Was it the international criminal FDR that said he’d put a Chicken in Every Pot, while he was probably dining on steaks and small children?
You only need to see the footage of what FDR’s Homeland did to the folks in the country they want to take over by putting ‘excitable devices’ in their pagers and sell phones to know what unleashing TWELVE MEGATONS of Lithium Balms on the Harmerican population would do.
Iddn’t Jordanization fun?
That’s why I try to teach it to people by example.
The average Ape Mind would read:
Under then-President Donald Trump, the passage of the Energy Act of 2020 mandated the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) maintain a List of Critical Minerals, tracking production, demand, and imports. Now, after working with the Office of the State Geologist from the Arkansas Department of Energy and the Environment, a new study found the Natural State had a significant amount of lithium reserves.
Estimated to be somewhere between 5 million and 19 million tons of lithium, critical for the production of electric vehicle batteries, the USGS study suggested the Smackover Formation in southwestern Arkansas has enough of the mineral to meet the global demand for EVs through 2030.
But the Jordan Mind instantly triggers the NO! FUCK NO! alarm and auto-translates to:
FOR DECADES the Govern Mente has used Remote Sensing ‘satellites’ (high tech hung on balloons in the liquid currents below the Dome) to map out EVERY FUCKING NATURAL GODDAMNED RESOURCE ON THE PLANET TENS OF MILES DEEP including the gold earrings that your grannie left you in that wall safe behind the framed picture in your living room!
Don’t take it from me. The dude that invented HAARP said so in the film: Angels Don’t Play this HAARP. But he also went on to say that HIS device can develop a Jiggawhatt of energy; so with that, I’m SURE that they know what is in the soft-chewey center of the Ea-rth and if it is flat or M&M-shaped.
So, it’s all just bullshit theater to make you think that in recent times they had to go-alookin’ for some pay dirt for Agenda 20-dirty. They already knew where it is and were waiting for the right time to uncover it to unleash it. Have you ever read a USGS report or Year Book on mineral deposits? This inventory shit goes back forever.
Laurence Gardner wrote alternative history that was then allegedly stolen by the Dan Brown of the DaVinci Code. Among Gardner’s books are:
Bloodline of the Holy Grail: The Hidden Lineage of Jesus Revealed, where he paints a picture that “J”esus was called a Craftsman but that was a coverup for him being a KRAFTSMAN meaning that he was part of a volcano cult where they learned the Craft of metalurgy using the power of magma in place of a Bessemer Furnace. Old School to accomplish High Tech. You are allowed to accept the deception that he was a lowly carpenter (craftsman) when he was high up in the initiated order of The Kraft.
Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark: Amazing Revelations of the Incredible Power of Gold, which is relevant to this Stack due to its mention of buried mineral treasure that seems to be in ABUNDANT supply in the Mid-Hell East (just made that up, really like it).
So, Gardener calls them what I paraphrase as a Volcano Cult, while I call them what they were labeled historically as a Betyl Cult = Meteorite Cult. Deep into my digging into geology in the lie bury stacks of the University of ILL Annoyed I found a text that said that magma does NOT rise spontaneously to the surface unless said surface had been damaged by a meteorite strike, an asteroid strike, maybe a hemorrhoid strike - no! strike that!, or an astrobleme, or Astron. All of which have left their pock marks on the surface of whereeverthehell we live so that they can be seen by those ‘satellites’. Or in the case of Meteor Crater Arizona… a simply fly-over. Either way you get your volcano and strike it too with a Rock From God. Betyl is the word for God Inside the Rock.
This is what Jacob = The Deceiver who changed lipstick to Is Ra EL = He Struggles With God had rested his head on that gave him the hallucinations that led to exactly where we are now. Which is why Ridley Scott had a meteorite deliver the “BUGS” that got inside the heads of everyone in Warshing Tun D.C. in order to infect and take over the world. If you haven’t seen his TV show Brain Dead, that only ran for one season probably because it gave away the Family Plan, then buckle down for a documentary rocketsled ride to Hell.
I cover the Black Magicks origins of prospecting and mining for what is cryptically called Buried Treasure in the Dark Arts within the 6th and 7th Spirit books of Moses as found in the Weimar Bible and others of its time but has been obviously surgically extracted from showing the deluded Christians that their religion was founded on the Occult.
