3:54 min
”What is The Matrix? Control.”
So, I have notes on scraps of paper. I think the collected pile is around 6” high. My handwritten notebooks are several feet high.
I try to be organized by combining all of the Doc Brown scribblings into a list of future (Back To The Future) things to search so that I can do Stacks on them.
The internet has been sanitized and the A.I. permeates everything like a petualant pathogenic flesh fly that actively prevents you from finding or — RE-FINDING STUFF.
One of my notes which I have given up on as of today is to find the most excellent video of museum curators that explained ancient machines where the most poignant statement was:
Can’t find it. Been trying to re-discover it for years.
But here is a MINOR example of what I wanted to cover in this Stack that is only a shadow of the concept.
The question I always ask because this stuff is just too high-level even for a hack like James Watt is: Who the hell came up with this suff?
The centrifugal GOVERNOR (Archon = Governor = Controller) is ingenious (Genius from Genii = Uber Intelligent Evil Mischievious Spirit of Smoke and Flame) but also simple when explained…
If you are not familiar with the work of Jame Burke
and his work: Connections and The Day The Universe Changed, then you can catch up on his ten episodes on many channels (I picked this one at random) where he explains that Watt didn’t INVENT the Steam Engina. It had been around for a long time and went through many permutations. It was just that his few tinkers on the original design got him patents and recognition
Actually most of what Burke outlines on world-changing machines and systems ends with that single sentence. That is why after going through the nonsense of copyrights and attempting to help someone get a patent without a lawyer, I resigned myself to: ONLY FAMILY gets to be in that Club that George Carlin said we weren’t in, so all of the big ideas that I have will die with me because I refuse to let the Yahoods steal them, or let the Chinee make them with utter disregard and enforcement of International copyright and patent laws.
Given that I have no family and I’ve hated this sickass planet for as long as I’ve been here, other than my legacy of telling people that this is a hateful sickass planet and trying to make their lives a tiny bit more bearable, I’ve got nothing to GIVE to this SIM.
… and the simulated horse they rode in on…
So the only purpose of this Stack (that I curiously put in my Jordan’s Jarage section) is to show that although machines are designed with control that can be modulated by the User, or the machine itself to GOVERN itself, what we are seeing on a daily basis is the TOTAL LACK OF CONTROL IN A SYSTEM GONE MAD.
Don’t believe me? Ask a Canaanite. Ask a North Carolinaaite.
It is like there is no throttle control of a self-drive lawn mower with lethal blades having no guards around them headed straight for your ankles and once you are on the ground it is hamburger time.
If there was a function of control on whatever Machine it is that runs this SIM then it is the Control Of No-Control as Bruce Lee might say. It is the machine going into resonance, destroying itself and everything else around it because
that’s what Evil Does.
It destroys. When everything good and wholesome is gone then the only thing left for it to consume is itself and it will do that because that is the ONLY function programmed in, designed in, or allowed.
Part of the impetus for this diatribe comes from 6.5 hours laying on a piece of cardboard under my car (it was a balmy 60F post-christmas day) fixing a bunch of things that I didn’t even set out to do, while on the way to correcting a problem that DIDN’T GET FIXED! All the while looking at the ENGINEERING AND DESIGN OF MADMEN WHERE EVERYTHING WAS
and key functions of control were extorted to be under
that only the top level of very few Magi are able to summon and necromance with.
As I reviewed ALL of those systems, their DESIGNED WEAKNESSES and usurious infliction of the NEED for repair and time, money, and effort drainage, I knew that you CAN build a vehicle that gets 100 miles per gallon and doesn’t rust at the first dusting of white stuff on the roads (salt, not snow — but even the snow is suspect now, isn’t it?).
for warmup:
For the low-boil:
I can tell you with certainty that isn’t not getting worse.
It’s already there…
Pee… Ess… South Main Auto guy said a single mouse chew will take down an entire machine.
I spent way too much time around grease monkeys but talking with race-car specialists who sell specialty high temp wire told me that the reason why appliances and cars get eaten is because The CUNTROLLERS, to be FUCKING GREEN, use SOYBEAN OIL TO MAKE THE PLASTICS.
A rodent is a particularly interesting annoying piece of refuse on this planet, in that they will SAMPLE EVERYTHING. If they eat it and don’t die then they come back for seconds.
So, were rodents ever the problem?
Or was it just Evil Archonic Motherfuckers who pretend to do the ‘right’ think that then make Rube Goldberg look like a General Motors Head of Engineering?
Art by Fran Zetta can be found in this book:
Speaking of evil destroys, and horses. Genghis Kahn and the Golden Horde were nothing but destroyers, never having built anything of value or merit. Sure, they had horsemanship, if you call riding your horses to death so you could get to the next town and kill everything that breathes, horsemanship.
I hate driving a car and I hate driving on these roads. All the cars look the same all and ugly and cheap looking.