I posted the Stack with the spinning Porsche logo that made a Swiss Ticka.
Artermix observed a hexagon before the other symbol appeared, as did I, but I get so distracted that I didn’t put that observation in the post. I wanted to do a deconstruction of Star Trek The Motion Picture but didn’t have time but the mention of the hexagon is making me do a brief (better than boxers) overview of one damned boring yet disturbing movie.
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The BLATANT part of the movie is that when the machine entity allows the Enterprise in, that the ENTRY and geometric construction is HEXAGONS and the portals are STARS OF DOVEED.
Dayahm! It don’t get more obvious than that: that the most powerful thing that threatens earth is based on the HEX SYMBOL.
Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle might have come up with the Berserkers before Roddenberry and his Machine Race or vice squad versa. I don’t know. The Berserkers of Niven and Pournelle were machines that were like Dalek Borg. Come to think about it the Dr. Who villians possibly predated both sets of authors.
Butt, any whey…
As I was observing the Hex being the primary SIGNAL to the movie viewers of exactly who was in control of the fate of the world to Artermix in the comment section, I immediately blathered another part of the movie reflexively (like projectile vomiting) that the Machine Entity was at the center of…
You have to watch the movie to understand the references but then the references PRE-DATE what we have only just become accustom to.
Now, Rottenberry like all others in the spotlight was Family. They parse out predictive programming all the time, but I was shocked by what I had written to Artermix just as a way of explaining the movie and it turns out that the movie was explaining EVERYTHING that we are being afflicted with now!
The very end of the movie used sex and human emotion as the selling point of the incentive for Man merging with Machine (Jesus on a satellite!) TO PREVENT IT FROM KYLLING US AND as part of the next phase of mankind’s ‘evolution’.
Butt isn’t that what the pasty-faced EL-An Musk said about merging with the A.I. so that we can ‘control it’ ?
To which I have always responded to that Yahoody nonsense with: “That’s like being so afraid of getting syphilis that you purposely have sex with as many whores as possible to get over your fear.”
The last frame of the movie before the credits reads:
The Human Adventure is just Beginning
So wrote Gene Rottenberry, Klaus Slobber, You’ve All Hairykary, Ray Kurzwileycoyote and others. Bio-digital con-vergence.
1979 and they already had everything stealthily codified in a movie.
And then there's this one