Occult buy the whey means: To Darken or Cover Up, just like an eclipse.
Scripture means Writing.
Bible means Book.
So much for the oooey goooey aura of Mystery (an LSD religion of the fuckers that torment us) over those three words. (Accidentally I typed ‘worms’. My mind and fingers autocorrect nearly instantaneously so I changed it but it was so dramatic in its implications that I wonder if it was a message from deep inside what I think is My Brain to myself and the rest of the Whirled.)
Wow! That was a slingshot orbit around Jupiter and back again By Jove! = YoVeh = Ya Veh, OY VEY! = Ya-Hu Vuh = Jay Hoe Vuh.
We were doing a Jordanization of the article on ‘finding’ a shitload of Lie Thy Yum in Arcane Saw.
Estimated to be somewhere between 5 million and 19 million tons of lithium, critical for the production of electric vehicle batteries, the USGS study suggested the Smackover Formation in southwestern Arkansas has enough of the mineral to meet the global demand for EVs through 2030.
OH! I remember now, as we pass the sulfur volcanoes of Io on your right headed towards the trajectory that will bring us back to Ea-rth…
Arkansas is home to Hot Springs. Uhhh… Kids… where else to you find Hot Springs? (to be said with a Brih’ish accent like Monty Python asking: Hoo Doo Yoo NEW She is a Witch?)
well… uh… Churches! Churches! Neeewwww….
Yellowstone National Park that sits upon…. what?…..
Wholly Shit! Am I the greatest Thread Weaver in the world to come up with a thesis (I said THEEE sis) and follow it through the entire tapestry? or is it just that once you become aware of Continuum, it is IMPOSSIBLE to separate yourself from it?
(continuing on with your british accent and raising your face sheild on your armor that keeps falling down…)
So… IF YEWLEWSTEWN is a Super Volcano…. then… Hot Springs… is…
Well, yeah, your ass will get burnt because just like Yellostone and its geezer Geysers where Old Faithful has gotten a bit Sea Nile and late for its appointments, Hot Springs is ALSO sitting on top of a Supervolcano as well.
Pardon me, because I’m not being personally insultive bee cause this is how I even talk to myself, but: WHARE THU FUCK DID YA THANK THEM HAT SPRAINGS WURE CUMING FRUM?????
I’ll be doing a repost of a website called The Great Abyss that had disappeared wherein the secrets of the North Harmerican Continent are revealed, to scare the Hell into yuh. We'll just use that as a teaser until I’ve posted it.
Also, where the fuck did you think that all of the MINERALS were coming from in VAST CONCENTRATIONS? Metorite Strikes led to the NICKEL deposits in Sudberry Canada. Meteorite Strikes cause the micro-diamonds in the Vredefort crater in South Africa... witches known for… ?
The DeBeers monopoly on DIAMONDS on land, and in the sea where they have dredges that bring up rocks into automatic crushers that re-size what are reported to be diamonds the size of grapefruits in to the little glitters that they’ve tricked people to enslave women with by putting gold (the preferred metal of the Yahoodim) conductors around the thyroid meridian of kept women with a semiconductor stone (the preferred crystal monopolized by the Yahoodim) so that she can have her energy siphoned off at the same time that ANY frequency can be channeled into the Alchymycal Sorcerers Circuit into her body at ANY TIME.
Continuum. It’s everywhere you want to be.
Just like your now-retired curly-cue fluorescent light bulbs that were tainted with mercury inside so that when they fail and their contents are released into your home and you throw the rest out into the landfill, that the Solution To Pollution Is Dilution so you are now the proud carrier of Mercury poisoning because of Energy Efficiency ENFORCED products by the Govern Mente. Butt NOW they demand EVERYONE to be sitting inside small parcels of ex-plow-seive, enflammatory vehickles and holding onto battery operated tools and phones and thangs that will show you exactly what Hell is by burning your ass (and the rest uh y’all) up in personalized Social Credit DEDUCTORS rather than letting off all 12 MEGATONS in one fireworks show.
The Solution to Hu-Man Pollution is Dissolution by Alkaline metal fires that cannot be extinguished!
