lettuce say that there is Lithium - IT BELONGS TO THE KING. Since Gold is often found with quartz - IT BELONGS TO THE KING THAT NAMED THE DAMNED STATES AFTER HIMSELF.
I get a big kick out of this. Nuno our buddy in Portugal has nearly every book I ever wrote, so when I do my impression of a Doddering Old Man (DOM) who can’t remember what I wrote in 25 books, then Nuno comes through with the book and the page and the citation.
I might have gotten it wrong in my Assaulted (or some other book) talking about the Carolinas being named after a Princess Caroline ??? but I distinctly remember that the FIRST GOLD FOUND IN THE AMERICAS WAS IN CAROLINA.
We’ll let Nuno fact-check that for us since at some point I need to get some sleep.
Here’s what I was ‘digging’ up when I went on my gold ‘hunt’.
Gold, base-metal, and related deposits of North Carolina; by Gwendolyn W. Luttrell; U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report; 1978
Gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc, pyrite, tin, cobalt, molybdenum, tungsten, barite, and rare-earths have been mined in North Carolina. Gold, with by-product silver, occurs in veins and mineralized shear zones in metamorphio rocks of the Piedmont province and in placers derived from these deposits. Copper occurs with complex sulfide ores in quartz veins in the metamorphic rocks of the Piedmont province and in massive pyrrhotite-pyrite deposits in crystalline rocks west of the Blue Ridge. Lead and zinc occur in complex ores of gold, copper, lead, zinc, and silver in veins and replacements in metamorphic rocks. Pyrite occurs in crystalline metamorphic rocks. Tin occurs in pegmatite and
placer deposits in crystalline rocks near Kings Mountain.
Kings Mountain was at the tail end of the land that they washed out.
Cobalt minerals with ores of iron or gold have been reported in a few areas in the Piedmont. Molybdenum occurs along the borders of a granite body in Halifax County. Tungsten minerals occur with copper sulfide ores in Cabarrus and Vanoe Counties. Barite occurs in quartz veins and associated with sulfide minerals in Orange, Madison, Cleveland, and Gaston Counties,
rare-earths occur with sulfides in vein deposits in Cabarrus County.
Hmmm… Rare Earth minerals that the U.S. is in competition with China for developing deposits in an economic whar.
FIRST STATE IN THE UNION to be prospected for GOLD.
The LAND OWNERS were referred to as His Excellency, while the administrators were the North Carolina Governors. Subtle spellkrafting. The Gold discoveries predated this, I threw it in because of the Obedient Scrape and Grovel. › sir › 2010 › 5070 › p › sir20105070p.pdf
Quartz-pebble-conglomerate gold deposits represent the largest repository of gold on Earth, largely due to the depos-its of the Witwatersrand Basin, which account for nearly 40 percent of the total gold produced throughout Earth's history.
Seems to me that the King (or the Chinese in recievership of the bankrupt nation) want their mineral resources without the pesky humans to get in their way.
I know just a little bit about everything. When you think and see in Continuum then it is difficult to parse out the small details, assemble them in a linear fashion and present them in a way that is coherent so that the reader can see the progression of fact building on fact.
I tried. I see the whole picture as in the title of the movie:
Everything Everywhere All at Once.
I feel it is imperative to know History not out of some insatiable need to learn something ‘new’ then do nothing about it, but to see the stripes on the tiger so that You can HUNT It!
The establishment of Santa Elena followed the destruction of the French Fort Caroline by Menéndez in 1565. The Spanish settlement housed a sizeable community, and
became the base of operations for the Jesuits and military working in the northern zone of Spanish Florida.
Uh… Wicked Peed On Us is clandestine service propaganda. The JESUITS ARE The Sovereign Military Order of Malta.
From this base the Spanish founded a number of other ephemeral forts as far inland as the Appalachian Mountains, but resistance from local Native American tribes and the lack of interest of Spain in the area, caused these to be abandoned, relocated or destroyed. Santa Elena was ultimately abandoned in 1587, with its survivors relocating to St. Augustine. The Spanish never pressed their colonial claims to the area again, focusing on other areas of the American continent. The territory was thereafter left to the native Americans until October 30, 1629, when Charles I granted a patent to his attorney-general, Sir Robert Heath, for the lands south of 36 degrees and north of 31 degrees, "under the name, in honor of that king, of Carolana". Carolus is Latin for 'Charles'. The charter was unrealized and later ruled invalid.
So, the invaders CLAIMED the land (where in Canaan have we heard THAT before?) then they INVENTED patents to parcel it out. Don’t forget that in Canada they were already selling pieces of Palestine in anticipation of total Ethnic Klan Sing.
On March 24, 1663, Charles II issued a new charter
If at first you don’t suck seed, fuck around until you find out!
to a group of eight English noblemen, granting them the land of Carolina, as a reward for their faithful support of his efforts to regain the throne of England. The eight were called Lords Proprietor or simply Proprietors.
The 1663 charter granted the Lords Proprietor title to all of the land from the southern border of the Virginia Colony at 36 degrees north to 31 degrees north (along the coast of present-day Georgia).
The establishment of separate colonies did not officially occur until 1729, when
seven of the Lords Proprietors sold their interests in Carolina to the Crown,
The Crown? THE CROWN !!!! I know that there are a LOT of you out there that have more than a passing knowledge of what that means. The patent/grant was an INSTRUMENT like a million-dollar race horse that one rich fuck ‘sells’ to another and they just keep ‘selling’ it back and forth giving the illusion of worth until some rube comes along and offers them more than the purported value.
and both North Carolina and South Carolina became royal colonies.
In 1665, the charter was revised slightly, with the northerly boundary extended to 36 degrees 30 minutes north to include the lands of the Albemarle Settlements along the Albemarle Sound, which had been settled mainly by Virginians migrating south. Likewise, the southern boundary was moved south to 29 degrees north, just south of present-day Daytona Beach, Florida,
Can I bring this home to you so that you GET IT?
If you did watch the Truth Stream Media video towards the end Mel was lamenting that the governor of North Carolina did JACK SHIT for it’s (not a human) State, while Desantis was sending SPARE AID TO NORTH CAROLINA.
Regardless of the dividing, reselling, and dividing you see going on with these land trades it REMAINS in the hands/control of the original USURPERS! So since the ‘slightly revised’ charter included parts of Florida, it MAKES SENSE THAT SINCE FLORIDA IS PART OF THE GREATER CAROLINA PATENT/GRANT that they would step in to do something even if just a token AFTER a goodly portion of the folks that the governor of NC wanted wiped out had been well-underway.
which had the effect of including the existing Spanish settlement at St. Augustine, an unenforceable overreach of English power. The charter also granted all the land, between these northerly and southerly bounds, from the Atlantic Ocean, westward to the shores of the Pacific Ocean, an even more unenforceable overreach.
Hey! If you’re going to give away land for free that you stole from someone else, why the fuck not give the entire CONTINENT AWAY? Sounds like turning Canaan into a parking lot and then since the ‘greatest nay shun in the whirled’ has your back and ignores your insane whar crimes, why not start lobbing ordinance into the REST OF THE LEVANT?
Do you see what I’m saying?
Everything Everywhere All at Once.
They WILL NOT stop until they are stopped.
There was only ever ONE ENEMY. The Names have been changed to protect the guilty.
Lordy, why can’t I get to bed before 3 am every day?
Nevermind. It’s 4am after the edit.
One of our ladies in the Off The Stack section wrote this:
and not even
… $750 to each of these affected, tax-paying citizens
It is only per household - and not even then if they earn too much.
I had no idea.
This requires the hiring of a Headsman. Poor fellow would be busy all day every day for years.
All that "aid" money to fund wars that do no good to us......yet American citizens brothers and sister of both parties get histerical about governament paying off student loans.
I dont want to pay off ur student loan!!
You know I hate politics. I hate politicians ......but I hate more ignorant people who talk out of their ass and think that 40 Million or a portion of that people have purposly taken upon a loan to default it.
How this ties with your essay?
It touches a nerve. Aside that most people who are going to partecipate to the fake elections in one month....have no clue about how much money the mob governament distorts from us to fund wars around crater earth......most of them are still concerned about pro-life vs pro-choice.
I dont wanna pay for your abortion! (When were tyey giving free abortions??)
I dont want to pay for your future welfare baby.
I dont want to pay for your vaccine damaged baby who escaped bout that? Do I sound heartless and satanic? Nah.
I have a solution for the above.....but nobody from either camps has ever offered me an answer.
You cannot reason with people who have been indoctrinated to fixate on fanatical abstract topics.
Anyhoo mr. Jordan .....I agree with your write up and share many thoughts. Just venting on the Reality of things.