What a marvelous thing. You take what a Grape Ape would think is the Govern Mente being intrusive and Dick Tatting that you must have Lithium Ions in everything as a way to Save the Plane It; but next thing you know that narrative has been turned into the whole plan of parcelling out Mini-Nooks into the hands and under the asses of every Man, Woman, Child and soon to be Fluid (or biochar) ON THE FUCKING PLANET.
You know if it weren’t so Evil and they didn’t deserve to be fed flaming Lithium sandwiches with a East Palestine Chaser, then you’d be inclined to give them props for being such geniuses.
Now, I am a genius because I can see through the Evil Plots but it is of no consequence if I have (according to their unreliable stats) 383 subscribers accrued after a full year of doing this shit, with an absolutely stable 28.31% montly Open Rate which means that over 2/3rds = 66.6% of those signed on to my shit either aren’t opening or they are trolls/agents/operatives.
I’m supposedly reaching 107 people.
107 degrees of separation. Seattle Childrens Hospital said to not get concerned if your child’s temperature gets to 107. Rarely does it ever get to 108 where tissue and brain damage can occur. See? Continuum just from a number.
https://firefighterline.com › is-lithium-flammable
Is Lithium Flammable? What You Need to Know - FireFighterLine
Mar 25, 2023First off, it's important to note that lithium is highly flammable and can ignite at temperatures as low as 400°C (752°F). When burned, it produces a white or yellow flame reaching
temperatures of over 2000°C (3632°F).
Butt! If my work doesn’t get out there to the MILLIONS of mindless motherfuckers that will be sitting on and putting in their chest pockes and purses 12 MEGATONS of excitable material, then what is the point of even being here?
Wasted Genius.
A Voice Crying in the Wilderness.
This is a big idea, kids. I doubt that you will find it anywhere else. If you do then send them here and we will promote their work too.
Christians will subscribe for a day and then go away. Old-time readers will say: I can’t share your stuff because you cuss and curse too much or talk about the Chosen all of the time.
Well, you’re all going to burn. God hasn’t and won’t save you. Imaginary Friends are like that. So: not there when you need them.
In the paraphrase of the Chinese Youth of Today:
”Let it Burn.”
Walmart's original tagline was Buy American. They are now the no. 1 importer of Chinese goods into the U.S. Their contracts with the steamship lines are that THeir containers are prioritized to load before anyone else. Right there begins the unfair competition. But did you know that Walmart just decided to eliminate hundreds of corporate jobs and any remote staff will be forced to Bentonville, ARKANSAS, if they want to keep their employment? When I look at the name WALMART, I can see MARTial LAW. The timing of this move by Walmart is quite interesting now that you have pointed us to look in the direction of Arkansas for LITHIUM. So now we are looking at NC and AR with LITHIUM.
Quite a few years ago I found a website called DEAGEL. It showed the population of each country, the amount of money they spent on military, GDP. Deagel's projections for 2025 prophesized a substantial decrease in population for numerous countries, the US included. Here is a copy of the old Deagel info that you can no longer find on the Deagel website.
Around the same time that I saw the Deagel info I found a map that showed the US and the East Coast and West Coast were under water. The Mississippi River was shown to be a channel large enough to handle the Chinese supertankers. The map was entitled US Naval Map future America. Is the map legit? Hell if I know. But contemplating that THey always DECONSTRUCT with some form of dis-aster (including war) I have thought that THey might use a large earthquake to get the expansion required on the Mississippi River. But perhaps a volcanic scenario would be a bit more crafty.
We've all seen the Tesla cars on fire with their LITHIUM batteries. It takes copious amounts of water to extinguish that fire. The cocktail of chemicals in a LITHIUM fire are extremely hazardous to one's health. Your option....don't breathe or get yourself some kind of monkey respirator mask that makes you look like Darth Vader.
My Friend this stack is brutal!! The vision of it and the capacity to see the continuum even more...!!!
I remember in one of your stacks on NC that you even do a continuum about Lithium and Salt...
That one give me food for tought ... since the quantity of salt in the oceans/water , air land , in kingdom Plantae and Animalia...
thinking in piezoelectricity... conductivity and bateries... Explosions , Fires ...
Thank you for this genius conection work!!